A list of some Unrestricted BIG MEN

Here is a list of some BIG Centers we should try to get IMO.
What do you think about them. I mean if we get one and move Brad to a PF position we would be set. If you click on the names you will be sent to a link with their statistics.

Zydrunas Ilgauskas


Unrestricted free agent

Daniel Santiago


Unrestricted free agent

Wang Zhizhi


Unrestricted free agent

Andrew DeClercq


Unrestricted free agent

Ervin Johnson


Unrestricted free agent

Zeljko Rebraca

LA Clippers

Unrestricted free agent


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
With the exception of Big Z, those guys are unrestricted for a reason. Our MLE would be better spent elsewhere. And Z is going to be making a lot more than MLE money.
I like Rebraca for the clippers. he put a hurting on us a couple of times. He is young and talented. I'm pretty sure the clippers will offer him a big contract. But hey anything can happen in the NBA.


Super Moderator Emeritus
The list pretty much looks like players who will either: a) remain with their current teams, b) fade into oblivion or c) get picked up to fill an "end of the bench" roster slot.

The only one I wouldn't mind seeing come to the Kings is, as hrdboild pointed out, probably going to make much more than the MLE we would waive in his face.


Hall of Famer
I like Rebraca...But he's not gonna give us anything in the athletic/rebounding/blocking category that we so desperatly need.

Zhi Zhi, a 3-point jump shooter that contributes nothing but a match-up problem.

DeClerq and Johnson are hustlers, but both are getting up in age. Plus, they both are awful offensive players.

Santiago is a scrub.

Big Z is much to expensive, and still, he really would only marginally help out rebounding. Z/Miller would be the most unathletic and slow combo in the league.


Super Moderator
Staff member

Out of the Kings price range unless Z really wants to come to Sacramento and Cleveland would take a sign-and-trade of Mobley & change. Besides, Big Z doesn't really address the Kings' problems of lacking toughness, rebounding and interior defense. He is a decent shotblocker but can be outmuscled and he is a weak rebounder for his size.

Not interested. In fact I'm more interested in the Bucks two other free agent big men, Pachulia and Gadzuric. Neither is a difference maker, but could help. Zaza is the better passer of the two, so he might fit in better, but Gadzuric is the better and more active rebounder.

Wang isn't a horrible player, but he's soft and a jumpshooter. Just not what the Kings need.

Eh, pass. On the downside of his career and never a difference maker.

I'd take Johnson at the veteran's minimum, but he's really nothing more than a better conditioned Ostertag, with even worse hands.

If nobody else fits the bill than maybe. He's 33 and again a weak rebounder.

Doesn't look like there are too many options as far as unrestricted free agents. I guess the Kings will have to hope a team doesn't match an offer for a restricted free agent or else look to make trades.
I really can't get excited about any one of them. Z is probably the best, and I don't even want him. I just don't see much in the free agent market that is going to help us drastically. It has been said many times in these forums, but barring a major trade that sends some of our core players packing for something big, we're in for a long, tough road ahead.
ooooo...oooooo...VITALY POTAPENKO!!!! on a slightly more serious note, how about Michael Stewart, its the year of the comebacks for the Kings I say.
gman23 said:
I like Rebraca for the clippers. he put a hurting on us a couple of times.
Don't look at the stats he's had against us. Ostertag and Jerome James have had career games against Sac as well.

Most pathetic big men do.
kingsnation said:
Don't look at the stats he's had against us. Ostertag and Jerome James have had career games against Sac as well.

Most pathetic big men do.
The one thing I like about Rebraca is he has a true post game. I say he is worth the veteran's minimum.


i still say steven hunter is the way to go.... its not like phoenix needs or uses him.... especially now that thomas is there.....
Not that this has anything to do with it but.....

I was wondering what MLE stands for, i didn't know which other forum to ask this question in, but yeah?


hunter didnt play because he was stuck behind amare.... and now hes stuck behind thomas and amare.... he doesnt make much is a free agent and averages 3 points a game on the highest scoring offense in the league....

i would hope that he is attainable....
actually, has anyone thought about kwame brown? i heard that the wizards were planning on letting him go, i know it sounds strange but bear with me........ sure he was terrible in washington but hes a very big athletic guy and hes still pretty young so maybe we could work with him, i'd like to see it end up something like jermaine o neal.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Kwame Brown has been discussed quite a bit in various threads. I think the main drawback is he'd be a risk. He could either work out very well or not work out at all. I think Bricklayer may have been the one to say at this point, however, it might be worth taking a chance...
Zeljko Rebraca

NO, no and NOOOOOO!!!

He does not help with our rebounding in any way.. 1 rebound in 30 minutes is not what we need.


VF21 said:
Kwame Brown has been discussed quite a bit in various threads. I think the main drawback is he'd be a risk. He could either work out very well or not work out at all. I think Bricklayer may have been the one to say at this point, however, it might be worth taking a chance...
depending on how we would obtain kwame im down..... we have to trade away corliss and thomas... not both for kwame, thats stupid... but they need to go.... we need if not better players, definitely taller ones.... because that is something that we cant teach....
AleksandarN said:
The one thing I like about Rebraca is he has a true post game. I say he is worth the veteran's minimum.
I agree. Rebraca actually has a post game and plays like a true center. I am not sure what veteran minimum is set at but I am assuming its around $1million. Rebraca was getting $2.5 million from the Clippers last year and after having his best season so far, I am sure he would be getting a bit more than what he got last year.
gman23 said:
I like Rebraca for the clippers. he put a hurting on us a couple of times. He is young and talented. I'm pretty sure the clippers will offer him a big contract. But hey anything can happen in the NBA.
hes not that young hehe he's been playing bball for a while ... for that reason, i dont know if it would be smart for him to come to KINGS.

he has a good post game. kings dont have that. he doesnt rebound? doesnt block shots? when he played for Yugoslavian Championship Teams he was their Big Ben (rebounds+blocks)

I think he doesn't play that way anymore because of his health problems (heart) and also he is on a bad team. HE doesn't have a big role on that team. He was not motivated enough.

He once was a best European centre.

Probably not anymore. But it's possible, if he comes here, to have a bigger role. certainly bigger that TAG's role.