James in the bag... (merged)

"I don't want to even think about not having Ray Allen right now," said Sonics center Jerome James, adding that if Allen can't play, "I am more than ready to step up and play like I did in the last series."

okay, whatever you say garbage bag.


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kingsfannPDX said:
"I am more than ready to step up and play like I did in the last series."
In my best Church Lady voice:

Well, isn't someone just so full of himself?
PixelPusher said:
I know it's kind of tacky to quote yourself but...

as of now, with just over 5 minutes left in the 4th quarter of Game 1, Jerome "Garbage Bag" James has a whopping 4 points and 2 rebounds.
Playing a little D makes a big differnce, or should I say having someone BIG enough and able to play D.
garbagebag said:
"I am more than ready to step up and play like I did in the last series."

Funniest statement ever. What a tool. I never thought I'd say this, but I really hope the Spurs sweep James and his band of whiners. I respect them for outplaying us, but when idiots like Jerome go around saying stuff like this, it makes it a lot easier to hate them. The Spurs and Suns should just start watching tape of each other right now, cuz it doesn't look like either series is gonna go more than 5 games.