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  1. Jim Les

    Maloofs Remain Stubborn

    They're stupid. That's really the only way to describe them. I really can't sympathize for them, because they have been completely incapable of making educated long-term decisions. They're stupid. They arrived in Sac in the late '90s and rode the wave of success that Petrie had already...
  2. Jim Les

    KJ Press Conference - Live right now online

    This is pretty much how I feel. They bought the team because they missed the Rockets. They rode through the team through some high times, and then I think they just expected a new arena deal to just "happen" without putting forth the necessary due diligence. I'd be much more sympathetic with...
  3. Jim Les

    The Fortune 500 myth?

    Interesting stuff. I don't know much (nothing, really) about Minn/St. Paul, but it sounds like it has benefited greatly from private interests? I'll have to look this up later when I have a little time. One thing I will say about Sacramento, is that it doesn't really have the corporate...
  4. Jim Les

    ESPN Outside The Lines PROGRAM ALERT

    Carolina Panthers play in Charlotte. Also of note is that the people of Charlotte absolutely hated Shinn as an owner as it was a nasty break-up between city and team, much like what we are seeing in Sac. I know quite a few people from Charlotte who were very much turned off by the NBA after...
  5. Jim Les

    ESPN Outside The Lines PROGRAM ALERT

    ^ good find.
  6. Jim Les

    ESPN Outside The Lines PROGRAM ALERT

    I've already asked myself that. If the Kings leave town, I'm done spending money on the NBA. Period.
  7. Jim Les

    ESPN Outside The Lines PROGRAM ALERT

    Yes. I know that. We all know that. The point of the question is at what point does that fact start to hurt the NBA? At what point will fans stop supporting their teams when they know that they can be stabbed in the heart at any moment. When fans continually get burned, they are going to...
  8. Jim Les

    ESPN Outside The Lines PROGRAM ALERT

    My guess is Outside the Lines will ask the moral question of, "who owns a team? The fans or the owners?" and they will base most of the discussion around that, using Seattle as the most recent example. I'm at work, hopefully they'll re-air it later.
  9. Jim Les

    "The kids have no money"

    "The kids have no money." Hmmmm, pretty condescending. Anyone else think that the rest of the league owners are looking at the Maloofs as rich kids with zero business sense? KJ pulled together money and a buyer in a hurry, and the Maloofs have seemingly no information about the complicated...
  10. Jim Les

    Out of towners - what will you do?

    I wrote this in another thread, but the response is more pertinent to this thread, so I'll answer here: I left Sacramento when I was 13, the same year Mitch was traded for Webber. I left the summer before all the fun started. So, as a teenager, watching the Kings on TV and on the League Pass...
  11. Jim Les

    Board of Gov Meeting Updates

    Interesting developments. Who knows how this will play out. I've been skeptical for a while now, but this does raise my eyebrows. A slim chance is still a chance. Now, on a personal note: I left Sacramento when I was 13, the same year Mitch was traded for Webber. I left the summer before...
  12. Jim Les

    It's finally getting to me..

    I'm a guy, and when Mitch went down, I remember being very upset. I stormed off and locked myself in my room after game 7 in 2002. It wasn't supposed to end that way. I threw a soda bottle and broke my TV stand when Webber went down. And now, here I am, a an adult, and I think I might have...
  13. Jim Les

    Webber doing all he can to keep team in Sacramento

    I get it, you think I'm a young academic whipper-snapper with no real-world sense. So you can do me a favor and lay off the latent sarcasm. I don't want to rehash that argument, so I'll just re-iterate my larger point by saying that the city would be equally served to build a skyscraper than...
  14. Jim Les

    Webber doing all he can to keep team in Sacramento

    What would you consider a mutually beneficial contract, then? Serious question. I know I like to rail on the Maloof's (because it's fun) but I'm not entirely removing blame from the city. But, with that being said, I would think that the city would be wise to secure their investment if they...
  15. Jim Les

    Webber doing all he can to keep team in Sacramento

    Then why not come out and just admit that? Why not come out and say, "Hey Sacramento, it's our team, and we're taking our talents to Long Beach. Don't like it? F****n screw! Sacramento is nice, but we can make more money in Anaheim. Deal with it!" Why even carry on with the dog and pony...
  16. Jim Les

    Webber doing all he can to keep team in Sacramento

    See, this is why I can't understand why some people keep apologizing for the Maloofs. If a genuine offer were on the table to buy the team (and that may be a big IF), the Maloof's simply would not sell. I think that much has been made clear. That, to me, is pretty indicative of their...
  17. Jim Les

    Maloofs Could Lose Out On NBA Money If Kings Move

    So, in 5 years when the Maloof's have finally lost controlling interest of the team and are living underneath an I-5 overpass, will everyone come into agreement that they are terrible businessmen? It's hard for me to imagine that they are smart, when they've lost their beer distributorship, are...
  18. Jim Les

    Maloofs Owe NBA $75-million, Brothers Unsure How Many "Yes" Votes They Have To Reloca

    Hmm...then who knows. They sure as heck didn't spend that money on the team or a new arena. Maybe the blew it all on Vegas prostitutes and cocaine.
  19. Jim Les

    Maloofs Owe NBA $75-million, Brothers Unsure How Many "Yes" Votes They Have To Reloca I interpreted that to mean that they did in fact pull out a loan, but the spokesman will not confirm or deny how much they have used. So I'm guessing that the reporter asked what they pulled the loan out for and how much of the loan...
  20. Jim Les

    Maloofs Owe NBA $75-million, Brothers Unsure How Many "Yes" Votes They Have To Reloca

    I'm gonna take a wild guess that the money borrowed from the NBA is for paying off the debts owed to the city of Sacramento (which would explain why the numbers are so close). My guess is that after they lawyer-ed up, they realized that they can't just walk away from Arco and give it back to...