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Will Friday be the Night? I can't even remember the last time we put two W's in a row! Or losses for that matter. We've been like a YO-YO! We DESPERATELY need to put a few good games together before the playoffs. If we are this is gonna be the time! Portland and L.A. are both eliminated. All we gotta do is win these next two then we go for like 10-12 days without a loss. This would really get us going before we play the SUNS twice in the last week! I think we just might be able to get it going at the right time this year. GO KINGS! Seize the Opportunity!
Um, if we can't win against that powerhouse Portland, losers of what, 17 of their last 19? we are not worthy of even making the playoffs. Seriously.

At this point, with Porty and the La Losers as our next two opponents, anything less than a 3 game (woo hoo!) win streak is a bitter disappointment.
hey, we go 4-2 in the final 6 and we win 50 games again...which brings me to another point...and I may not agree with alot of Rick Adelman's substitution patterns at times, but thats a whole different issue...the fact that this team is on the verge of winning 50 games with all the injuries, trades(1 franchise player, and another starter),and other team has had to deal with this(the injury thing year in and year out, actually) but this season has been the toughest, and the fact that RA has meshed this season into 50 wins is almost a freaking miracle, and its going to go unnoticed, yet again, come voting time for coach of the year, and thats a total shame. What is the true definition of 'Coach of the Year'??
The Sacramento Kings have made a habit of ressurecting "dead" teams. Watch Portland shoot .675 for the games, with .800 from behind the line. No game is safe.
quick dog said:
The Sacramento Kings have made a habit of ressurecting "dead" teams. Watch Portland shoot .675 for the games, with .800 from behind the line. No game is safe.
+joel przybilla getting 20/20 :eek:
If the Kings play even close to the way they played against the sonics, then they will have no problem with the Blazers. As for the lakers, it's a match-up problem. Earlier in the season, the lakers were losing and came in to Arco and spanked the Kings. Just focus...just focus and give a total effort for 48 minutes. That is all any Kings fan can ask. :)
Bricklayer said:
True definition is normally "the coach who engineered the biggest suprise/turnaround team of the year".
While I agree that RA should definitely be a contender, George Karl's turnaround of the Nuggets has been the biggest turnaround of the season.
BibbyForPrez said:
While I agree that RA should definitely be a contender, George Karl's turnaround of the Nuggets has been the biggest turnaround of the season.
Yeah man George Karl knows his *&%#! He knew that they would win if they would run,run,run! Denver is a tough place to play when you can't breathe! plus they've got the athletes!
teamdimechampionship said:
Yeah man George Karl knows his *&%#! He knew that they would win if they would run,run,run! Denver is a tough place to play when you can't breathe! plus they've got the athletes!
does the altitude make a huge impact on the game?


Super Moderator Emeritus
TXSactoFan said:
does the altitude make a huge impact on the game?
Not a HUGE impact necessarily but playing at 5,280 ft. when you're used to playing at 100 feet (approx) does make a difference, especially in stamina.
TXSactoFan said:
does the altitude make a huge impact on the game?

teams often go to places with high altitudes during the summer so they can breath harder while they practice and they will feel like their in heaven when they come back down
PejaHoops16 said:

teams often go to places with high altitudes during the summer so they can breath harder while they practice and they will feel like their in heaven when they come back down
cool... didnt know that