Artest arrested

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Super Moderator Emeritus
This thread is slowly but surely starting to turn ugly. Let's just remember to stick to what we know, which isn't much at this point.
How can any dog watcher be that incompetent??? His primary purpose is to feed the dog!!

Something strange was going on there. How could Artest not know anything about it? Why not check on occasion to be sure that his dog is being fed?

What special knowledge do you have? Sorry, but I have a big problem giving the benefit of the doubt to a guy who beats women.
People in general can be incompetent.

The dog had been having issues with other dogs in the house. Anybody that takes care of dogs understands that the food must be seperated in that situation (it should be anyway...but that's not the point). Being the dogs are not inside dogs, you can't keep track at all times, especially when you're not the owner. The other dogs in the house were eating that particular dogs food, and had been for some time. Ron had already taken issue with this prior to this situation coming to a head, but, it continued with the house/dog sitter. By the time Ron returned, the situation had already happened.

Ron was stupid to hit/slap his wife. But, she's no angel by any stretch. She's already been arrested for attacking Ron before, and threw a frying pan through his window of a moving vehicle with a 3 year old in range. Real smart.

They're both in the wrong. He was wrong to hit/smack her. She was just as wrong in her stance.
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