
Anyone recommend a good audio-book? I have a long road trip coming up and I'm looking for something interesting. Genre is not important. I started Team of Rivals which is a about Lincoln's political acumen.

I prefer to read but the CHP seems to frown on that....
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My favorite audio book is Hemingway's Old Man and the Sea read by Charlton Heston. Great combination. This book would not have been on my top ten reads, but as far as the audio experience, Heston's voice really captured the magic of this story.


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It's not exactly an audiobook, but try and find a copy of "The War of the Worlds" by Jeff Wayne. It's a musical version of the classic tale, narrated by Richard Burton and with some of the most riveting songs I've ever heard.
I am a HUGE audiobook fan and I can soundly recommend you find the ENTIRE series of this "audiobook" (It is actually a BBC Radio Broadcast prior to it being a book)

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

It's really funny, thought provoking, weird, wild, and unpredictable.

Also, the original DUNE is a good listen.

If you like religious-y stuff, find the Dante's Inferno spoken by John Cleese (I think it is called "The Inferno by Dante")

These are all the kinds of stories that movies have just never quite grasped and all are worth a listen.