lakers @ Kings Game Thread

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Hall of Famer
Well, I got to a computer and with having some time on my head between beers I thought I bother You again ;)
WE MADE IT. "X" itself is just a common letter used everyday. "X" next to the Sacramento that appeared late last night on NBA.COM is preyy special. Best looking "X" I have ever seen ;) . Deep breath. Kings are on a winning streak, .500 on the road and without pressure for the next 5 games. We will win 50 and I kinda hope that we will win 51. Usually, no big deal but considering everything that was going on - a heuge deal.
We were talkng about consistency a lot lately mostly complaining about lack there of. 7 consecutive PO appearances is as consistant as one can be or ask for. If You disagrre - ask wolves or lakers about their take on that. Now, there have been many tough situations this season where it would have been easy to "pack in" The list is long and frustrating and this is a happy ocassion so I will just asume You know what i mean.
Not the Kings - not a chance. Calling us a soft team must be very pathetic. No "soft" team is so resiliant. NONE. This team has managed to "get up" every time, after every bump on the road. after "devastating" loses, injuries, trades, "judgment calls" - when everybody said that Kings are done, over etc.. - this team responded with "THE HELL WE ARE" Credit to coaching staff and all the players. No exceptions. THANKS !!!!!!
While this thread shoul focus on US - I feel the iresistable urge to talk about our "former" rivals and future lottery teams - lakers and wolves who btw got killed by mighty Hawks tonight. The joke is on them. I wish KG and Kobe and the rest of them nice early vacation and good luck on the fishing trip. May the lottery balls be on their side because they really, really need it ;).
Still fresh in my memory is the voice fro KG from our last game against Wolves. If I am not mistaking it went something like "yeah" when the "put the game away"
My response - RIGHT BACK AT YOU !!! - loser.
We won the last game but we only played one good half. First half was ugly. Many issues still present but I will not talk about them tonight because a) not a moment to complain and b) they are not going anywhere :( . It did not even matter that Blazers suck. It was a big win for the Kings. It was hard work too. We clinched th PO and while not everybody played well - everybody should get credit for achieving the goal.
In case - I did not mention this before:


You need to be mentaly prepared to listen to BW and Snapper before the game and at the half.
With Walton - You never know what he is on at the moment. He will not make sense anyways.
Snapper - is a moron. Tomorow - he will at least once say how we are done, do not have enough fire power, not going anywhere and garbage like that.
In case You did not know - there is usualy a "mute" buton on Your control. Do not be afraid to use it.
Tomorow - we play our former rival - the lakers. Even for me - the rivalry is over. You can have a rivalry with the lottery team. I still hope to see a "butt kicking". payback for the last game we lost at home. Lakers played well last night - and we all know - they can not do it twice in the row. We need to take care of business - and have a nice Sunday. We will win tomorow.
Bibby - thanks for carrying the load during the time - we needed it the most !
Pedja - thanks for finally waking up - it was about time
Mobly - thanks for good 2nd halfs in many games
Skinner - thanks for making a trade look decent, for rebounding and blocking
Thomas - thanks for great first quarters and for the rebounding and effort

Darius - thanks for being Darius most of the time
House - thanks for proving me wrong lately
Evans - thanks for the highlights and the hustle
Williamson - thanks for several solid games and the inside presence
Tag - thanks for occasional defensive inside presence

Martin and Daniels - thanks for being there just in case

Bobby and Brad - please get well soon - we need You

Thanks Doug, CW, and Matt for all contributions during this season.
RA - agreeing or disagreeing - he made it. Everything else - irrelevant. Thanks!
Lakes - I couldn't care less what they do tomorow as long as they lose - which they will. Not really worthy mentioning. Just another bad lottery team
No more hoping for the help of other teams. We do not need to care anymore. We are in and the rest will be determined.
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I know many of my fellow Kings fans have been traumatized the past couple of years by Walton's blatherings, but I'll bet he'll praise the Kings and skewer the Lakers in the pregame tomorrow.


Hall of Famer
Lakers are demoralized and playing poor even for the sad line up they have, BUT they could get up for oneagainst the Kings so I hope the team takes nothing for granted. It will be nice to see Vlade plya in Arco even if it is in enemy uniform but the Kings have the advantage inside and ought to exploit it all night. Would not mind seeing Big Nasty play a little one on one with the Kobster ;)
It will be nice to see Vlade again at ARCO , a huge standing ovation is due ! I think the kings will be looking for payback for the loss the lakers handed us earlier in the year at ARCO.

Lakers vs Kings always exciting regardless of the lakers record .
I imagine Vlade's play the last 2 game, even though it was short, has kind of brought a competive spirit agian to the Lakers, very dangerous game because the guys could get fooled by the record.
i actually love ABC since i can watch the game, so woo hoo. i'll be kicking back, working on this thread, trying not to freak out like i tend to do from time to time ;) and WOOOOOOOO last day of dial up!!! i'm going back home to my high speed connection tommorrow night which is welcomed.

lets crush this LOTTERY bound la la team. that has a nice catch to it :D

Caron has been playing well for them, and the Lakers in general have looked sharper with Vlade back passing the ball. Our guards better not focus on just Kobe or Caron will be putting up career numbers...
The Lakers are toast this year, but Kings have many reasons to respect them tomorrow for the W .... like pride and smacking rights. Specifically, mine. ;)

I am so looking forward to seeing Vlade back on the hardwood at Arco tomorrow, I miss the big guy.
albeitrue said:
The Lakers are toast this year, but Kings have many reasons to respect them tomorrow for the W .... like pride and smacking rights. Specifically, mine. ;)

I am so looking forward to seeing Vlade back on the hardwood at Arco tomorrow, I miss the big guy.
Hi albeitrue~

Seems haven't seen you for a while.. :) Are you going to the game too? I still very much remember how kind you and Melissa were @ that Suns game. Thanks again!!!

Hope we will have a great game tmr. I will cheer my lung out for #21 for sure!!!

EDIT: Oh I forgot it's #12 now.. :(
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Hi albeitrue~

Seems haven't seen you for a while.. :) Are you going to the game too? I still very much remember how kind you and Melissa were @ that Suns game. Thanks again!!!

Hope we will have a great game tmr. I will cheer my lung out for #21 for sure!!!

EDIT: Oh I forgot it's #12 now.. :(
Last edited by Since93 : Today at 02:27 AM.

Hi there Since93, good to see your keystrokes!

My daughter Melissa and I had such a good time at that game and meeting you was fun. Melissa got a pic of moi with Jerry Reynolds at that game, priceless. And Steve Nash is her favorite player, good memories.

I'm not planning on going to the game tomorrow, but I remember when you asked for help with a ride I wasn't planning on going either, I just thought I should find tix since I was giving you a ride!

I hope you have a wonderful time tomorrow, and if you need a ride let me know and I'll find some tix somewhere. ;)

Edit: Why didn't Vlade buy his number from whichever player has it, or is it retired?
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Ah,I am waiting for this game whole last week.I don't know why,but I want this victory so much,I can't stop thinking about this game :D
Anyway,even if Lakers are out of the playoffs this year,even if we have stronger team,this game will be though.We must beat them tonight because we need more wins for playoffs spot and we need to show them(again) who are the Kings!
Peja and Bibby are playing well against our greatest opponents always,so I expect some good effort from them.

BEAT L.A.!!!
I am SOO excited because I actually get to watch this we had better whoop some Laker butt! I can't wait to see the Vlad-ster....never expected to see him suited up this season....I will be wearing my lucky Bibby jersey so you can expect a win tonight ;) GO KINGS!!
It's always nice to see us beat the Lakers, which of course we will and I get to tape it and watch it later. Hoping to get some nice Vlade memories for posterity.
Good luck Kings, not that we need it but let's get a W to go with our "x". Going to bed, good nite all and to those going to the game, have a great time!!! Looking forward to watching this a** kicking when I get up.


imma laugh if the lakers or twolves get the #1 pick..... but anyways, i cant wait to see the game....

go kings....
Webber4tHREE said:
too bad i have to see knicks and pacers
yeah me 2, but i will be on here so everyone can keep me posted that can watch the game. yeah but we ShOuLd win this one. actually let me re-prase that, we BeTtEr win this one.

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I'm worried I won't be able to watch because the Knick game is also on ABC at 3:30, and I'm in the northeast. Does anyone have any info where they are showing what?
We will win if we play hard! We always seem to win.....and win in style when I get to watch here in South Carolina. We don't get too many of the games....but when I watch we win! Don't ruin the streak for me guys! Bodes well for the playoffs considering I can watch all of those!
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