Crystal Kelly > Laura Harper?

Hmmm...interesting question. Perhaps a mod can move this to it's own thread so more people can find it?....

For me, I actually wouldn't even compare the two of them because they are two different type of players. I think it's easier for Crystal to contribute more now because her game is much different than Laura's.

In terms of pure productivity, Kelly > Harper right now. Harper because of her size and where her game strength is will take a little bit longer to develop. Then, I'd factor in that Harper has more basketball on her legs right now and may be experiencing that rookie wall folks talk about so much. I think the different personalities the two have as players makes a difference too.

For me I stick by something I wrote in a thread having to do with a discussion about Harper's athleticism earlier in the season, I think the answer to the assessment on Harper is still down the road yet. But shoot, 10 boards is 10 boards. She was CLEAAAAAAAARLY frustrated early in the game last night against Feenstra and all her dirtiness. There was a moment after one tussle that you could see that Laura had had enough and it seemed like she made it her goal in life (besides to not toss a haymaker upside Feenstra's head) to hit the glass. The rest of her game will come once she figures out how to survive as a big in this league. Kelly is undersized and has spent a career learning how to play small in a big's paint. (Which is why I heart Langhorne's pro potential as much as I do). She has adapted quickly too.

Not a bad to consider as a combo, when your kids can come off the bench and combine for 19pts/15 rebs and you consider you can add DeMya to that next summer?
valid observations. maybe I'm just "expecting" more from LH knowing her "credentials". But still though it just seems that CK is more skilled the way she moves on the court.