HB is obviously playing GREAT. But worth noting something I've been yelping about for a while: in part, he's simply getting more opportunity.
Last year his SEASON-HIGH in FGA was 17. Once. This from a guy who avg'd the 4th-most minutes per game in the league and boasted a 50/39/83 split. He was too often forgotten, and/or wouldn't assert himself, for interminable stretches.
He's now surpassed last year's season-high in FGA 3 times in the first 4 games. He has avg'd 11 FGA/game in each of this 3 seasons in Sacramento. (Per 36, that puts him 17th of 24 guys who played for them last year - behind Fox, Bags, Buddy, Hassan, Metu, Tyrese, Richaun... )
Would love to see him raise that to ~15 this year.