Finally, ball is in Evans' court


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Finally, ball is in Evans' court

The free agent says he likes the Kings but is looking at all his options.

By Sam Amick -- Bee Staff Writer
Published 2:15 am PDT Saturday, May 28, 2005

He swears there's nothing to it.

Maurice Evans, the Kings guard-turned-free agent this offseason, is buying a house in San Antonio, which he insists has more to do with his love for Texas than any potential future with the Spurs. He's in Los Angeles this week to visit a friend, with no plans of chatting with the Lakers or Clippers while he's there. And for now, his Sacramento apartment remains home.

The point, though, is that Evans has the NBA world wondering where he'll go, a powerful position toward which he spent the last four years working.

His 2004-05 Kings season was his first of any significance in the league, a long ways come for the explosive talent who went undrafted out of Texas in 2001, then played everywhere from Italy to Greece to Russia on his roundabout path to legitimacy.

"There's a lot of opportunity out there now, and I still don't know what's going to happen," said Evans, whose official rookie season constituted 10 games for the Minnesota Timberwolves in 2001-02. "I feel like this is the year where I really make an impact on someone's team. I'm so excited that I haven't even taken time off, just been working on things for next year."

Evans is looking for a substantial raise from the $620,046 he received as a reserve shooting guard. His next paycheck could come from Sacramento, which he said remains as attractive a locale as any, or elsewhere.

The possible departure of starting guard Cuttino Mobley, who has said he plans to opt out of his contract, could make Evans an even higher Kings priority.

Yet those, as Evans said, are affairs for the agent and executive types to worry about. Evans is busy enjoying an offseason with little break from hoops, whether he's playing it or talking about it. Evans has become a part-time radio personality as an ESPN analyst. Off the air, his strongest opinions were regarding the Kings and their topsy-turvy season that ended with a first-round playoff loss to the Seattle SuperSonics.

"We were way too talented to exit that early in the playoffs, even given the injuries, the trades and all the things we hid behind to make us feel better about our situation," Evans said. "We didn't accomplish the things we set out to do."

The trades of Chris Webber and Doug Christie created a revolving door to the locker room, and Evans said the new crew never fully meshed on or off the court.

"You look at Phoenix, and you see how unselfish (point guard) Steve Nash is at delivering the ball. I don't feel like we made everybody a threat," he said. "Certain players dominated the ball on our team, and I think that's easy (for opposing defenses) to stop if they know where the production's coming from.

"I don't feel like the locker room had the togetherness we should've had. Look at Phoenix, San Antonio, and how much they enjoy being around each other. We didn't have that this year."

As for the season to come, Evans still sees promise in Sacramento, with a few more additions needed to return the Kings to contender status. He thinks he should be one of the add-ons.

"I'm excited about the opportunity of coming back, because I love the fans, the city, the atmosphere," Evans said. "Hopefully (the Kings) feel the same way."

Kings basketball president Geoff Petrie said Evans left a favorable impression. "He certainly established that he can play in the league," Petrie said, refusing to comment on how high a priority it is to re-sign Evans. "He had a lot of productive moments for us."
Well, Mo is talking like a guy with plenty of options, and for all of his hard work, he has earned them.

But, I'm not sold on penciling a guy like Mo in as the starting SG for the Kings next year, even if Mobley leaves. Mo did show flashes of that type of ability, but also showed flashes of inconsistency as well. I do like his size and his athleticism at that position. I would just feel much more comfortable with a guy like Mo if the new PF for the Kings was a notch above KThomas/Skinner/Darius.
Warhawk said:
"We were way too talented to exit that early in the playoffs, even given the injuries, the trades and all the things we hid behind to make us feel better about our situation," Evans said. "We didn't accomplish the things we set out to do."
i agree that he shouldnt be thrust into a starting position just yet, but the kings definitely should make a move to re-sign him. this is the kinda attitude the kings need. even if the kings really weren't talented enough to go further in the playoffs, mo's attitude is right where it needs to be, especially for a relatively young guy. the kings better not pull another jim jackson-like mistake with maurice evans. he's too talented to just let walk.


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First, he's from Texas so I don't think we should read too much into that particular part of the story.

Now, my two cents on the rest.

"We were way too talented to exit that early in the playoffs, even given the injuries, the trades and all the things we hid behind to make us feel better about our situation," Evans said. "We didn't accomplish the things we set out to do."
I have no problem with that comment and a lot of people here said the same thing.

"You look at Phoenix, and you see how unselfish (point guard) Steve Nash is at delivering the ball. I don't feel like we made everybody a threat," he said. "Certain players dominated the ball on our team, and I think that's easy (for opposing defenses) to stop if they know where the production's coming from.
This is going to be this season's quote that will be interpreted, re-interpreted, etc. while everyone tries to find a player on the Kings to point the fact at...and I think it's not that big a deal. Truth be told, IMHO, we DIDN'T get the ball out to all our guys enough and that, too, was talked about around here often enough. After February, the whole team was playing without really knowing each other, especially the new guys. If Bibby was selfish, I think it was partially because two main keys of our offense were now gone and I honestly think he didn't know the new guys enough to trust them. Plus, Bibby is the guy who wants to make sure the job gets done - even if it means doing it himself.

"I don't feel like the locker room had the togetherness we should've had. Look at Phoenix, San Antonio, and how much they enjoy being around each other. We didn't have that this year."
This is the one I don't like. It's probably true, considering everything that went on in public and private between June 2004 and the end of this season, but I don't think he thought about it before he said it. The team didn't enjoy being around each other, IMHO, because there was always SOMETHING being whispered about, fingers being pointed, etc. Instead of talking about it in the press, I PERSONALLY think MO could have left that last comment out.

I like what Mo Evans brought to the team but I have to believe that Geoff Petrie will do what's right for the team in the long term.

Mo Evans did good part of the time, was brilliant in spots and stunk on occasion. He's not the next Kobe Bryant. There's only one statement in the whole article I don't really agree with:

The point, though, is that Evans has the NBA world wondering where he'll go, a powerful position toward which he spent the last four years working.
Honestly, I don't think Evans did that much to "set the NBA world wondering." In fact, I'm fairly certain there are a lot of people in the NBA world would would honestly say "Mo who?"

Mo-Evans MUST STAY in Sac-Town ....

If there is a plan/goal of NEXT GENERATION KING'S ...

Mo has the basics, the foundation, the drive, the open-mindedness ... everything you'd want in a player to be ON YOUR TEAM !!!
MO has had a good season and would be nice to have him, but he is not ready to be a starter yet. He is a really good back up though. I don't think Geoff would really overpay him. And those comments abt locker room and ball hogging would definitely not endear him too much either. So I am not really sure whether returning is his top priority.

Lets hope that he does.
I REALLY like Mo and hope that we keep him. However, I do not think one average to above average season of play gives him the clout he needs to make comments about "certain players dominating the ball" or locker room issues. What he said may well be true, but he needs to say it to the team, not the public. I believe locker room issues should be dealt with "in-house" and not in the papers. His play needs to be on a consistently high level before he calls out other players by name or innuendo. As I said, I hope we find a way to keep him, but he needs to be a little more careful of the comments he makes to the media.
VF21 said:
This is the one I don't like. It's probably true, considering everything that went on in public and private between June 2004 and the end of this season, but I don't think he thought about it before he said it. The team didn't enjoy being around each other, IMHO, because there was always SOMETHING being whispered about, fingers being pointed, etc. Instead of talking about it in the press, I PERSONALLY think MO could have left that last comment out.
Well Mo was in the locker room and none of us were so I'll take his word for it. Not only that but the product on the floor certainly depicted such an environment.

Not that they didn't have any reasons to act that way. I mean the 3 leaders of the team were bounced within the same season. Everyone of the remaining players must have had some doubt.

Another thing to remember is that Mo is not a rookie. Sure he hasn't gotten a lot of time on other teams but he is no rookie. I personally hope that Maurice Evans is starting for the Kings next year. I was recently re-watching some of the preseason games from this season and I was surprised at how polished Mo's game is. He will grow into a solid guy in no time.
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SacTownKid said:
Well Mo was in the locker room and none of us were so I'll take his word for it. Not only that but the product on the floor certainly depicted such an environment.
WTH? I don't care if Mo was in the locker room or not. That's certainly not the point.

I said it was probably true about things not being comfortable in the locker room. It's not a matter of taking his word for anything. It's a matter of whether or not he should be saying that kind of stuff outside the locker room. You totally misunderstood my comment. Like I said, it's probably true but I don't see the need to air it in public.


i'd rather they go after a real starter.... is there any way we could get joe johnson? that'd be nice....
VF21 said:
First, he's from Texas so I don't think we should read too much into that particular part of the story.

Now, my two cents on the rest.

Actually hes from Wichita, KS. He just went to College in TX. His agent is based in San Antonio. And plus as th Articles states.. He loves Texas.
VF21 said:
WTH? I don't care if Mo was in the locker room or not. That's certainly not the point.

I said it was probably true about things not being comfortable in the locker room. It's not a matter of taking his word for anything. It's a matter of whether or not he should be saying that kind of stuff outside the locker room. You totally misunderstood my comment. Like I said, it's probably true but I don't see the need to air it in public.
I myself have no problem with him saying those things. If its true of course.
G_M said:
Actually, I would take that as more of a crack on Mobley.
Oh yeah, that actually makes a lot more sense than it being about Bibby. I guess I just saw the Steve Nash comment and assumed he was complaining about our point guard. But yeah, I never thought Bibby was selfish, so yeah, Mobley makes more sense.


Super Moderator Emeritus
OR it could have been he wasn't making a crack about anyone, but simply stating a fact - that for whatever reason our players weren't sharing the ball that much.

Not every comment has hidden meanings.
I don't think Maurice is the answer at the SG position. Since Peja cannot create his own shot, we need a SG who can beat people with his dribble. Maurice does not do that. The last thing we need is another jumpshooting squad (with Mike, Maurice, and Peja on the perimeter). We need someone besides Mike to break down defenses so we're getting to the rack more frequently. Maurice is a nice rebounder and a wonderful recipient of Mike's alley-hoop feeds but WE DESPERATELY NEED PLAYERS WHO CAN PENETRATE THE PAINT.