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  1. CheeseDude

    How Should Kings Feel About Beno Udrih

    Why would you not keep him? In the minutes hes been getting hes been able to change games (e.g Against the Spurs and the Bucks) . His averages will only go up...I mean he's young (only about 25) and is promising... why waste a draft choice on a PG when there are other areas which need more work...
  2. CheeseDude

    Should Ron be on the team at all?

    Why would you get rid of him now? even though we are rebuilding, there's no point throwing away a player who plays as well as Artest. He's holding the team together...Martin does need to be more vocal and he isn't used to leading the team... as in directing them on the floor...
  3. CheeseDude

    PF plans?

    Time machine :D great stuff... but how would we get a star anyway? not like theres that much available to trade for one... don't get me wrong i like the roster but it's not exactly worth a lot trade wise.
  4. CheeseDude

    PF plans?

    what are the long term plans at the 4 spot? any ideas?
  5. CheeseDude

    Who is the face of the Kings franchise?

    udrih? He's new but he's good... and he hustles :D