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  1. S

    Ronnie Price vs. Baron Davis

    Since it looks like we might lose Ronnie Price this summer, wouldn't it be nice to send him off in style? Ballhype is holding a 'Best Posterizations of the NBA Season' bracket, and the finals are Ronnie over Boozer and Baron over AK. We should win something this year, right? You can vote here...
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    Amick: Brown? Snow? Gooden? The possibilities

    Um, Shareef has been a King for only a year and a half, and P.J. Brown got traded to Chicago this past summer. So um, no. The idea has started gaining media traction only this week. I think the Bibby/Reef moves would make sense if both done. Separately, not so much.
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    LA Times - Artest Deal Could be Done Soon

    Here's a question: Would any of you have traded Peja for Maggette straight up last season? Bottom line: This team will not be a good defensive team with Mike Bibby and Brad Miller playing prominent roles. Those guys will seemingly be playing prominent roles for the foreseeable future. (Miller...
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    SLAM - Sacramento Kings Preview

    "Therefore when you write an article about the Kings, the author is of paramount importance, and should be noted (as I did above) the same way a Lakers fan writing about the Kobes quest to win 55 should be noted." Agreed, and wholeheartedly. But is it necessary to be so derogatory ("homer,"...
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    SLAM - Sacramento Kings Preview

    Yo Brick. Just to clear the air, these guys email me and ask me to contribute, not vice versa. So you know. And if being a smidge positive and hopeful before the season starts instead of beating everyone I run across over the brain with the hammer of "OMG this sucks!" everyday is being a homer...
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    Kings @ Lakers Game Thread

    I think we should all take a second and breathe. A poor first quarter on the road against a playoff team isn't the end of the world.
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    Grizzlies @ Kings Game Thread

    It's been fun guys. Stay away from Miller's RV. It's going to rocking hard tonight.
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    Grizzlies @ Kings Game Thread

    Did someone on the Grizzlies sleep with Brad's sister or something? Oh my. I like this guy. I think we should keep him.
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    Grizzlies @ Kings Game Thread

    So at least one good thing would've happened in case of a miss. Sorry. Can't resist softballs like that.
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    Grizzlies @ Kings Game Thread

    Brad Miller, welcome back.
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    Grizzlies @ Kings Game Thread

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    Grizzlies @ Kings Game Thread

    I actually like Angry Brad. He destroys janitors and custodians.
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    Grizzlies @ Kings Game Thread

    Sorry to burst your bubble, but Kevin doesn't have a career high. He's scored 25 twice.
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    Grizzlies @ Kings Game Thread

    That's it. No muffin basket the next time Bobby comes to Sac.
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    Grizzlies @ Kings Game Thread

    Watch out, he's angry. He might do something stupid. (SK23, that is.)
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    Grizzlies @ Kings Game Thread

    Artest has taken 20 shots. I'm not sure I feel great about that.
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    Grizzlies @ Kings Game Thread

    Four TOs for Ronnie and Kenny, two for Brad, Reef and Mike, one for Kevin, none for Francisco and Skinner.
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    Grizzlies @ Kings Game Thread

    How does Kevin only have three shots in the second half, while Mike has seven?
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    Grizzlies @ Kings Game Thread

    Our great shooting is being wasted by these awful turnovers.
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    Grizzlies @ Kings Game Thread

    Bobby has been patiently waiting for this for six months. And he ain't wasting it.