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  1. C

    This is the Kings and no one is worried about Abdur-Rahim's knee?

    I hope the King's "curse of perpetual injuries" doesn't hit Abdur-Rahim's knee. After all, this is the team that a player can break his foot in PRACTICE.
  2. C

    You want me to watch the Finals? Make it relevant to MY TEAM

    "SAN ANTONIO - In their latest attempt to expand its audience and attract viewers who historically tune out the NBA playoffs, league officials are experimenting with live musical acts during pregame and halftime festivities."...
  3. C

    Bay Area Kings fans and AM 1140

    Yeah, if I had the money. That's $50/mo for digital cable + $150 league pass: 12*50 +150 = $750 per season. Back to AM... anybody got these radios?
  4. C

    Bay Area Kings fans and AM 1140

    I'm a born and raised Sac boy displaced to the sounth bay area. That means I don't get Ch10 to watch Kings games, but I can barely receive AM1140 to hear the radio telecast. Let me tell you, radio reception of AM 1140 down here SUCKS: "zzzzzzzzzBibby forzzzzzzzzzzzzand a shooting...
  5. C

    Kings @ Warriors Game Thread

    I could only watch it on TNT. Kings fans were loud! If I was blind, I would have thought it was a home game (almost) by the sound of it. Haha.
  6. C

    Kreidler: Christie deal good step for Petrie

    Mobley was a good get. But I'm still really SAD that Christie is gone. Makes me even sadder to hear about how he and his family miss Sac so much. Players like him make people fans beyond just fair weather.
  7. C

    Barnes "old school" hit to Tony Mass's back and the +1!

    Off the beezy fo sheezy. Hilarious play. I thought it was off hit bootay, not his back/knee.
  8. C

    Mobley..... A Shotblocker???

    This is almost like a very sad forced breakup with a great girlfriend because she has to move away for a job/school.... and then later meeting some great new girlfriend. Still missing Dougie, but big welcome to Mobley.
  9. C

    D.C. Says Goodbye - and KHTK 5 pm

    DC made me love the Kings. Bye, DC, I'm really sad that you're going. But best of luck anyways.