The great irony in all of this is when we had Cuz, we played at the fastest pace in the league when we should have played slow.
Now we have kids and are playing at the slowest pace, when we should be playing at the fastest pace.
Just browsed's Mock..
What do you guys think of this result.
1. Fultz
2. Ball
3. Jackson
4. Fox
5. Tatum
6. Isaac
8. Monk
If we could get Tatum and Frank... That would be an A+ draft from my standpoint.
GOOD LORD am I not going to miss hearing..."Well we went out there and played with good PACE"
"I thought our PACE was good but..."
"These guys need to learn how to play with better PACE, It's the NBA"
"Drilling these young guys how to play with PACE"
"If you can play with PACE, you're...
I would actually gamble on Knight. Young, can be a dynamic on offense sometimes, decent athleticism. I think with a good solid coach, we could get more out of him.
Lived in Elk Grove for 10+ years. 99 is only bad when it's rush hour, and what freeway isn't bad in sac during rush hour? He'll move to Wilton /Sheldon area.
What do you guys think about Ryan Anderson now that we have DJ as our coach?
I was under the assumption there was strong mutual interest, but now with Dave I'm not sure he fits.
Call it an inferiority complex... but I just feel like it would have been cool to have our own thing an not copy the bay area.
I know I will get flamed and I did on Twitter, as I agree that he would be at the top of anyones list.