2005 Coach of the Year is...


Homer Fan Since 1985


The most deserving coach of the year ever selected.

Congratulations, Coach Whiz!!
I bet he cuts it up and gives a piece of it to everybody as much as he has deferred praise....

Congratulation to coach Whiz...........................................keep pushing.

Get it done!!
Congrats to Coach Whiz! He deserves it!

I saw the SacBee article too, but I could not find any articles in ESPN.com or WNBA.com. What gives?


Homer Fan Since 1985
StevenHW said:
Congrats to Coach Whiz! He deserves it!

I saw the SacBee article too, but I could not find any articles in ESPN.com or WNBA.com. What gives?
The official announcement and presentation is later today (prior to tonight's game). So, that could be why it is not announced outside of Sac.

The guy truly deserved it for all he has done for our ladies.
Now add the icing on the cake by winning a championship this season!!
Big Ups!!

But I am sure that if you asked him or Yo they would say who cares. We have to win tonight. Great accomplisment for the regular season, let's go win tonight and move on.
Luv 13, I wasn't always his strongest supporter either. And I agree with MBF that he would like to cut it into pieces and share it with his team. And I agree with Reign that the championship is what the team really wants, BUT

This is a man who came in under difficult circumstances and has managed to balance the GM/Coach duties and perform them with excellence. He took a group of talented women and showed them how to play to their potential. And he is the last person to take credit for anything this team has accomplished this year. This is a huge recognition, and I'm so glad it's coming tonight. What a way to start the game with LA and I hope the house is packed to welcome this team back and show the coach some well-deserved "love".
Whiz certainly GETS it...that defense wins. Well deserved.

I'm looking forward to going to tonight's game to see yet a little more of that killer D to eliminate the Sparks and move on.
I fell in love with him even before he became the coach, somebody did a story on him in the Bee when he came in as the asst. GM. His basketball knowledge is deep, he knew about the women's game, and he was rolling up his sleeves and doing his homework on getting a better understanding of the league and its players so when he actually took over the GM duties he'd know what he was looking for and at. He certainly spent more time scouting players than Allen did.

The only thing he did last year that made me question what he was thinking was wanting to convert Brunson to SF. That was going to do nothing to fix the problem we had because we didn't have a true one and he'd be taking her away from the basket where we needed her rebounding. He threw out that experiment midseason and went out and got himself one.

Other than that, I was *thrilled* he threw out that gawdawful half court offense that existing way past its usefulness (if it even really qualified as an offense) from the Allen/Mchugh era. When I saw this team in that 1st preseason game with a boatload of players who were only in camp with him for 2 weeks and most of whom would not be on the roster when the veterans returned - actually executing a motion offense where the players AND the ball moved and didn't just stand around...I was nearly reduced to tears. And all it took was getting players who actually bought into it and were hungry. In the article on Yo a couple of days ago, she sorta says they should have cleaned house 2 years ago. Which is a far cry from where she was in the offseason this year.

If there's a GM of the year award in this league he should take that too.
Hip, Hip, Hooray

for Coach Whiz!

So great that nice (and deserving) guys sometimes do finish 1st. But I know he wants his team to finish first, too.:)
Monty'sBiggestFan said:
When I saw this team in that 1st preseason game with a boatload of players who were only in camp with him for 2 weeks and most of whom would not be on the roster when the veterans returned - actually executing a motion offense where the players AND the ball moved and didn't just stand around...I was nearly reduced to tears. And all it took was getting players who actually bought into it and were hungry.
You just reminded me that when I saw the team during that first preseason game, I thought to myself, "Holy crap! They've got an offense!" It was then I knew what they would do this year. Combining the defense with more than one player who could shoot the ball had to be a winner.

The quote from Coach Whiz in the paper shows what a classy guy he is. Just an all-around great guy.