If you could.


Hall of Famer
Well, with still a few long days till the next Kings game, and coming off All-Star Weekend, lets have a little crative thinking game...

--You are the "designer" of NBA All-Star Saturday 2006. All the desicions are in your hands. You get to decide all that goes on.

-Do you want to change the Skills Challenge in any way? Who would you invite?

-Who would you invite for the 3 pt. Shootout? How many Rounds?

-Who would you invite for the Dunk Contest? How many Rounds? What would be your rules/regulations?

**I didn't know if I should put this in the fantasy and games forum, so if you think it should be, go ahead and move it, mods.**
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Hall of Famer
--Skills Challenge--

I'd keep it the same. 4 people, 2 rounds. I think it's a nice way to open the festivities.

I'd invite: Steve Nash, Baron Davis, Earl Boykins, and Jason Kidd.

Alternats: Mike Bibby, AI

--3 Point Shootout--

The only change I would make is to up the contest to three rounds.
-1st Round: Two eliminated
-2nd Round: Two more eliminated
-Final: Better score wins
-In case of a tie, there will be a 30 second shootoff

I'd invite: Peja Stojakovic, Dirk Nowitzki, Ray Allen, Micheal Redd, Quentin Richardson, and Kyle Korver.

Alternates: Voshon Leonard, Damon Jones, Joe Johnson

--Dunk Contest--

I would put the most emphasis on this event. Up it to three rounds, and 8 contestants.

-In the first round each contestant gets 2 dunks. No "redos" in the first round. Dunkers can only attempt dunk three times. If failed, judges can either give zero, or base a low score on the attempted difficulty.
-In the second round, each contsetant gets two dunks...The first dunk would be detirmined by a "Wheel-of-dunks" like the one from the game a few years back. You are allowed one re-spin, and have to take the second dunk, if you take the re-spin...The second dunk requires the use of either a teammate or a prop...Each dunker is allowed one "redo" in the second round...And each dunker can attempt their dunk only twice...Two more dunkers eliminated in Round two.
-In round three, just a no holds barred dunk-out. Each contestant gets two more dunks...Anything's allowed for the last round...One "redo" allowed...And each dunker has two attempts to drain their dunk. Best score wins. Champion remains.

Who I'd invite: LeBron James, Jason Richardson, Josh Smith, Kobe Bryant, Vince Carter, Gerald Wallace, J.R. Smith, Desmond Mason

Alternates: Ricky Davis, Darius Miles, Fred Jones DeShawn Stevenson
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I would add a 1-on-1 or maybe 3-on-3 event. If it's the 1-on-1, you'd take 4 guards and have them go at it over two rounds. The 3-on-3 would take 4 of the best trios from around the league. Bibby-Webber-Peja would be one, Hughes-Arenas-Jamison could be another, Duncan-Ginobili-Parker and then Nash-Marion-Stoudemire could be another.
I like the dunk contest rules, except the wheel. That was quite possibly the dumbest idea the league ever had and it almost ruined the dunk contest. I don't wanna see guys do others dunks. I wanna see them do their own dunks.


Hall of Famer
I thought the wheel was pretty innovative. And in a three round contest, with 8 contestants, I think one round can be sacraficed for the wheel.
See the wheel is exaclty the opposite of innovation. It is a throwback to the past where people are forced to copy others dunks instead of being creative themselves.

Innovation- 1: ahead of the times; 2: being or producing something like nothing done or experienced or created before;
i don't know if i could break it down like SLAB did but i would just have a few changes

#1 Shooting Stars competition would include 5 3 man teams...they would have to go through each round once...the 3 fastest times would have to go through the shooting course again...1 team would eliminated and then the final 2 teams would go through the shooting course twice...before determining who the winner is

#2 Skills challenge...i think the course is fine how it is and the rules are fine the way they are...i would invite Jason Kidd, Baron Davis, Steve Nash and Earl Boykins....given a second thought to Mike Bibby, lil Luke Ridnour and Dan Dickau

#3 3pt contest....Id take it back to 3 rounds...1st round two would be eliminated....2nd round two would be elminated and then the 3rd round the player with the most 3s wins...in case of a tie the player who did it the fastest wins....i would invite....Damon Jones, Kyle Korver, Ray Allen, Peja, Mike Bibby and Fred Hoiberg....given a second thought to Vlad Radmonivic, Joe Johnson, Cuttino Mobley, Dirk and QRich

#4 the Dunk Contest...first of all there would be 6 contestants....3 rounds...1st round two are eliminated...2nd round two are elminated and in the 3rd round best score wins...id also put limitations on dunks...you get three tries to complete a dunk if you don't complete it on the third try you are out...id also make the second round for those who made it that far the one and only round where they could use another player...i would take some of the best dunkers...and MAKE them do the contest (baring no previous injury ofcourse)....id get rid of that "first 3 years in the league only" rule and id invite...Josh Smith, Kobe, LbJ, Vince Carter, JRich and Desmond Mason...given a second thought to JR Smith and Freddie Jones

and i would have more musical entertainment throughout the night...just for kicks
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