Looking forward - progress on the new arena

Let's get those shovels in the ground. I suppose there's still EIR, although Steinberg assures it's no problem plus any additional legal challenges. The appeal seems mute or will be very soon. Can't we start bulldozing right now at least parts of downtown plaza that need to disappear?
This is a great writeup detailing where things stand. Interestingly, it notes that they can begin demolition of the mall while awaiting the results of the inevitable EIR lawsuits. According to this Q & A, demolition would begin in the first week of June and then that would take 3 months so actual vertical construction would begin in September.

Is there anything new to report on the arena front? I have not heard yet about the wrecking ball party - when the demolition actually begins. I would like to attend whatever event winds up planned around that great date. Do they still have one more lawsuit still to settle first?


Don't think so.. Thought all they had was the STOP and the eminent domain lawsuits which have both been thrown out. STOP didn't file an appeal, but I am not sure about the other one.