Blog: DeMya Checks In

Umm Good Question

Not sure about the House in Houston, but I know he has a place in the East Bay that She and Zachara Crash at. And she is spending plenty of time in Sac.

Who knows she may be a House Flipper. Although I know she was particularly proud of her home in Houston.

We need to have an Ask DeMya Segment.
Hadn't she said she was going to stay in Cali this offseason to rehab? She also is part of the community service crew right now as well. The commute from Houston would be tough for that. Since she would normally be overseas right now and not living in TX , I'm not sure it means anything.
DeMya, the promotional star?

I was out earlier today so I had to record today's North Carolina/North Carolina State game, as I was watching the game I notice a familar face out of the corner of my eye in a promotional commerical for the ACC Women's basketball so I re-wound it...and sure enough our resident Diva apparently had a few minutes free to star in this commercial featuring her playing 2 on 2 against a couple of guys. She was brace-less and showing off her spin move in the lane...and showing up the two guys she's playing again. Which prompts one of them to utter "She Can Play Man" which um, coincidently is the tagline for the she walks off into the a cheesy soundtrack that was only missing the "bow chicka bow bow" :)

I gotta believe this is recent since she hasn't been stateside and/or not pregnant the last few years. If this IS recent, her recovery is indicating she's not career threatened or suffering many ill effects from a "crippling" injury - or whatever it is writers keep writing about her.
New Entry - March 21

Aw man, she's funny...:)

In this episode. ..adventures in Russian League travel
fun with visas
chillin with (the hated) Betty Lennox
she's back to steppin' through
unbeknowst to us, she gave birth to our future point guard?

Well, I hope you all are doing well. I am great and I can’t wait to get back in a Sacramento uniform and prove our doubters wrong once again. It’s funny, but as long as I have been a Monarchs player, we have always done best when no one thought we could. It’s an honor to be part of an organization that believes in its players and I hope you all feel the same.
Preach it DeMya! :)

As I dug up this thread to add this post, I see that I need to make a correction...when I talked to DeMya in Feb and gave her a hard time about the ACC commercial that played all season on CSN-DC, she told me (after an eye roll and a "oh lawd") that that particular commercial was filmed when she was a "baby" (aka junior at Virginia).
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