Bee: Adelman details call that ended job


Super Moderator Emeritus

Adelman details call that ended job
By Sam Amick -- Bee Staff Writer
Published 2:15 am PDT Thursday, May 11, 2006

When Rick Adelman walked onto the floor of his former team's practice facility, there wasn't a Kings logo to be found on his frame.

Like so many other thousands of days in this same gym, the coach who was dismissed Tuesday wore a sweater vest. But this one was black and bland, pulled over a striped collared shirt, with neither article bearing the brand that he wore with so much pride for eight seasons. And while he spent nearly an hour talking about his time with the Kings in his exiting news conference Wednesday - his family on hand as he reflected on his role in the turnaround of a once-hapless franchise - Adelman admitted the obvious about his new existence: Something will certainly be missing.

"I've been really fortunate in my career," Adelman said. "I mean, 13 years in Portland (six as head coach), eight years here. In this league, that's a lifetime. There's a lot more positive things to remember than the phone call from (Kings president of basketball operations Geoff Petrie) telling me they didn't want me back."

The end of an era likely began months - perhaps even years - ago, with the distant relationship between Adelman and the team's owners at its core. But the pivotal phone call came Monday afternoon, when Adelman and co-owner Joe Maloof took all of five minutes to discuss the coach's future. Adelman - who said the Kings' late-season turnaround and future potential gave him more reasons to return than to depart - expressed his desire to come back, then tried to clear up any possible misunderstandings.

Namely, he reassured Maloof that he bore no grudges over the saga of last summer, when the Kings contacted Phil Jackson's agent about giving his client Adelman's job. Maloof, Adelman said, expressed his appreciation. Adelman then waited, hoping his instinct that the Maloofs had made up their minds before the playoffs even began was wrong.

"I think we wanted some resolution, and then (Joe Maloof) says they'll talk about it and get back to me," Adelman said.

Three hours later, Petrie called to inform Adelman that he was no longer the Kings' coach.

"I got my resolution real quick," he said.

But the Kings logo isn't the only thing missing from the Adelman picture. There's something missing, Adelman and his lead assistant coach Elston Turner said, from the logic behind the Maloofs' decision to change directions. The Maloofs have repeatedly expressed - both publicly and privately - a dissatisfaction with the alleged defensive struggles of the Adelman regime, all while forging a new defensive identity with the acquisition of players like Ron Artest, Bonzi Wells and Jason Hart, each known as defensive-minded players. The next step, the Maloofs contend, will be to sign a defensive-minded coach to continue the reformation. While Adelman is known as an offensive-minded coach, Turner and assistant T.R. Dunn are seen as defensive specialists.

But the Maloofs' contention left Adelman and his staff of four assistants not only unemployed, but offended, wondering why they were given mostly offensive players in the pre-Ron Artest era if defense was the owners' preference.

"We didn't have defensive players," Adelman said. "It's as simple as that. We haven't had defensive players the last two or three years. If you want a defensive team, then go trade for defensive players. Go get (players) like San Antonio has or Detroit has. I don't apologize for any of that.

"That team we had (in 2002-03) with Jimmy Jackson, Hedo (Turkoglu), Peja (Stojakovic), we had a lot of (defensive) flexibility on that team and we had the best (opponents' field-goal percentage) in the league. And we just didn't decide to go away from that.

"Our personnel changed. They let people go, traded people, and we had not as good a team as we had before. ... When we got Ron Artest (this season), suddenly our defense picked up and we started looking better."

Turner, who was a player known for his defensive prowess during his eight NBA seasons, was equally as defensive about the defense. He was with Adelman for the last six of his eight seasons.

"I'm looking at the players that come into uniform, and all of them had 'offensive' written all over them," Turner said. "And you've just got to squeeze some defense out of them. I just know that we all had to work with the cards that we were dealt. ... If they wanted defensive players, there were defensive players out there. Just sign them and we would've become better at it."

Turner said there was ample focus on defense during practices and planning.

"We did everything we could, defensively," Turner said. "(The Maloofs) put the smoke-screen out there that they want better defense. I don't take too kindly to that."

Adelman led the Kings to eight consecutive playoff appearances, including back-to-back Pacific Division titles in 2001-02 and 2002-03, while winning 50 or more games in five consecutive seasons from 2000 to 2005.

"(But) why beat your head over (the Maloofs' reasoning)? Adelman asked. "Whatever reasons they gave me, I could probably give them 10 reasons why they're wrong."

About the writer: The Bee's Sam Amick can be reached at (916) 326-5582 or
VF21 said:

Adelman details call that ended job
By Sam Amick -- Bee Staff Writer
Published 2:15 am PDT Thursday, May 11, 2006

When Rick Adelman walked onto the floor of his former team's practice facility, there wasn't a Kings logo to be found on his frame.

Like so many other thousands of days in this same gym, the coach who was dismissed Tuesday wore a sweater vest. But this one was black and bland, pulled over a striped collared shirt, with neither article bearing the brand that he wore with so much pride for eight seasons. And while he spent nearly an hour talking about his time with the Kings in his exiting news conference Wednesday - his family on hand as he reflected on his role in the turnaround of a once-hapless franchise - Adelman admitted the obvious about his new existence: Something will certainly be missing.

"I've been really fortunate in my career," Adelman said. "I mean, 13 years in Portland (six as head coach), eight years here. In this league, that's a lifetime. There's a lot more positive things to remember than the phone call from (Kings president of basketball operations Geoff Petrie) telling me they didn't want me back."

The end of an era likely began months - perhaps even years - ago, with the distant relationship between Adelman and the team's owners at its core. But the pivotal phone call came Monday afternoon, when Adelman and co-owner Joe Maloof took all of five minutes to discuss the coach's future. Adelman - who said the Kings' late-season turnaround and future potential gave him more reasons to return than to depart - expressed his desire to come back, then tried to clear up any possible misunderstandings.

Namely, he reassured Maloof that he bore no grudges over the saga of last summer, when the Kings contacted Phil Jackson's agent about giving his client Adelman's job. Maloof, Adelman said, expressed his appreciation. Adelman then waited, hoping his instinct that the Maloofs had made up their minds before the playoffs even began was wrong.

"I think we wanted some resolution, and then (Joe Maloof) says they'll talk about it and get back to me," Adelman said.

Three hours later, Petrie called to inform Adelman that he was no longer the Kings' coach.

"I got my resolution real quick," he said.

But the Kings logo isn't the only thing missing from the Adelman picture. There's something missing, Adelman and his lead assistant coach Elston Turner said, from the logic behind the Maloofs' decision to change directions. The Maloofs have repeatedly expressed - both publicly and privately - a dissatisfaction with the alleged defensive struggles of the Adelman regime, all while forging a new defensive identity with the acquisition of players like Ron Artest, Bonzi Wells and Jason Hart, each known as defensive-minded players. The next step, the Maloofs contend, will be to sign a defensive-minded coach to continue the reformation. While Adelman is known as an offensive-minded coach, Turner and assistant T.R. Dunn are seen as defensive specialists.

But the Maloofs' contention left Adelman and his staff of four assistants not only unemployed, but offended, wondering why they were given mostly offensive players in the pre-Ron Artest era if defense was the owners' preference.

"We didn't have defensive players," Adelman said. "It's as simple as that. We haven't had defensive players the last two or three years. If you want a defensive team, then go trade for defensive players. Go get (players) like San Antonio has or Detroit has. I don't apologize for any of that.

"That team we had (in 2002-03) with Jimmy Jackson, Hedo (Turkoglu), Peja (Stojakovic), we had a lot of (defensive) flexibility on that team and we had the best (opponents' field-goal percentage) in the league. And we just didn't decide to go away from that.

"Our personnel changed. They let people go, traded people, and we had not as good a team as we had before. ... When we got Ron Artest (this season), suddenly our defense picked up and we started looking better."

Turner, who was a player known for his defensive prowess during his eight NBA seasons, was equally as defensive about the defense. He was with Adelman for the last six of his eight seasons.

"I'm looking at the players that come into uniform, and all of them had 'offensive' written all over them," Turner said. "And you've just got to squeeze some defense out of them. I just know that we all had to work with the cards that we were dealt. ... If they wanted defensive players, there were defensive players out there. Just sign them and we would've become better at it."

Turner said there was ample focus on defense during practices and planning.

"We did everything we could, defensively," Turner said. "(The Maloofs) put the smoke-screen out there that they want better defense. I don't take too kindly to that."

Adelman led the Kings to eight consecutive playoff appearances, including back-to-back Pacific Division titles in 2001-02 and 2002-03, while winning 50 or more games in five consecutive seasons from 2000 to 2005.

"(But) why beat your head over (the Maloofs' reasoning)? Adelman asked. "Whatever reasons they gave me, I could probably give them 10 reasons why they're wrong."

About the writer: The Bee's Sam Amick can be reached at (916) 326-5582 or
i'm very glad that adelman and turner pointed this out in the media, so its now there for everyone to see. a lot of us have been saying this for a long time now. the personnel changed, and thats why the defense disappeared. maybe the maloofs will understand their error next season when point guard after point guard still blows by bibby. and if that doesn't wake them up, maybe watching tim duncan own brad miller four more times next season will do the trick...or any center in the nba for that matter.

Bricklayer said:
Guess that closes the book on Elston too.

i'm glad he came out and said he didn't take too kindly to the maloofs comments. the maloofs are owners...and fans. the coaches know the most inner-workings of the team, and elston should feel insulted by the maloofs comments that they want more "defensive-minded" coaches. the maloofs don't know what they're talking about. they just don't know. it'd be nice if someone told them what is really the problem with this team, but who's gonna convince a coupla guys with millions of dollars to burn on whoever and whatever they want?

i say good for you, elston! stick it to the maloofs! don't let a coupla uninformed owners tell you your business!
OMG... I go away on vacation for 4 days and this happens!!!

That's what I get for staying in a hotel without wifi... ARGGG...


Super Moderator Emeritus
I don't think so. It's beginning to look more and more like the Maloofs actually cut Adelman and his entire staff loose without having a firm grip on who they'd get to replace him.

Pure gambling move. If it works out, they'll be heralded as gutsy and spirited. If it doesn't, there's gonna be a lot of egg on their faces.

This whole thing is sounding more and more like a Las Vegas crapshoot.

I thought at first they MUST have had someone in the shadows, waiting for the dust to clear... That gave me a bit of reassurance. If, however, as it appearing more and more likely, they truly don't know who they're going to get, this could all be very ugly very soon.
Am I the only one who still feels like this is all a bit...surreal still?

I really hope the Maloofs had some idea of what they were doing... I still don't agree with their decision though. And their handling of it was rude. :mad:
Adleman's comments pretty much explains why he was let go. His total blindness to his own faults. He takes offense to the not a defensive coach idea? He only had offensive players? Wow.

A few shotblockers would like to give you a shoutout Adleman. You know those centers, the 7 footers at the end of your bench that Petrie and co gathered and you never played? Skinner? Ostertag? Let's not forget the disaster that was not playing Keon against Dallas in the playoffs. Want to know why you were let go and Don Nelson is rumored your biggest replacement? Because you had a better defensive squad, but instead played run and gun with Dallas and got outcoached by Nellie.

And how about Wallace? One year removed from the Kings and he's a defensive player of the year canidate. With the Kings? He ranged from starter to end of the bench, never used wisely and never given consistant time. Or how about Mauice Evans in last years playoffs? This might have been what triggered the Phil Jackson talk. It took Adleman four and a half games to figure out that he needed to play Evans and to play Evans on Ray Allen. Infact, he didn't really figure it out. Mobley just went gimp and he was forced to.
SkinnerBox said:
They just don't like Adelman, pure and simple. If that seems a little childish, thats because it is.
The Maloofs are like children. Really rich 45-year-old boys. Taking nothing away from the spectacular Game 3 finish, but what owner (Cuban included) dances around on the court and goes buck wild after game 3 of a first-round series, down 1-2? Although I can't blame him too much, it was pretty awesome. But still...
I'm far from glad about the way the Maloofs have handled the whole thing. Good thing that Adelman and his staff talked about it openly. I really hope they all find a new team they can shape and maybe even win a ring with.
kingkung said:
The Maloofs are like children. Really rich 45-year-old boys. Taking nothing away from the spectacular Game 3 finish, but what owner (Cuban included) dances around on the court and goes buck wild after game 3 of a first-round series, down 1-2? Although I can't blame him too much, it was pretty awesome. But still...
Well on the one hand, our owner is a very passionate fan who obviously gets very into games. On the other hand, couple that passion and emotion with the power to make decisions and you're definitely at risk to make some poor ones.
swisshh said:
Adleman's comments pretty much explains why he was let go. His total blindness to his own faults. He takes offense to the not a defensive coach idea? He only had offensive players? Wow.

A few shotblockers would like to give you a shoutout Adleman. You know those centers, the 7 footers at the end of your bench that Petrie and co gathered and you never played? Skinner? Ostertag? Let's not forget the disaster that was not playing Keon against Dallas in the playoffs. Want to know why you were let go and Don Nelson is rumored your biggest replacement? Because you had a better defensive squad, but instead played run and gun with Dallas and got outcoached by Nellie.

And how about Wallace? One year removed from the Kings and he's a defensive player of the year canidate. With the Kings? He ranged from starter to end of the bench, never used wisely and never given consistant time. Or how about Mauice Evans in last years playoffs? This might have been what triggered the Phil Jackson talk. It took Adleman four and a half games to figure out that he needed to play Evans and to play Evans on Ray Allen. Infact, he didn't really figure it out. Mobley just went gimp and he was forced to.
Very good observations. It's unbelievable that Adelman is complaining about not having defensive minded player in the last few years. Nobody was asking him to make an Artest-like defensive player out of Bibby or Miller but how can anybody not fault the coach when these guys play worse defense than a high school player. Actually most Kings players got worse defensively after they came here. Wasn't Bibby a much better defensive player when he came from the Grizzlies?
You won't always have naturally defensive minded players such as Artest, Bowen, B. Wallace but you can force any player to play decent defense if you make him listen to you.
forza kings said:
Wasn't Bibby a much better defensive player when he came from the Grizzlies?
I think you might be remembering Bibby from earlier in his career when he played for the #1 defense in the league (statistically).

I believe that was the Adelman coached Kings of 2002-2003.
forza kings said:
Very good observations. It's unbelievable that Adelman is complaining about not having defensive minded player in the last few years. Nobody was asking him to make an Artest-like defensive player out of Bibby or Miller but how can anybody not fault the coach when these guys play worse defense than a high school player. Actually most Kings players got worse defensively after they came here. Wasn't Bibby a much better defensive player when he came from the Grizzlies?
You won't always have naturally defensive minded players such as Artest, Bowen, B. Wallace but you can force any player to play decent defense if you make him listen to you.
I disagree...I don't believe that you can force anybody to play defense....and also, a player shouldn't have to be made to listen to his coach...he should do that anyway..these aren't kids...they're grown men..just my opinion :)
I'll begin by introducing myself, since I am a new member. Have been a kings
fan for about 5 years now (came to US from India about 6 years back, and
slowly took to watching Basketball). Not very knowledgable about BB, but
loved the kings style of play, the Princeton offense, that some people on
these boards have concerns with. Agree that it has not brought the ultimate
success, but I think missed free throws have more to do with that.

Live in Bay area, so don't get to watch a lot of games. Rely on live scores and
VF21's PBP (thank you for it).

Coming to the topic on the board, seems like Maloofs made the decision long
back, and decided to go with it despite the turn around, and the success
towards the end of the season. Probably they too realize that they might not
find a better replacement (given the personnel, I guess a players' coach
like Rick is required. Am scared of the potentially explosive locker room with
Ron, Bonzi and Kenny). However, if the owners loose confidence in the coach,
it is probably best to go separate ways.

Probably one good thing that shall come out of this shall be that players and
new coach shall realize the importance the owners are giving to defense, and
may give more effort on that end of the court.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Welcome to the board! Be sure and check out the lounge. We have a welcome thread for new folks and we have a map where you can make your mark.

At least we're gonna have something to talk about for TDOS.

Wasn't it RA that said...”Our defense is our offense?” Now RA is trying to convince us that he is a defensive coach and now it’s the players fault? I feel like I am being snowed over by RA not the Maloofs.
Wasn’t it Scott Pollard in an interview on KHTK (after he was in IN) when asked what was different between the two teams he said DEFENSE. Here all we do is practice Defense in Sacramento we worked on the offense. (Not an exact quote but close)

Elston I believe is defensive minded, on that I will agree! RA being a defensive coach, I very much disagree.

So now after he gets fired I am to believe that all the sudden it wasn’t RA this entire time it was the players? Who met at the end of every season with Petrie and the ownership to get a list of players they wanted to pursue each off season? RA was part of that player selecting process. In fact after every season I recall Petrie always saying “Rick and I”... so to me it sounds like he is tossing Petrie under the bus not the Maloofs. Unfairly may I add because I believe he had just as much input on player selection as anyone else.

Who was the only player we acquired in recent years that is known for being a real defender? ARTEST and who brought Ron? The Maloofs. We all know if the Maloofs stayed out of it we would still have Peja. The scenario would then unfold like this…RA would have been fired without any of this craziness and Kings Fans would have been packing his bags for him. So was it RA or Ron that was the difference? I think we all know the answer. The only thing RA did was not get in the way of Ron taking over the team. It wasn’t RA that demanded players perform on the court it was Ron. Something the COACH should have been doing all along.

“okay guys, if you get a chance when your out there make sure to stay with your man” instead of “if you don’t stay with your man you will be on the end of the bench until you learn how to play defense”

I have seen too many players walk through the doors over the years that used to play defense, turn into nothing but offensive only players. I think some of it is in part to the system they run, the other would be that our coaches don’t demand it.
With all that said - I wanted to reply to myself :)

I am not against firing RA if there is a plan afterwards. The problem I have is that it appears we don't have a plan now. That could all be under the table stuff I am unaware of so I will let things play out before jumping on the crazy wagon.

How RA was treated, I am not sure how I feel. The way he was fired I think shows how much the relationship between the Malloofs and RA was strained.

Everyone keeps saying "it's the players" then I see no big deal right? Any coach and we are good. I do not feel that way but everyone here, on the radio and in the press keeps saying its the players not the coach that wins championships. I believe its all things, coach, upper management and the players in no order.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
BigWaxer said:
I have seen too many players walk through the doors over the years that used to play defense, turn into nothing but offensive only players. I think some of it is in part to the system they run, the other would be that our coaches don’t demand it.
That is ridiculous.

Name them.

No really. Name them. Who were these mysterious defensive players who suddenly forgot how to defend for us? Webb, Vlade, Peja, Bibby? Songaila, JWill, Barry? Doug, Bobby? I assume your "too many" players is pretty much going to be Miller, who was a garbage defender before he got here, but at least less of a wuss.

This will get repeated until somebody explains it away:

We were one of the best teams in the league, ON DEFENSE, in 2001-03, with Rick as the coach. And gee, miracle of miracles, we had our best defensive PLAYERS during those years as well. Rick says "give me defensive players and we'll defend", and he's got the thus far irrefuted proof sitting right on his record.
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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
BigWaxer said:
Everyone keeps saying "it's the players" then I see no big deal right? Any coach and we are good. I do not feel that way but everyone here, on the radio and in the press keeps saying its the players not the coach that wins championships. I believe its all things, coach, upper management and the players in no order.
No, that's not what they are saying.

What they are saying is pretty simple: you CANNOT under ANY circumstances play championship defense UNLESS you are given top defensive players. You MAY not play championship defense even if you have them -- THAT is when the coach becomes important. But without the players? Forget it. All you can do without the players is pull a Fratello and fake it by walking the ball up the court everytime to try to con people into thinking you are better defensively than you really are.

It has been 2 decades at LEAST since the last time ANY team won a title without one or more of the best defensive players in the league on their roster. Think about it: Duncan, Bowen, Wallace, Shaq, Kobe, Jordan, Pippen, Rodman, Hakeem, Dumars, Cooper, McHale, Jones..crap, it might be THREE decades. And who the hell did we have that Adleman was supposed to get to that level? Bibby? Thomas? Mobley? What a bunch of bunk. Gregg Popovich has never coached a team to a title wihtout multiple great defenders on his team. neither has Larry Brown. Neither has the mighty Phil Jackson. Neither has basically anybody.
Welcome kingsfan101, where in India are you from?

kingsfan101 said:
I'll begin by introducing myself, since I am a new member. Have been a kings
fan for about 5 years now (came to US from India about 6 years back, and
slowly took to watching Basketball). Not very knowledgable about BB, but
loved the kings style of play, the Princeton offense, that some people on
these boards have concerns with. Agree that it has not brought the ultimate
success, but I think missed free throws have more to do with that.

Live in Bay area, so don't get to watch a lot of games. Rely on live scores and
VF21's PBP (thank you for it).

Coming to the topic on the board, seems like Maloofs made the decision long
back, and decided to go with it despite the turn around, and the success
towards the end of the season. Probably they too realize that they might not
find a better replacement (given the personnel, I guess a players' coach
like Rick is required. Am scared of the potentially explosive locker room with
Ron, Bonzi and Kenny). However, if the owners loose confidence in the coach,
it is probably best to go separate ways.

Probably one good thing that shall come out of this shall be that players and
new coach shall realize the importance the owners are giving to defense, and
may give more effort on that end of the court.
Bricklayer said:
Name them. Who were these mysterious defensive players who suddenly forgot how to defend for us?
Unfortunately that’s not what I said.... Sure a small twist that could easily be misunderstood and I will try to clear up what I meant…. I meant that our offensive minded players actually played a little D before they got here. I did not say "DEFENSIVE" players in the sense of Artest. Most likely this is more of a perception on my part and in no way can I back it up with stats. Just talkn out the!

Rick says "give me defensive players and we'll defend", and he's got the thus far irrefuted proof sitting right on his record.
I think this is a quote we need to dig into. I have a real problem with this as I spent the bulk above addressing it. Sure for all we know RA stood up in the off season meetings demanding defensive players. Of course none of us were in the room. However, I think it’s safe to say he never did that based on the same style of players we pick up year after year. Rick is part of the process on selecting players and based off many off season interviews I can conclude he has a pretty strong voice in what players we pursue. So why didn’t he HELP in choosing defensive players? Why is this the Maloofs fault? Where does the blame fit for Petrie? It’s okay for RA to enter the Spin but if the Maloofs participate in the spin zone god help us it’s time for a hanging. And this part of my point can really go on for hours. I think maybe I am getting sidetracked by this quote and missing the point on why people are pissed.

I guess I can see a little what RA is saying “hey the Maloofs keep saying I basically got fired because of the lack of defense, well why didn’t they go out and get me that defense.” Then I can see the Maloofs going “well we let Petrie and you choose the players, we want a championship team and if you’re a great coach you would know we need defense so why didn’t you go out and get them, we let you guys pick your players”

I have been an RA supporter and still am but to let him get away with spin like this while destroying the Maloofs for all their spin is the real ridiculous part.

The second half of your second reply I agree with. That’s not the problem I am having with this. I hope I was able to better explain myself.
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