We have a pair of great Kings season tickets that we share four ways and we're looking for a fourth partner for next season. With 1/4 season, you get 11 games. AND IF YOU JOIN US FOR NEXT SEASON, YOU"LL GET TWO FREE LOWER LEVEL TICKETS TO THE GAME ON 4/8.
These are incredible seats. Here's why: We are in the 10th row up from the floor right near the Kings bench. In the Goon Squad. And we're in the first row of our pricing section... The row in front of us costs almost twice the price. And by getting these at the season ticket discount, you'll save about 20% on the tickets and there are no Ticketmaster fees.
Take a good look at the pictures at this link:
The circled seats are exactly the seats you'll have. The seats are in section 120, row K, seats 7 and 8. In the third picture, that's me and my wife in these seats, so you can see exactly how close you'll be.
We are only looking for one new partner so it's first come first served. We take turns picking games so you'll be able to pick some hot games.
The average price per ticket is $59, so for a quarter season, two tickets for 11 games comes to $1298. The Kings use different prices for different games. For example, Laker games cost more than Minnesota games. So your final actual price of the games you pick may be a bit higher or a bit lower than $1298 depending on the games you choose.
And with the free game on April 8, you'll get 12 games for the price of 11.
We've had these seats forever. That's how we got to the first row of our pricing section. And of course, existing season ticket holders get first choice of seats when they move to the new arena.
If you have questions or if you'd like to share these seats with us next season, please send me an email at markseidm@gmail.com with your phone number and the best time to call.
These are incredible seats. Here's why: We are in the 10th row up from the floor right near the Kings bench. In the Goon Squad. And we're in the first row of our pricing section... The row in front of us costs almost twice the price. And by getting these at the season ticket discount, you'll save about 20% on the tickets and there are no Ticketmaster fees.
Take a good look at the pictures at this link:
The circled seats are exactly the seats you'll have. The seats are in section 120, row K, seats 7 and 8. In the third picture, that's me and my wife in these seats, so you can see exactly how close you'll be.
We are only looking for one new partner so it's first come first served. We take turns picking games so you'll be able to pick some hot games.
The average price per ticket is $59, so for a quarter season, two tickets for 11 games comes to $1298. The Kings use different prices for different games. For example, Laker games cost more than Minnesota games. So your final actual price of the games you pick may be a bit higher or a bit lower than $1298 depending on the games you choose.
And with the free game on April 8, you'll get 12 games for the price of 11.
We've had these seats forever. That's how we got to the first row of our pricing section. And of course, existing season ticket holders get first choice of seats when they move to the new arena.
If you have questions or if you'd like to share these seats with us next season, please send me an email at markseidm@gmail.com with your phone number and the best time to call.