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  1. K

    New Plan Could be Gamechanger for Sacramento Kings

    Woke up this morning and saw this news. I'm cautiously optimistic. While it appears that local business leaders (and local govt??) have stepped up to the plate to try and save Sac from losing the Kings (and let's face it, much of the city's identity), it's unfortunate this sort of proposal has...
  2. K

    Rally before the game tomorrow (2/28)?

    I'll be cheering from Chicago...thank you to the Here We Stay group for all of their hard work in making sure this game is a sellout!
  3. K

    Martin for Josh Howard?

    Geez, I would hope that trading K-Mart would garner more quality than Josh "smoke 'em if you got 'em...and I have 'em!" Howard. :rolleyes: We don't need another guy who is trying to resurrect his career in Sac.
  4. K

    Tyreke being sued

    I just took a look at the Delaware County docket and it looks like the complaint was first filed back on November 2, 2009. Unfortunately, a copy of the complaint is unavailable...
  5. K

    Tyreke being sued

    Exactly...unfortunately, a certain guy in purple and gold didn't have his endorsements affected, however I still think about that case everytime I see him on the court. (of course, one of many reasons I hate the guy) Yah, maybe it's better to nip this in the bud.
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    Tyreke being sued

    Well, either way you slice it, this is bad pub for Tyreke. Comments from readers on the Philly Inquirer website are less than flattering.
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    Tyreke being sued

    If he fights this thing, it could bring up facts in the case that were not made public. Hopefully there isn't any evidence that could make us all say :eek:
  8. K

    Tyreke being sued

    I agree...this will quickly be swept under the rug. Just an aside...I wonder how they came up with a figure "in excess of $50,000"? Maybe they are simply trying to prove a point. The amount seems insignificant since their lawyers will take a good percentage of the damages, if awarded.
  9. K

    Grades v. Spurs 12/09/09

    Let's hope the Kings can catch the Bulls while they are still on their downward spiral. They've played with zero energy for the better part of the last 9 games (since beating the Kings) and are ripe for the picking.