Looking for love in all the wrong places...

¿¿¿ said:
"cookie jar" director: Ernie Johnson
LOL.... oh man... funny as hell... but quite disturbing...


denver nuggets notes
NBA investigates Evans-Kaman spat

By Adam Thompson and Marc J. Spears
Denver Post Staff Writers

Los Angeles - If throwing a mouthpiece at a ref was enough to earn Miami forward Udonis Haslem a suspension from the NBA last week, Nuggets forward Reggie Evans seemed like a goner the moment he did what he did Saturday to Chris Kaman.

Evans grabbed the Los Angeles Clippers center from behind and below the belt in the second quarter of Game 4 in Denver, prompting Kaman to shove him to the ground.

Officials did not see Evans' move, whistling only Kaman for a type-one flagrant foul and Nugget Ruben Patterson for a technical foul for the chest-pounding that followed.
But with the benefit of instant replay, the NBA could set Denver back a second power forward; Kenyon Martin remains under a team suspension. NBA spokesman Tim Frank said Sunday that the league is investigating. It could hit Evans with a suspension today.

"I've talked to a lot of people, and they've never seen that," said Kaman, who spoke with NBA officials Sunday. "I've never seen that in all my years in basketball, that someone (would) do that before. I don't think it has anything to do with basketball at all. It's totally ridiculous for someone to do that in a game. I don't care one way or another what happens to him."

Evans could not be reached for comment Sunday with the Nuggets not practicing. General manager Kiki Vandeweghe declined comment, and coach George Karl would make no predictions about a suspension.

"I don't get into that," he said. "It seems like the NBA has a high sensitivity level. I'm just going to wait and see."


Super Moderator Emeritus
I know it's tough, but please - keep your comments appropriate for this forum.

Such restraint. I wouldda kept going, regardless of my possible suspension.

You realize that Kaman will behave differently around Evans now. Every time he goes near him, he will be thinking of what Evans did to him, and it could be a distraction. If this was a calculated thing by Evans, very shrewed. However, he should be suspended the rest of the series...
suspension for the rest of the series would be the correct thing to do. there is room for anything like that in any sport. the league needs to send a msg this won't be tolerated ...to the players who play below the belt.