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  1. K

    [PHX/DET] The Finals *** Game 5 - Winner Take All ***

    Well, that sucked. Oh well, we have game 5 in our house. If we play this kind of game in our house, no way phoenix even comes close.
  2. K

    [PHX/DET] The Finals *** Game 5 - Winner Take All ***

    Pierson is havng an incredible night. MVP if the Shock win this game.
  3. K

    [PHX/DET] The Finals *** Game 5 - Winner Take All ***

    10 minutes to game 5, or 10 minutes to championship #3. Who wants it more...
  4. K

    [PHX/DET] The Finals *** Game 5 - Winner Take All ***

    I love Pierson. She frustrates the hell out of the opposing team, and yet she still finds ways to score on the low block, despite being undersized. She's perfect for this team. Perfect.
  5. K

    [PHX/DET] The Finals *** Game 5 - Winner Take All *** THAT was Deeeeeetroit basketball. We forced Phoenix to expend energy on defense, defend, and we took their legs out. Those threes fell short tonight. Props to Katie Smith for throwing back the clock 8 years. She carried is the entire 3rd quarter. Just one more win and we can wrap up...
  6. K

    [PHX/DET] The Finals *** Game 5 - Winner Take All ***

    We've been getting the short end of the whistle all night, and we're still in position to win. Take that Phoenix.
  7. K

    [PHX/DET] The Finals *** Game 5 - Winner Take All ***

    reminded me a lot of game 1 of last year's finals. We'll be back. Phoenix didn't even score as well as they did in game 1. the problem was we couldn't hit a layup to save our lives.
  8. K

    [PHX/DET] The Finals *** Game 5 - Winner Take All ***

    nevermind, I was wrong. We quit this game early. Just throwing up careless jumpers and not defending at all. I'd rather see the end of the bench play than this.
  9. K

    [PHX/DET] The Finals *** Game 5 - Winner Take All ***

    Taurasi is bombing away tonight. I still have a feeling the Shock still have a run left in them, even down 21.
  10. K

    [PHX/DET] The Finals *** Game 5 - Winner Take All ***

    They can either get tougher or go to Phoenix tied 1-1. Their choice.
  11. K

    [PHX/DET] The Finals *** Game 5 - Winner Take All ***

    if Cheryl Ford can go Saturday, it's going to be very tough envisioning a Phoenix victory. Phoenix can't rebound the ball as it is.
  12. K

    [PHX/DET] The Finals *** Game 5 - Winner Take All ***

    The Shock beat the Mercury the same way they beat everyone else. 48-30 on the glass 50-12 bench scoring advantage The fact we beat them so badly inside without Cheryl Ford should be a pretty big red flag. Phoenix isn't going to beat us with their cheesy box and 1 zone that a 7-year old could...
  13. K

    [PHX/DET] The Finals *** Game 5 - Winner Take All ***

    Chill. It was a double-post. I took care of it.
  14. K

    [PHX/DET] The Finals *** Game 5 - Winner Take All ***

    note to Phoenix: starting fights with the Shock is exactly what they want. case-in-point: Pondexter is out of control, and Nolan is smiling all the way to the bench. Mentally, physically, emotionally, we've got them right where we want them. I hope it stays that way.
  15. K

    [PHX/DET] The Finals *** Game 5 - Winner Take All ***

    BTW, Kira Braxton is further puzzling me. So much talent, and she can't figure out how to use it consistently, like tonight. She's really everything you could want in a female center. The only player Laimbeer hasn't figure out how to maximize yet.
  16. K

    [PHX/DET] The Finals *** Game 5 - Winner Take All ***

    Katie Smith plays on sheer guts now. She's not nearly the player she was offensively, but she still plays the best perimeter defense on our team, and takes a punishment at the basket getting to the line.
  17. K

    [PHX/DET] The Finals *** Game 5 - Winner Take All ***

    Yeah- she's like LeBron James,except she wastes her game jacking up threes and commits completely terrible fouls. I'm happy she spends her game trying to be Dan Majerle.
  18. K

    [PHX/DET] The Finals *** Game 5 - Winner Take All ***

    I'm scratching my head trying to figure out if Taurasi has any basketball IQ at all, or all her points come off sheer physical superiority.
  19. K

    [PHX/DET] The Finals *** Game 5 - Winner Take All ***

    That isn't very often. Mostly when we have to go small. Pierson actually subs for Ford more often than braxton.
  20. K

    [PHX/DET] The Finals *** Game 5 - Winner Take All ***

    It's a black mark for the WNBA that their MVP might refuse to play next year... I do wonder if money might talk, though. I'm sure some owners would be tempted to pay big money for the chance to get their ticket sales up. She could be looking at a huge payday if the Storm folds.