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  1. Nazman

    [Grades] Grades v. Magic 1/8/12

    Team definitely going in the right direction. Love what Coach Smart is saying. Wants to get this offense running. Get away from the stagnant half court offense. Smart says its not coming natural yet but if tonights game was any indication watching the Kings is going to be fun again. Then...
  2. Nazman

    SB Nation's Take On Deeper Problems w/ Kings
  3. Nazman

    NCAA March Madness (discussion and pick 'em)

    Good one!
  4. Nazman

    NCAA March Madness (discussion and pick 'em)

    According to ESPN today, only .004 percent or .4% of submitted NCAA tournament bracket/predictions got the final 4 teams correct. Believe it or not that's 200 individuals however. At least 200 people, that is, CORRECTLY predicted this Final Four. That is some pretty amazing forecasting...
  5. Nazman

    ESPN - Did you know

    According to today's ESPN/Did you know? Milwaukee Bucks 14-2 since acquisition of John Salmons Hmmmm?
  6. Nazman

    Why Does It Matter if Tyreke Is a "Point Guard"?

    Tyreke as point guard? What does it matter? Several obvious answers in my mind; Magic Johnson, Jason Kidd, Kevin Stockton and Steve Nash just to name a few. Points guards are a special breed. They can drive and penetrate, they can score from anywhere and this pedigree has. But the key...
  7. Nazman


    Truth be told he has made some progress in his effort on court - at least that's what i see when i watch games...
  8. Nazman


    Nicely done.
  9. Nazman


    Saw him in the crowd cheering Washington over Marquette in a close one just minutes ago - NCAA first round in San Jose. Anybody else see him?
  10. Nazman

    The REAL reason we suck

    Nice post! Hope you are right. Kid is very talented.
  11. Nazman

    The REAL reason we suck

    Hey Desert Excuse me for missing your mark but i was just working off the post by Bricklayer suggesting that more 'touching' comes from better plays/playmaking. Thus the remark that a good point guard can inspire better movement and better play making. With recent talk about Kings players...
  12. Nazman

    The REAL reason we suck

    Just can't get behind Tyreke at point guard. Doesn't feel right. Doesn't flow right. He can't carry a team and with him at point that's how the play tends to flow. Few touches. Poor movement and play making. Little development of a motion offense. Just Tyreke, dribble, dribble, drive...
  13. Nazman

    [CLE/ORL] - Eastern Conference finals

    He-do !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Nazman

    Kings get #4 pick

    Dripping irony; The Maloofs - big time Vegas shakers and movers lose big time at the NBA Lottery table (at a crucial time in the history of the franchise). Could this just be a case of bad juju?
  15. Nazman

    Italy muzzled scientist who foresaw quake...

    In news of interest; ROME, April 6 (Reuters) - An Italian scientist predicted a major earthquake around L'Aquila weeks before disaster struck the city on Monday, killing dozens of people, but was reported to authorities for spreading panic...
  16. Nazman

    NCAA March Madness (merged)

    I picked VU for the final four as well. But then again, my heart has always been w/ VU. Spent much of my youth on their campus working, playing hoops, looking for women, but ended up going to school in Philly...
  17. Nazman

    NCAA March Madness (merged)

    Duly noted. My heart dropped to the floor on that play. Totally uncharacteristic of this well-coached team. But it's pressure packed and those VU players just got so much heart. How can you not pull for em. They remind me a bit of the Kings in their heydey, the bench mob, the excitement...
  18. Nazman

    NCAA March Madness (merged)

    VU - the campus right down the street from where i grew up. All my sibs attended VU. I was the odd man in the group. But i never bet against them and like you LOVE watching them. Very well coached team. Excellent play they drew up to close it out - Cunningham on the handoff to Reynolds...
  19. Nazman

    NFL Playoff Matchup Game 2009 (Round 3)

    Being a long time die-hard displaced Philly fan who has lived and mostly died w/ the Philly franchises over my entire lifetime i would say this about the NFC championship; Eagles were outplayed and outcoached. Period. Can't quite relate to the Cardinals in the Super Bowl but give em credit...
  20. Nazman

    Anthony...33 points in quarter.

    Incredible feat. Surprised this didn't trigger more comments...