Kings @ Magic Game Thread

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Hall of Famer
2 games left on this "never ending " trip. Kings are 2-2 with a solid chance of splitting the trip which would be a solid acomplishment considering everything.
Last night has proven again that any honors or respect that Kings get from the NBA or the experts or the analysts - does not come cheap for the Kings. We were picked to win in 02 and 03 and we did not for because of so many small details that all came against us. In 03 Webber was praised by everyone and he got injured in Dallas. Last Year Brad went to all star and was injured. This year CW was POM and got traded and last night Mike was POW and had his worst game of the season. I am sure there are more examples but You get the picture. That is why I would like the NBA community to please leave us the hell alone.
Pedja is still out with his "career threatening" hamstrinh injury. Hopefull that will change tonigh. When Pedja says that he will play - the chances of the happening are about 50%. I am not looking for excuses here because I would have tried to play as soon as the doctore clear me but I am not him so I do not know. It mught be mental. Being 100% is important. Se Bobby Jackson. Also Pedja has some not so good experiences with"coming back early" He cam back from an ankle injuty to miss a wide open three which would have meant the championship. Recently, he came back from the back injury and pulled his hamstring in the second game back. I do not know what is going trough his head but I know that he is badly needed out there.
Last nights game is one of the games in which nothing went right for a team. It started with the fact that the 5 guys in the suit have as much talent combined as the other 9 who played last night. Add the turnovers and the fact that Bibby was off and the chances are we will lose. Now the "vintage" Kings would not care because they were that good but these Kings are not (yet).
Also, while I am becoming a fan of B. Skinner - the games in which he is the leading scorer we will most likely not win. Last night proved that Kings can only get as far as Mike, Brad and Pedja carry them. With 1 out - it is hard but with 2 out the margin of error = 0.
Tonight's game will be emotional in many ways. We play DC for the first time and Hedo id there too. Also Mobley is playing SF and should really light up Magic tonight. Magic are better team than Bobcats but so are the Kings. We are going to bounce back.
Mike - will bounce back - that is a given. He might have trouble guarding SF but I expect Mobley to get a share of that too. Hopefully Pedja will be back to share the load.
Pedja - had enough "rest" He is needed out there and just needs to try to play. Might be rusty but will at least command a defender (DC)
Brad - if the injury is what I think it is - I do not think he will be able to play - but knowing Brad he might just prove me wrong.
Mobley - I expect a career high numbers against Magic tonight. Needs to stop turning the ball over. It is getting old.
Darius - will probably sit out the rest of the trip
Skinner - doing great so far with the exception of the free throws
Thomas - also very solid
Williamson - looks just like old Corliss. Lot's of good stuff mived with some ill-adviced plays.
Evans - currently playing himself out of the rotation.
House - well I should not have praised him so Bobby please come back soon.
Tag - As soon as Brad is back he will be able to focus compleately on the "mateen society"
Martin - will have to be patient because - there are no minutes availible at the moment.
After last nights los - should be no problem to get teams atention. Hopefully, he will g some players back tonight
Orlando have players who can get a career night but as long as non of them id SF ot GH we should be fine

Go Cavs !!!!!!!! (sonics)
Go Raptors !!!!!!!!!! (spurs)
Go Clippers !!!!!!!!!!! (mavs)
Go Celtics !!!!!!!!!!!! (lakers)
Go Warriors !!!!!!!!!!! (wolves)
wow^ now if the suns were also playing tonight we'd have all our most hated teams play with a chance to lose tonight

Tonight is gonna be interesting...

i still think its gonna be the Francis vs Mobley show...which can either be a good thing or a bad thing....either way i really expect Cat to have a great game from start to finish

Mike will bounce back from that horrendous display he put on last night like you mentioned..he always does so im not worried

I don't know if Brad/Darius will be able to go tonight either...but i personally suspect that at least one of them will suit up

Peja Peja Peja...tonights the said you were aiming for a comeback tonight and here we all actuality i expect Peja to be rusty...but id much rather him get all the rustyness out of the way tonight then to have to go into the Miami game with rustyness....c'mon Peja you can do it...we need you out there

as for the rest of the guys if they do them and just play their role...we got this

LETS STOP THE TURNOVER MADNESS!!! If we go out there and play this team tough we win...we're the better lets play like we are boys


2 games, 2 more days!


Hall of Famer
The more Piksi I read the more I agree with him. Kings will need to have some of their starters back to win this one. Stvie Franscis is struggling a bit these days but will light the Kings up if some one (Cat) can't keep him in check. Size wise with out Brad the Kings will once again be out matched in the front court, but that did not stop the new guys from out boarding the cats last night (the one bright light) Bibby is dam unlikley to have another night of 8 turn overs, but he needs help hopefully Cat will be motivated to drop 30 points on his old team and hold his buddy Stevie in check. Pedja will he or won't he... who knows. I understand and respect that ham strings are tricky, easily reagrivated but at some point he jsut has to suite up and show up and if the ham string feels bad let Big Nasty get more work. On the other hand maybe it is all for the best for Corless to get plenty of time meshing with this team if Pedja really is as disinterested as he ahs apeared thus far this season.
yes, i have a good feeling about tonight. peja is gonna come back and play strong like he did the last time we played the magic, 28 pts. solid. mike will be back to normal and score another solid number like he has been accustomed to do. Peja will open up the offense a lot more, and the numbers inside will go up because of it. Skinner will be hard on the boards again and give us a double double. Cat will step up against the franchise and take him out as a threat. Our bench will be more energized and more effective in the times that we need them.
Hope Cat have a good game. He or Mike is going to have the last play if the game comes to that. Or maybe Pedja if he's back. I really hope Pedja is feeling better and is back. I really miss him! :(

It feels weird seeing both Darius and Brad in street clothes last game. These two guys are always the guys (when Webb was out) that lifted the Kings and steps up. Instead they weren't there and we needed to rely on Tag and the new guy, Skinner (which Skinner did great :)). A Darius and/or Brad would be nice today...but if they can't play, I'm Ok with that cause I don't want them to reinjuried themselves.

Finally...Nice to see Doug Christie again. I wonder how many mins he'll be playing? I read he's no longer starting and is getting less mins now?? I think Doug and Hedo will do well.

Magics' have been struggling and some NBA analysis predicts they won't make the playoff cause they're having a tougher schedule now. With Philly having CWebb, it may pull them out? So I think Magics might try hard to fight for a win.

I hope Kings can win this game...yesterday's game was tough losing too. So a Win today would be great. A 3-3 or 4-2 would be a great roadtrip after what has been happening to the team. Bibby can only get better. Team needs to stop these unforced turnovers. Keep rebounding and make your shots. :)

Btw, today's game is the 4th game in 5 nights. I'm worry about Bibby the most. He's been playing quiet a lot of mins on this roadtrip since that Dallas game. I'm just GLAD this will be THE LAST 4 games in 5 days.

GOO KINGS!!!!!!!!!!!


HndsmCelt said:
The more Piksi I read the more I agree with him.
Same here^(scary). Good anaylisis Piksi I think you really are reading the team really good right now. We really need Peja to step up and just get out there, and if he doesn't play we need Brad to. Without 2 out of those 3 guys I agree our chances are slim to none on any given night. Mike has to play well because I have a feeling Francis is going to have a big game... I don't know why..
Gary Geoarld said on the radio that Brad and Darius are going to give it a go even though they're not 100%. Brad was a bit embarass about yesterday's game and wants to help to win today. Although both these players said they're "ready to go"'s still game time decision.

As for Pedja, Gary said that Pedja also said he "ready to go". But just a while ago, he got the list of Starters and Pedja isn't listed as a Starter. So he's unsure about Pedja now. Hopes that the hamstring still isn't bothering him.
thx for the scoop Twix

we shall wait and see....

the thought of having all our guys back (even though they aren't 100%) is really getting me pumped up....woohoo!!

im about ready to roll

Twix said:
Gary Geoarld said on the radio that Brad and Darius are going to give it a go even though they're not 100%. Brad was a bit embarass about yesterday's game and wants to help to win today. Although both these players said they're "ready to go"'s still game time decision.

As for Pedja, Gary said that Pedja also said he "ready to go". But just a while ago, he got the list of Starters and Pedja isn't listed as a Starter. So he's unsure about Pedja now. Hopes that the hamstring still isn't bothering him.
Thats weird they just said on the house party that Darius and Peja would play and Brad would sit this game out.
Im betting hes going to give it a go against I stated in a previous post. Hes going to need that day off for a practice with his new teammates.
iheartBrad said:
oh geez....can you count on these people for anything....hehehe

bring out the lineups please
I guess we'll have to wait and see, I really wish they could all play tonight.
Twix said:
Gary Geoarld said on the radio that Brad and Darius are going to give it a go even though they're not 100%. Brad was a bit embarass about yesterday's game and wants to help to win today. Although both these players said they're "ready to go"'s still game time decision.

As for Pedja, Gary said that Pedja also said he "ready to go". But just a while ago, he got the list of Starters and Pedja isn't listed as a Starter. So he's unsure about Pedja now. Hopes that the hamstring still isn't bothering him.
That is weird, because Grant said Peja will play but not Brad. I haven't heard of Darius yet. I saw peja practicing. Plus, yesterday the radio was wrong so they should be wrong again today. :D
KP said:
Thats weird they just said on the house party that Darius and Peja would play and Brad would sit this game out.
Yeah that is weird! LOL.:D Guess we'll have to wait until tipoff to know for sure. :/

Gary said on the radio that he "talked" to the right now, I'm relying on him. :D
Twix said:
Yeah that is weird! LOL.:D Guess we'll have to wait until tipoff to know for sure. :/

Gary said on the radio that he "talked" to the right now, I'm relying on him. :D
That is wrong. Grant just said Peja and Darius will play, but Brad won't.
Bballkingsrock said:
That is wrong. Grant just said Peja and Darius will play, but Brad won't.
Well, since now that Grant said that, I guess no Brad. :(

Glad to see Pedja & Darius back though!! GO KINGS!!!
iheartBrad said:
its prolly best for Brad...get the extra day off before battling Shaq Daddy on Friday
Yeah, Brad probably wantss to get some revenge from that punch from Shaq. Wow. I can't believe Shaq punched a nice guy like Brad!!

Why did he punch him again?
Twix said:
Gary Geoarld said on the radio that Brad and Darius are going to give it a go even though they're not 100%. Brad was a bit embarass about yesterday's game and wants to help to win today. Although both these players said they're "ready to go"'s still game time decision.

As for Pedja, Gary said that Pedja also said he "ready to go". But just a while ago, he got the list of Starters and Pedja isn't listed as a Starter. So he's unsure about Pedja now. Hopes that the hamstring still isn't bothering him.
if the bolded part is true, i like that. :)
Bballkingsrock said:
Yeah, Brad probably wantss to get some revenge from that punch from Shaq. Wow. I can't believe Shaq punched a nice guy like Brad!!

Why did he punch him again?
Shaq punched Brad? Anyone tell some details.. please...
The punch missed...had it landed Brad would not only missing tonights game but everysingle game after "the punch" because im am almost convinced that was a death blow that Shaq tried to deal out to Mr. Miller.
ghost of H.S.T said:
The punch missed...had it landed Brad would not only missing tonights game but everysingle game after "the punch" because im am almost convinced that was a death blow that Shaq tried to deal out to Mr. Miller.
Kings totally could have won in 02/03 since Shaq would've been in jail for murder.
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