Bee: Arenas face stop - and go - politics


Super Moderator Emeritus

Arenas face stop - and -go politics
By Terri Hardy - Bee Staff Writer
Published 12:00 am PDT Monday, October 9, 2006

When government leaders in Memphis sat down one morning in 2001 to begin negotiations to bring an NBA franchise to town, "We didn't even make it until lunch," recalled Tom Jones, a senior adviser to the county mayor.

Jones said he could only watch as team representatives -- upset at the city's initial proposals -- stormed from the room.

The two sides eventually reconvened, differences were patched over, and the Vancouver Grizzlies ultimately relocated to a new arena in Memphis, Tenn., although the team's negotiators would walk out twice more before a final agreement was reached.

Sound familiar? It should to anyone who has followed the volatile negotiations between local civic leaders and the Sacramento Kings' owners.

Joe and Gavin Maloof or their representatives have periodically staged their own walkouts during the history of Sacramento arena efforts.

On Sept. 5, John Thomas, president of Maloof Sports and Entertainment and other team negotiators left a dinner meeting, halting talks. They said they were being shortchanged on promised parking and land in the downtown railyard proposed for a new sports and entertainment complex.

City and county negotiators denied those promises were made, but the damage was done. New plans have been drafted in hopes of assuaging the Kings, but talks still hadn't resumed last week.

The high-profile meltdown has blunted the campaign for a new sales tax to pay for an arena, irritating voters, raising questions about the Maloofs' commitment to Sacramento, and dampening support for the project.While sports arena deals are notoriously contentious, observers are wondering if the Kings' very public dissatisfaction so close to the high-stakes Nov. 7 referendum on Measures Q and R is merely a hiccup -- or something much more serious.

Owners pulling out of talks so close to an election "is almost unheard of," said Dave Walden, a political consultant who managed Houston's successful 2000 campaign for a new arena for the city's NBA team, the Rockets.

"It's fatal, it's drop-dead stupid. How can you ask voters to approve something that the team doesn't support? I wish the campaigners good luck," he said.

Compounding the campaign's problems are recent Bee poll results that show voters aren't inclined to increase their sales tax to pay for a new arena.

Fifty-eight percent said they would reject Measure R, which would boost the tax by a quarter cent.

Other communities that struggled with their own sports facility efforts say these deals are often brutal to craft. Defeats at the ballot box, however, don't necessarily spell the end to the process.

Houston took years of starts and stops and two referendums before voters agreed to fund a new downtown home for the Rockets. One of the negotiators early on was John Thomas, then a Rockets vice president, now president of Maloof Sports and Entertainment and chief negotiator for the Kings.

Thomas declined comment about his Houston experience, but according to media reports and other officials involved at the time, Thomas was considered a hard-nosed negotiator who wasn't afraid to push matters to the brink.

"Thomas was always playing games and leaving the table," Walden recalled.

"And he just couldn't get a deal done. You can't try to squeeze every last dollar out of the public. You've got to leave some on the table so public officials can save face. John never understood that."

Rockets owner Les Alexander told the Houston Chronicle in 1997 that Thomas described the negotiations there as "a farce." Thomas ultimately left Houston in 1998 to pursue other opportunities. He was tapped for his job with the Kings in 1999.

George Postolos, a special assistant for NBA Commissioner David Stern, became the Rockets chief operating officer in the fall of 1998 and inherited Houston's arena push. Under Postolos, a deal was made and a referendum was placed on the 1999 ballot. After an acrimonious and partisan campaign, the measure was soundly trounced by voters, said Postolos, now a private sports consultant.

Soon after that defeat, proponents went back to work. This time, a different downtown site was chosen, the NBA's Stern got involved and the funding plan was altered. Instead of using a ticket surcharge to help pay for the facility, it was decided to use visitor taxes already approved.

That allowed the yes campaign to adopt a "no new taxes" pitch -- a message that made a huge difference with the community, Walden and Postolos said.

Supporters spent a lot of time meeting with those who had opposed the previous plan. Many Republicans got on board. Key leaders in the business community rallied behind the proposition, a group headed by then--Enron Corp. Chairman and Chief Executive Ken Lay, Walden said.

With significantly less opposition, voters approved the plan in a 2-1 landslide.

"It boiled down to people needing time to come around to the view that an arena is in the best interest of the community," Postolos said. "It's a challenge to bring about a strong consensus, but it's worth the effort."

Officials from several cities said opponents of arena plans voiced similar concerns to those that are being raised in Sacramento. There was much resentment about pouring public funds into a sports complex for rich team owners and a belief by some that the money would be better spent on schools and roads.

Tom Murphy, former mayor of Pittsburgh, said those concerns helped send a 1997 sports complex measure in his city to a crashing defeat. Proponents had hoped to fund new homes for football's Steelers and baseball's Pirates and expand the city's convention center with a temporary 11-county sales tax.

Almost immediately, Murphy said he began formulating an alternative funding package -- one that wouldn't go before voters. A deal was crafted that included team contributions, existing sales tax revenue, and a state contribution approved by the Pennsylvania Legislature.

The resulting building project has transformed the Pittsburgh waterfront and ensured keeping the Steelers and Pirates in town. Critics hardly remember their one-time opposition, he said.

His advice: "Don't do a referendum. Try to find existing taxes and do it that way."

Indianapolis never even attempted a public vote when it launched a downtown sports construction spree funded largely with taxpayer dollars. In the 1990s, the city erected a Triple A baseball stadium and the $183 million Conseco Fieldhouse for the Indiana Pacers.

Now the city is looking to build a $675 million football stadium for the Colts, a package cobbled together by the state Legislature and approved by local officials -- a deal voters would likely not approve because the team owner is not from the area, said Bill Blomquist, a professor of political science at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis.

Even so, with backing from the political and business establishment, approval of the sports facilities was a fait accompli, Blomquist and others said.

While the political and legal landscape is much different in California, Postolos shrugs off Sacramento's current arena tumult. Instead, he said the area is paving the way for an eventual successful arena effort.

"Breakdowns happen. Threats go back and forth. People walk out," Postolos said. "The strong bond the community has with the Kings is unique, one of the better relationships in sports. I think they'll get things back on track."

About the writer: The Bee's Terri Hardy can be reached at (916) 321-1073 or Bee staff writer Mary Lynne Vellinga contributed to this report.
Well what it says is that it takes a different approach then asking the public directly for funds. It means that "plan B" better be somewhat craftier. Whether that means move away from a public vote or have a vote that doesn't hit the voters in their own wallet. That's why hotel and rental car taxes are popular. Those who live here and vote don't tend to stay in hotels or rent cars.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Houston took years of starts and stops and two referendums before voters agreed to fund a new downtown home for the Rockets. One of the negotiators early on was John Thomas, then a Rockets vice president, now president of Maloof Sports and Entertainment and chief negotiator for the Kings.

Thomas declined comment about his Houston experience, but according to media reports and other officials involved at the time, Thomas was considered a hard-nosed negotiator who wasn't afraid to push matters to the brink.

"Thomas was always playing games and leaving the table," Walden recalled.

"And he just couldn't get a deal done. You can't try to squeeze every last dollar out of the public. You've got to leave some on the table so public officials can save face. John never understood that."

Rockets owner Les Alexander told the Houston Chronicle in 1997 that Thomas described the negotiations there as "a farce." Thomas ultimately left Houston in 1998 to pursue other opportunities. He was tapped for his job with the Kings in 1999.

George Postolos, a special assistant for NBA Commissioner David Stern, became the Rockets chief operating officer in the fall of 1998 and inherited Houston's arena push. Under Postolos, a deal was made and a referendum was placed on the 1999 ballot. After an acrimonious and partisan campaign, the measure was soundly trounced by voters, said Postolos, now a private sports consultant.

Soon after that defeat, proponents went back to work. This time, a different downtown site was chosen, the NBA's Stern got involved and the funding plan was altered. Instead of using a ticket surcharge to help pay for the facility, it was decided to use visitor taxes already approved.

That allowed the yes campaign to adopt a "no new taxes" pitch -- a message that made a huge difference with the community, Walden and Postolos said.
The first part of this portion really bothers me. It appears as though John Thomas might well be doing the same thing here that he did in Houston...

The first part of this portion really bothers me. It appears as though John Thomas might well be doing the same thing here that he did in Houston...

Maybe so...I wonder if the Maloofs thought about this when they brought him in to be Pres. back in the day?? They HAD to have the 'new arena' thought in their heads even when they first bought the team from Jim Thomas back in the day.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I honestly don't think it crossed the Maloofs minds back then but, of course, we'll never know. It's just my gut instinct telling me that John Thomas simply isn't the right person for this job.


Super Moderator Emeritus
One other thing? I'd like to commend both Terri Hardy and Mary Lynne Vellinga, who are doing their homework and really putting a lot of good information out for the public to digest.

Not like R.E. Graswich who, in today's paper, had to seize upon an apparent joke made by 86-year-old Joe Benvenuti as another indication the Maloofs want to move the team to Anaheim.


Homer Fan Since 1985
Was it the Houston Rockets that the Maloof patriarch (now deceased) owned a few years ago?

How long was John Thomas (who I think is inept) with the Rockets?

And, therefor, was John Thomas hired by the Maloofs to be president of the Kings because he had been a VP in Houston under their father?

Or, are these totally unrelated?


Super Moderator Emeritus
I'm reasonably sure John Thomas was hired because of "family ties" so to speak... I'm not sure, however, of the timing or anything like that.
You guys definitely dont want to go the houston route when it comes to getting new arenas/stadiums.

Every one of our pro teams wanted a new arena. The Astros and Oilers wanted out of the dome and the Rockets wanted out of the cavernous wonder known as the Summit/Compaq Center.

Our mayor was firm with all 3. No one wanted to fund a new stadium for any of the franchises, and the government gambled that they could bully the franchises into deals that would minimize the burden on the city for revenue.

Instead we lost big time. Bud Adams (the owner of the Oilers and huge jackass) called the bluff and ditched Houston in protest. And the owner of the astros was days away from selling to investors in Northern Virginia when MLB halted the deal because they didn't have a stadium plan in Virginia either. Les Alexander also threatened to sell or move the Rockets as well. We were seriously set for the biggest sell-off in sports history.

As it turned out, once the oilers moved and the Astros nearly moved, the city caved in and acceded to basically all of the demands of ownership with some compromises. The Astros and Rockets got their new downtown stadiums and we ended up getting a new football franchise at a heavy price for the city which paid much more for the new stadium than what Bud Adams originally asked for when he wanted to get the Oilers a new place.

I dont know what the Maloofs have in terms of attachment to Sacramento. But the Oilers who were an AFL franchise and one of the landmark franchises in setting up the modern NFL tv deal, left without a trace, and the Astros and Rockets nearly did the same. Guys who we thought were loyal to the city nearly ran out the moment the city wouldn't give in.

I hope you guys dont make that same mistake because we nearly screwed up bigtime. It sucks but the pro teams have all the leverage in this situation and a city like Sacramento with no other pro teams is at an even bigger disadvantage.
It is well known that the city folks hate John Thomas. He may have been as much the reason for this dragging on forever as the old city manager. I can't find the article, because its too old, but I believe there is no love lost between the Maloofs and Thomas Enterprises, the downtown developers. The whole thing seems like a match made in hell.

Personally, I think the Maloofs should stick with Steinberg as their negotiator. Either that or at least fire J Thomas and get somebody in who can make this arena happen.

BTW: people keep asking why they don't consider a hotel, rental car and food & beverage tax. They did float that idea. The downtown business folks took up arms over that suggestion. You'd at least have to get the whole county involved and I'm not sure you could. Again, what's in it for them or outlying businesses?
The food and beverage surcharge was supposed to be in downtown and Old Sac. It got a lot of blowback from the downtown resturant owners. But that plan was based on the railyard being turned into a sports and entertainment district.

I need to dig deeper on this, but this is what I know from searching around a bit.
The hotel tax is what is called a Transient Occupancy Tax. It takes a majority vote for general use and 2/3 majority for specific use. The good news is these type of taxes are an easy sell to the public as a number of them pass quite easily and do get better than 2/3. The bad news is that Sacramento City is already at 12%. That is considered high end. Although the unincoporated part of Sac County appears to not be listed in the spreadsheet I saw. Folsom, Rancho, Elk Grove, Galt, Citrus Heights, etc have their own tax rate and I doubt they would play in this. So not very good news on the hotel tax. The rental car tax is a bit harder to get info on. I do know that for it to be of any substance, it would have to include the county since the airport is where the rental activity is predominant.
The 100 acres owned by the city could yield some sales after the new arena portion is carved out. The 85 acres owned by the Maloofs is still way more than required to build a new arena and parking for 8,000. I would guess that maybe 1/3 of the current arena parking is not needed. So I would say the new arena and parking would need maybe 50-60 acres at the most. Which frees up 40-50 acres for sale that could yield 25 million for the new arena. The free land and existing infrastructure like roads and utilities already exist. That could knock off a good chunk of the projected 500 million and get the cost closer to 400 million.
I still think another source of revenue is needed to make this work.
You guys are right about J.T.
He is a complete moron and is the reason Pepsi and Southwest have bailed as sponsors.
After enjoying a very good relationship with the kings, Pepsi was brought to the mat and the Kings tried to squeeze them for massive amounts of money. Pepsi balked and they were locked out of the arena. Pepsi could not even retrieve their equipment. At seasons end lawyers were still haggling over the kings still using pepsi equipment to pour "other soft drinks".
Anyway people I know at pepsi had to deal with J.T. who is a complete *****. He locked out and backstabbed people who really thought they had over the years become good friends. The kings are losing sponsors because of their behavior toward past longtime sponsors.
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