Kobe Bryant back in advertising

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thesanityannex said:
I don't see an resemblence to what you have referred to, and I've looked everywhere.
In regard to his new logo? Yeah haven't any pics on the internet other than @ nikebasketball.com, & if you don't have broadband i don't suggest going there

for the lazy it kinda looks like this:


actually doesn't look bad & was meant to exemplify his balance like a samurai warrior :rolleyes: but doesn't exactly scream Kobe Bryant 2 me =P


Arco Arena said:
In regard to his new logo? Yeah haven't any pics on the internet other than @ nikebasketball.com, & if you don't have broadband i don't suggest going there

for the lazy it kinda looks like this:


actually doesn't look bad & was meant to exemplify his balance like a samurai warrior :rolleyes: but doesn't exactly scream Kobe Bryant 2 me =P
don't come on here and say this>>>
Arco Arena said:
it looks like a penis
and then tell me it looks like a samurai. First, its a waste of my time, I actually looked and thought I'd see something like this: 8====
Second, as much as I can't stand the guy, that IS UNDESERVED bashing.
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