I cant wait for the season

The season needs to start already so everybody can stop speculating what we do and don't have and see what we have.

I am getting so tired of all the negativity around here. It is like some of you think you could do a better job. First you want to criticize all of the players for what they don't do. Why not appreciate what they can do. Next, a lot of you think Petrie is garbage and is ruining this team. Do you really think that you could do a better job? You have no idea what Geoff is thinking, let alone all of the other teams who you want to steal their players from for Kenny Thomas.

It is amazing to me that we can't just take a step back and realize that none of us know what we have at all. The new coach alone means we will have to see how the players work in his system. The way Adelman did things is long gone. Maybe we finally have ourselves a coach that won't put up with players missing assignments. Maybe he will get things out of these players that Adelman couldn't.

And lastly, who are all of you who talk about the Maloofs not spending over the luxary tax. It is real easy when it is not your money. Lets not forget that the Kings actually lose money more than they make money so to spend twice as much as a player is worth is stupid. I could very well be wrong, but I bet if something outstanding came upwith a Bonzi s&t, they would do it. If it is not worth it then why. You can say what you will about all I have just said.

I really don't care what you think because unlike some of you I appreciate having a Playoff team because I was a season ticket holder when the the Kings were just garbage. I want those fans back. A little success has just corrupted our original view of the Kings. I think this is still a very good team and just a little more needs to be done in order to make it a championship contender.

But newsflash, just because we want or Geoff wants a player doesn't mean that team is willing to give them up.
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Super Moderator Emeritus
The season needs to start already so everybody can stop speculating what we do and don't have and see what we have.
The purpose of message boards during the off-season is to speculate on what we do and don't have. That's a big reason why we refer to it as the DREADED off-season and it's a big reason why a number of our regular members take summers off.

I am getting so tired of all the negativity around here. It is like some of you think you could do a better job. First you want to criticize all of the players for what they don't do. Why not appreciate what they can do. Next, a lot of you think Petrie is garbage and is ruining this team. Do you really think that you could do a better job? You have no idea what Geoff is thinking, let alone all of the other teams who you want to steal their players from for Kenny Thomas.
I, too, get a little tired of the negativity but for people to keep starting threads saying they hate the negativity is just as bad as the negativity itself, IMHO.

It is amazing to me that we can't just take a step back and realize that none of us know what we have at all. The new coach alone means we will have to see how the players work in his system. The way Adelman did things is long gone. Maybe we finally have ourselves a coach that won't put up with players missing assignments. Maybe he will get things out of these players that Adelman couldn't.
Again, it's TDOS. People come here wanting desperately to talk about their team. And there's not much to talk about, so they speculate. If it really gets to you, then in all seriousness the best thing to do is probably just take a little vacation and come back once training camp starts - or avoid the Kings Rap, Personnel Moves and NBA forums.

And lastly, who are all of you who talk about the Maloofs not spending over the luxary tax. It is real easy when it is not your money. Lets not forget that the Kings actually lose money more than they make money so to spend twice as much as a player is worth is stupid. I could very well be wrong, but I bet if something outstanding came upwith a Bonzi s&t, they would do it. If it is not worth it then why.

You can say what you will about all I have just said. I really don't care what you think because unlike some of you I appreciate having a Playoff team because I was a season ticket holder when the the Kings were just garbage. I want those fans back. A little success has just corrupted our original view of the Kings. I think this is still a very good team and just a little more needs to be done in order to make it a championship contender.
I have been a Kings fan since 1985. I agree that up until 1999, things were entirely different. We weren't a contending team; we were fans of a team that seemed to own a spot way below the contenders. Now, fans have come to expect more. And that's part of the game.

Yes, there's criticism and negativity running rampant, it might seem, but that's pretty much to be expected this time of year. And, although it might seem at times like there are way too many people pointing out the negatives, the bottom line for the great majority of us is still the same. We love the Kings, we want them to do well, and we still bleed purple.

So, in conclusion, I go back to my first point: It's TDOS. It's called TDOS for a reason. :p

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Homer Fan Since 1985
BonziFan, while I enjoyed reading your rant, and personally agree with much of what you said, VF21 is right about the, "that's the way it goes in TDOS." Doesn't make it good or bad, right or wrong, it is just what it is.

I have learned to stop commenting about all the negativity. I realize that everyone will view things the way they wish. You may have noticed that I almost always stay away from commenting about the negativity (although that did not always used to be the case). It is easier for me to simply view things in my own way, and let others do the same. It is a lot easier to control my stress level, if I worry about me only, and not anyone else.

BTW - we all agree about, "I can't wait for the season." :D


Hall of Famer
Maybe I should do the same 6th. I find myself scratching my head and wondering where it is all coming from and just biteing my tounge. You have all seen my post that make it. Several Post i finish and decided to delete because it could get me banned. :)
This intensity or "negativity" is clearly the very same zealous passion that makes Arco so great.

GO Kings!!!!!

VF - good point about higher expectations.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
... It is like some of you think you could do a better job...
Believe it or not, some people here probably could; let's not pretend that Petrie's job is brain surgery. You don't need special skills to be the GM of a sports franchise; if you took any math courses in college, you're probably qualified. Hell, more than anything, you probably need friends in high places.
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^ VF21's post is right on the bullseye. it is what it is, and that's why offseason blows.

and as for myself, i put out some of the "negative" posts sometimes. i don't see anything wrong with pointing out what's broken with our ship, because otherwise how do we improve if we don't know what to fix? doesn't make me any less of a fan; i'm still here for the 82+ games each year.
Believe it or not, some people here probably could; let's not pretend that Petrie's job is brain surgery. You don't need special skills to be the GM of a sports franchise; if you took any math courses in college, you're probably qualified. Hell, more than anything, you probably need friends in high places.
You really think that some people here could make other teams give up players for scrubs just like that. You obviosly don't appreciate what kind of a job Petrie does. If it was so easy then why do 10-20 teams a year not compete and 1-5 just flat out suck. Which, BTW, we used to. It was Petrie who made us what we are today. You have absolutly got to be kidding me!


Honestly as much i want to be positive, reality is that there isn't anything to be excited about. I mean its not like GP's goal this offseason was to get rid of Bonzi and sign Salmons and Woods but thats just the way it turned out to be. You just have to accept that and move on.

Last year I was very excited because I thought that the Kings might play like the 02-03 with signing SAR and the dept with Skinner, KT and Bonzi but it went the opposite way. Maybe this season I might be wrong again lol.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
You really think that some people here could make other teams give up players for scrubs just like that.
Here's a more appopriate question: do you think that it takes a genius to offer John F. Salmons $25M? And, furthermore than that, why are you limiting Petrie to only trading "scrubs?" There are no sacred cows on this team; nobody's indispensable, not a single one. The team as constituted isn't going anywhere, and Petrie needs to be willing to make whatever moves are necessary to make the team better. If that means he has to throw in another starter with Thomas to make a deal, then I should hope that he is at least considering it. Howe'er, comma, I have no reason to believe that he has or would and, AFAIC, I don't owe him the benefit of the doubt.

You obviosly don't appreciate what kind of a job Petrie does. If it was so easy then why do 10-20 teams a year not compete and 1-5 just flat out suck.
In case you didn't notice, the Kings have been one of those 10-20 teams that don't compete for the past two and a half seasons. And that's on Petrie, every bit as much as this team's past success (with an emphasis on the word PAST) was to his credit.

Petrie made this team great... once. Now we're treading the waters of mediocrity; you don't get an unlimited free pass just because you made the team great once.

It was Petrie who made us what we are today.
You'll pardon me if I don't break out the champagne; "where we are today" is no place special.
Here's a more appopriate question: do you think that it takes a genius to offer John F. Salmons $25M? And, furthermore than that, why are you limiting Petrie to only trading "scrubs?" There are no sacred cows on this team; nobody's indispensable, not a single one. The team as constituted isn't going anywhere, and Petrie needs to be willing to make whatever moves are necessary to make the team better. If that means he has to throw in another starter with Thomas to make a deal, then I should hope that he is at least considering it. Howe'er, comma, I have no reason to believe that he has or would and, AFAIC, I don't owe him the benefit of the doubt.

In case you didn't notice, the Kings have been one of those 10-20 teams that don't compete for the past two and a half seasons. And that's on Petrie, every bit as much as this team's past success (with an emphasis on the word PAST) was to his credit.

Petrie made this team great... once. Now we're treading the waters of mediocrity; you don't get an unlimited free pass just because you made the team great once.

You'll pardon me if I don't break out the champagne; "where we are today" is no place special.
If that is the market for John Salmon, then you pay it. Just like the market determined we weren't going to spend any more money on Bonzi. What I meant by where we are today is that we aren't one of the teams that just flat out sucks anymore like we were for years. Petrie can only do so much. And, by the way, the only person people on here are talking about trading is Thomas. Again that is what I meant by scrubs that no other teams want. At least we still get to the Playoffs every year and have something to root for. Thats a far cry from the Knicks and the Bobcats which is where we once were. Give him some time to work his magic. He doesn't have the means necessary to sign a big name like he did with Vlade, so you wait and try to improve rather than decline. That is exactly what he did with the Artest trade. You don't know what could be in the works. And with the way the team played with Artest, they would be on pace for 50+ wins again, and I don't care what you think that is a step in the right direction.
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You don't know what could be in the works.
no one knows what could be in the works, so no one can also deny that NOTHING could be in the works.

everyone's been up for the virtual trading block on this board, though thomas more than others. if he is a "scrub no one else wants" how the heck did we end up with him? that's right, petrie.

he's made his share of mistakes and his share of successes. a lot of folks here are calling it like it is.
no one knows what could be in the works, so no one can also deny that NOTHING could be in the works.

everyone's been up for the virtual trading block on this board, though thomas more than others. if he is a "scrub no one else wants" how the heck did we end up with him? that's right, petrie.

he's made his share of mistakes and his share of successes. a lot of folks here are calling it like it is.
Lets not forget that when Kenny got here he was a pretty darn good player. He helped us a lot, but last year he was terrible which is why we are stuck with him. BTW, what else could we have gotten for Webber. We were lucky to get what we did. I love Chris and what he did here, but his injury made that contract unbearable.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
If that is the market for John Salmon, then you pay it.
If $25M is the market price for John F. Salmons, then ALL of the GM's need to be fired.

Just like the market determined we weren't going to spend any more money on Bonzi.
I sincerely doubt that the market had anything to do with what we offered Wells, unless the Maloofs had their names legally changed to "The Market."

... What I meant by where we are today is that we aren't one of the teams that just flat out sucks anymore like we were for years.
Regardless of what you want to spin the term to mean, it doesn't change the fact that where the Kings are is nothing to be thankful for.

... Petrie can only do so much...
Whether or not he can do everything is not in question. The question is whether or not he is doing everything that he can. I contend that he is not.

And, by the way, the only person people on here are talking about trading is Thomas.
This is, of course, not actually true, but I can see why you wouldn't want to let facts get in the way of your already poor argument:

Williamson for Miles
Willamson or Potapenko for Ely
Bibby for Ratliff, Jefferson and West
Abdur-Rahim and Garcia for Harrington

And that was just on the first page...

At least we still get to the Playoffs every year and have something to root for...
That's a matter of opinion: the Nuggets and Grizzlies have each gotten to the playoffs for the past three years, for three straight first-round-and-out's. In a sports league where literally more than half the teams get to the playoffs, just making it there should not be the goal.

... Thats a far cry from the Knicks and the Bobcats which is where we once were...
At least the Knicks and the Bobcats have hope on draft night; we can't compete AND we have no hope of getting a star in the draft... We're like a family that lives *just* above the poverty line: we're not good enough to win a title, but we're too good to qualify for help; that's nothing to celebrate.

... Give him some time to work his magic...
He's had time.

... He doesn't have the means necessary to sign a big name like he did with Vlade...
He didn't have any means to sign Divac that he doesn't have now; in fact, the team in 1998-99 was technically a greater percentage over the salary cap than they are right now (115.568% over in '99 versus 115.479% over today). The "means" consisted of Divac wanting to come back to California.

... That is exactly what he did with the Artest trade...
Petrie didn't broker that trade.

You don't know what could be in the works.
I know what's not in the works: a championship team.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
... I love Chris and what he did here, but his injury made that contract unbearable.
Yeah, who needs a guy that gets you 20.2 points and 9.9 rebounds. :rolleyes:

You know what else is a "good thing?" That we don't have a $22M contract coming off the books in two years... we're twice lucky!

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
Yeah they sucked and got great draft position for Ronaldo Balkman. The Kings had a higher pick than the Knicks. If they were over the salary cap then how did they sign him. It was for more than a MLE.
The Knicks had the #2 overall draft pick, but they had to give it up because Isaiah Thomas isn't worth a damn as a GM, let's not get it twisted... The Knicks actually should have had three picks in the first round.

Pointing to the worst GM in the league and saying, "See, he's better than that guy!" is not a point in Petrie's favor.
I sincerely doubt that the market had anything to do with what we offered Wells, unless the Maloofs had their names legally changed to "The Market."
Has Bonzi signed anywhere else? No, so that probably means that no one is offering anymore than we did. Why should we bid against ourselves. Should we say "OK Bonzi, we will give you what you want even though nobody is challenging us for your services." That makes sense doesn't it.
The Knicks had the #2 overall draft pick, but they had to give it up because Isaiah Thomas isn't worth a damn as a GM, let's not get it twisted... The Knicks actually should have had three picks in the first round.

Pointing to the worst GM in the league and saying, "See, he's better than that guy!" is not a point in Petrie's favor.
I in no way shape or form did that. I was purely remarking about what you said. It doesn't matter what they could have had; it is what they had. You said they have hope on draft night. I sincerely doubt they felt that way.


Here's one thing though. In this league, you either have a team that is able to compete in the playoffs, or a team that will suck in the season but hope to get a high draft pick. Anything between those two are not good. I believe we fall in between the two which is what worries me about this franchise's future.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
Has Bonzi signed anywhere else? No, so that probably means that no one is offering anymore than we did.
It might. Or it might just mean that he has a horrible agent.

I in no way shape or form did that. I was purely remarking about what you said. It doesn't matter what they could have had; it is what they had. You said they have hope on draft night. I sincerely doubt they felt that way.
Then you haven't watched too many drafts recently; Draft Night is pretty much the only night of the year when Knick fans feel hope. And besides which, you didn't *just* mention the Knicks as an example of bad teams which you claim have no hope.

Seim- I'd like you to tell me what you would have done differently since you think it can be done better.
It's Slim, not "Seim." And, as far as what I'd do differently, I've posted my opinions about what I'd do here many times before. If you really want to know what they are, then look them up yourself, because I'm not fond of repeating myself, and I'm not in the mood to do your homework for you.
Lets not forget that when Kenny got here he was a pretty darn good player. He helped us a lot, but last year he was terrible which is why we are stuck with him. BTW, what else could we have gotten for Webber. We were lucky to get what we did. I love Chris and what he did here, but his injury made that contract unbearable.
but that contract comes off in two years, and let's face it, we're probably not going to be making a huge push for the title in that time span (or rather, won't be able to make a strong push).

so, at least for me, i would've kept webber, because he still put up 20 and 9 last season (playing with AI no less). his defense is no worse than what we had last year, and he still would've given good leadership and spirit. and mike and brad would probably be the better for his presence.

petrie pulled the trigger on that trade; the flotsam we got from it are to his discredit.


oh man imagine a team that consists of


with SAR as the 6th man off the bench
a lot of people here would then remark that 1) SAR wouldn't have signed and 2) there might be issues with webber and artest wanting the ball. i'd rather have that team in a heartbeat.

but to me, the big knock on petrie with the webber trade is that he either agreed with the "peja, mike, and brad are our core" theory (we see how that went), or he went along with it (which shows a lack of control with management).
It might. Or it might just mean that he has a horrible agent.

Then you haven't watched too many drafts recently; Draft Night is pretty much the only night of the year when Knick fans feel hope. And besides which, you didn't *just* mention the Knicks as an example of bad teams which you claim have no hope.

It's Slim, not "Seim." And, as far as what I'd do differently, I've posted my opinions about what I'd do here many times before. If you really want to know what they are, then look them up yourself, because I'm not fond of repeating myself, and I'm not in the mood to do your homework for you.
Well, I guess you should just put in your resume to the Kings and get them to hire you. At least then the Kings would be a good team. Fire Petrie and hire you. Sounds like a good idea to me. I would just love to hear about what trades you propose and then I would also like to hear how many GM's would just laugh in your face. But then again they wouldn't because you know what you are doing. It should be easy for you to get that job.