Bigdog's NFL Fantasy league


Super Moderator Emeritus
LK - Simply getting out of Philadelphia alive at this point is probably about the best we can hope for from the 49ers. A couple of scores would do a lot of restore faith... but I don't see the Eagles giving up 28 points in the second half without any additional scoring on their parts. They're just too strong.

I am glad to see Arnaz Battle with something other than zeroes.



Hall of Famer
Hopefully my pathetic team's luck will change in the coming weeks...I just performed a shake-up, so hopefully something will help me out.

1: I cut a pathetic Daniel Graham (TE) for the Titan's new #2 reciever, Brandon Jones.
2: I cut Mike Vanderjagt(K), and took a gamble here, picking up Frank Gore (RB). When Kevan Barlow inevitably loses his job, I'll be reaping the benifits...And if he doesn't, Gore will be just like a second kicker. Sitting on the bench, not contributing in any possible way.
3: I cut Jake Plummer, and picked up Eli Manning. Because Eli is better.

...And my computer drafted first round pick busted. And that angers me.

I need a big play maker, and soon.

Im done.


Super Moderator Emeritus
You forgot to mention the name change, which apparently did the trick.

Congrats. Eli to Burress. Who wudda thunk it?



Super Moderator Emeritus
Things are going along pretty well IMHO. It's interesting to see how many player moves have been made. Lots of shuffling between the FA list and rosters, but very few trades so far.

Nice to have active participants.

^^yes....not the best of starts for my team....0 and 4 wasnt quite what i'd hoped for.

But what's this??? over the pst two weeks, the loss column has been forgotten. ''4th & Long'' secured a tie vs Bigdog and this week went one better and recorded my first ever win ..EVER...:D

...and that was against an opponent who went into the game 4 & 1 !!

Great fun these fantasy leagues even if i am still bottom of the pile! lol ;)



Super Moderator Emeritus
Congratulations, LondonKing!!!

I knew I was in big trouble after the Atlanta game... figured tonight would not go well. I was right...

Glad to see you're having fun! That's the main thing.
