Greatest 8th Seed in the History of the NBA--NBA Champs tells Kings--You were awesome

Tomorrow we face the Dallas Mavs--before we turn our attention to Dallas--a few moments to reflect upon the Kings.

It is beyond question the Kings were and are the greatest 8th Seed in the history of the NBA_--this message resonates throughout the streets of San Antonio. Our team has not exactly beenthe model throughout the year--Spurs had lots of lapses throughout the season. If we repeat this year, it is because the Kings pummeled us mercilessly in the first round to make us sharper.

At least one fan on this message board openly questions why a San Antonio fan would come here to praise the Kings--it just isn't normal, he says.

He probably is right.

The Kings did more than simply earn praise and rspect from the Spurs and their fans.

They got us in shape. They woke us up. They knocked us off our comfort levels.

And but for an untimely injury to Ron Artest, they may very well be playing in San Antonio for game 7.

SA people are not like fans in other cities. San Antonio is a big small town--kind of like the old Andy Griffith show in a modern setting except for being in a large city made up mostly of hispanics--alot of them being undocumented who travelled across the border looking for a better life.

These are the faces of San Antonio fans--most of them pretty decent people--down to earth--fiercely patriotic--who respect our opponents.

But the Kings were much more than mere opponents.

The Kings and their fans were mirror images of us--a team whose city loves them tremendously, but yet who has yet to win the NBA title. The title eludes them sometimes by mere inches--a buzzer beater with micro seconds left on the clock.

Years ago, a player named Tim Duncan came to San Antonio--one man turned the franchise around totally.

Sacramento has their own version in Ron Artest--a man who came and who gave a city hope.

I just wanted to come by before I left to thank you for making us a better team. There isn't any hidden agenda. I am a Christian and I try to live my life the way that He said we should.

Thank you, Sacramento. I'll be back from time to time. You need to re-sign your coach--build a new arena--re-sign Bonzi--and to smile because tomorrow is a new day. You will win an NBA championship some day--and I will come back and congratulate you when you do.


I'm confused, was this an article, or written by you? The piece is written from a position that you are apart of the Spurs Organization somehow?? Either way, thanks for the nice words.


Super Moderator Emeritus
He's a fan - and he's speaking for himself. You may have read too much in it. He's speaking about his Spurs much as I speak about my Kings.
Thanks again, Big Shot Rob.

Good luck in round 2...and beyond.


Homer Fan Since 1985
Thanks, Big Shot Rob. You are a classy individual.

I may not like all the players on the Spurs, but I have a lot of respect for them and the organization. Pop is a class act and he demands that from his players. I picked the Spurs in 6, even though I desparately wanted to be wrong. I am just glad that our boys made us all proud.

Good luck. Kick the Mavs posteriors. I say take em in 5. :D
DocHolliday said:
I'm confused, was this an article, or written by you? The piece is written from a position that you are apart of the Spurs Organization somehow?? Either way, thanks for the nice words.
Can't you tell... he IS Robert Horry! Duh...
Tell me about the rivalry the Kings have against Dallas--I noticed a lot of writers have expressed anti-Dallas Mavs sentiments.

Thanks for the expressions of good will against Dallas. I said earlier that after being subjected to this great Kings series, I think Dallas is going to be easier than the Kings.
Big Shot Rob said:
Tell me about the rivalry the Kings have against Dallas--I noticed a lot of writers have expressed anti-Dallas Mavs sentiments.

Thanks for the expressions of good will against Dallas. I said earlier that after being subjected to this great Kings series, I think Dallas is going to be easier than the Kings.
It's a "familiarity breeds contempt" and "sibling rivalry" kind of thing. It's a very broad genaralization to say, but the Kings and Mavs have been mirror images of each other for several years; high octane offense, slim-to-none defense. We embarrassed them in the 2002 Playoffs with an unending parade of dunks and layups, they returned the favor in 2003 by beating us in 7 (Webber blew his knee in game 2), crushing our most promising championship run. It's been emnity ever since.

That, and we all pretty much agree that Mark Cuban is a horse's a** ;)
Thanks Big Shot, I was at the game last night, and we lost, yes, but I dont feel totally empty inside. It just makes me start the countdown to next season, anxiety will be setting in probably in a week or two. 22 years of being a fan of this team through the good, bad, and VERY bad gives you a tough skin and knowledge of the game. Thanks again for the kind words, good luck to you guys(even though you dont need it).

Rob, you are a class act. Thanks for the kind words. I have a long history of tongue (sort of) in cheek Texas bashing. If you catch one in these threads, please know you are a noted exception. :D
PixelPusher said:
It's a "familiarity breeds contempt" and "sibling rivalry" kind of thing. It's a very broad genaralization to say, but the Kings and Mavs have been mirror images of each other for several years; high octane offense, slim-to-none defense. We embarrassed them in the 2002 Playoffs with an unending parade of dunks and layups, they returned the favor in 2003 by beating us in 7 (Webber blew his knee in game 2), crushing our most promising championship run. It's been emnity ever since.

That, and we all pretty much agree that Mark Cuban is a horse's a** ;)
yeah, I still have flashbacks of that 2003 moment, Game 2...OUCH!!...there went our title hopes, even though we SHOULD have still beaten Dallas in 6 that series, we whooped their butts in Game 1 and were ahead by 12 when Webber got hurt in Game 2...that double OT game still pains me when I think about it, all the missed free throws, turnovers, etc.
Big Shot Rob said:
Tell me about the rivalry the Kings have against Dallas--I noticed a lot of writers have expressed anti-Dallas Mavs sentiments.

Thanks for the expressions of good will against Dallas. I said earlier that after being subjected to this great Kings series, I think Dallas is going to be easier than the Kings.
Yes, Kings and Mavs have battled quite a few times. They are our second biggest rival.


Super Moderator Emeritus
One thing that has stuck in my craw about the Mavericks is the total lack of class by the team AND Mark Cuban. They have the same number of rings as we have but they have come into OUR house, acted like they're the visiting dignitaries from snootyville, and then celebrated after a victory ON OUR COURT instead of leaving the floor and heading to the locker room. Cuban has been particularly obnoxious but nothing close to Dirk Nowitzki, whose fist pumping antics after every single basket make me want to come out of the stands and pummel him into pulp. (And I'm a short middle-aged woman who would't normally hurt a fly.)

We do have some Mavericks fans as members here. They come to talk hoops and share the pain of so close yet so far. EvilMav immediately comes to mind. He's a good one. And I beat him in our NFL fantasy league!!!!



Super Moderator Emeritus
We generally have at least four or five leagues running for the NFL.

Check the Fantasy and Games forum for announcements.

1999 Knicks have that title by virtue of...well, you know.

But this team was most excellent, and we have nothing to be ashamed of.
Geoff said:
1999 Knicks have that title by virtue of...well, you know.

But this team was most excellent, and we have nothing to be ashamed of.
Well actually the Spurs played that the 1999 Knicks in the finals that year and beat them in 5. So Bob's assessment that you are the best is perhaps valid. It took the Spurs 6 to beat you.

Of course only Pop and Timmy D remain from that team, so I guess we have no way of really knowing.

But whatever, the Kings made everyone sit up and take notice.
Rob, thanks for takin the time to write a wonderful article to the kings fans and orginization. It was wonderful to know there are generous spurs fans like that. Thank you, thank you, and THANK YOU. :)
Circa_1985_Fan said:
yeah, I still have flashbacks of that 2003 moment, Game 2...OUCH!!...there went our title hopes, even though we SHOULD have still beaten Dallas in 6 that series, we whooped their butts in Game 1 and were ahead by 12 when Webber got hurt in Game 2...that double OT game still pains me when I think about it, all the missed free throws, turnovers, etc.
We were actually down by 20+ when Webb went out, but he was having a monster game: 31 points in the 3rd quarter, double-digit rebounds, just ripping the Mavs a new one like he was known for when he was here.

I would give anything to see that series replayed with Webber healthy.