Sandberg in 16 seasons
2386 hits
403 2B
76 3B
282 HR
1061 RBIs
Career BA .285
344 Stolen Bases
9 Gold Gloves
Kent in 13 seasons
1886 Hits
431 2B
42 3B
296 HR
1189 RBIs
Career BA .289
79 Stolen Bases
Jeff Kent has better power numbers, but average is comparable, and Ryno blows him away both defensively and with his stolen bases.
Not to mention Kent was really only productive batting next to Bonds in the lineup and more recently Houston's offensive powerhouse. Look at his NYM numbers where he didn't have the same protection in the lineup.
Oh yeah - Sandberg was playing before the ball magically started flying out of the park 60-70 times a year for some guys.
Another point: Sandberg made an impact on how second-base is played. Look at the prototypical second-baseman before and after Sandberg.
Sandberg was way better.