Home court in the Finals!

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Go Monarchs!!!!

I"m on pins and needles waiting for the game to start. Isn't it 7p yet?
Congratulations to the Connecticut Sun on an amazing run. Thibault did a great job with that team this year.

Monarchs...follow their lead...get it done today!!!
What? The ECF are already done?...Whats the tentative schedule for the finals? I'm not thinking ahead or planning ahead--I think its bad karma, but just so that I can look at my schedule and if things should happen...
The Finals is only the best of three this season...next year starts the best of five series for the Championship Finals.

I am very happy for the Connecticut Sun. It is good for the league in a couple of ways. First, that team has only been in Conn for two seasons. Yes, it was a team that moved, but they have really done a great job moving forward after that seeming step back. Any team in the East could have gotten into the playoffs, but this team has stepped up when they needed to.

Another important point about the Sun is that they are the only team that does not have an NBA team backing them. It seems to me that this is very healthy for other investors that might be looking at the league and wondering if it is worht their while to get involved.
GiulianaFan - where did you find out about home court advantage? I thought I heard we had home court only if we faced NY. I tried to find it on wnba.com and couldn't.

But I'm with Rein, I don't like to look ahead. Stay focused on the present and the job at hand. Hopefully all the disappointment and close calls we've had since 1999 has given this team the tools they need to reach the next level. At this point it is not a question of talent. It may boil down to who wants it more.
They sound like they want it more, and for this team its always been a question mark over their heads. But these quotes are very encouraging....they've got to go out tonight and back up that hunger and frustration about being denied so often.

From today's Bee..

"It's like someone in the kitchen is cooking real Southern fried chicken," said Ruthie Bolton, the last of the original Monarchs. "It smells so good. Your mouth is watering. You can't wait to eat. The Finals are like that chicken dinner," the eight-year veteran said. "As hard as we've tried, we've never made it into the kitchen. We keep knocking on that door, we're ready to bust it down. And I am so hungry."

"I've been here a long time, and I'm tired of losing to everybody," said seventh-year Monarchs forward Tangela Smith. "I just want to win. It's our time."

Get it done today!!!
Still JD: During the Conn-NY game they mentioned it several times, and noted that it was a little odd how, despite the fact that Conn had home court in the conference finals, they would not have home court advantage if they played Seattle or Sacramento. I'm not sure the reason for this myself. I thought they had it wrong at first but after that they said it at least 2 more times so I figure it must be accurate. According to websites, the series is... Fri in Conn, Sun in Arco, Tues in Arco if necessary.
Giuliana Fan - I am so happy to hear that. I know we had identical records and we split our head-to-head series, but they had a better record against their conference than we had against ours. I don't care what the reason is, I'll take it!!!

But first things first...I am too excited I can't stand it! MBF, those quotes show a lot of intensity and I hope that will be the X factor tonight. We need to take care of business tonight because Connecticut is home resting and waiting. Now why do I suddently have a craving for Souther fried chicken...???


Especially because before this series I was of the firm belief Monarchs wouldn't win against Seattle.

Fingers crossed Gods going to prove me wrong

(all I can say is if Sac doesn't come out of the west GOOOOOO SUNNNNNS i want a small market team to win.)
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