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  1. J

    Updated Lineup

    This is probably the strongest lineup for defending the board and paint People need to stop looking at what Landry is listed at. Those are false numbers. He looks puny out there like Kenny Thomas. I thought we're done with the tweener, K9 experiments. Time to move on.
  2. J

    Updated Lineup

    When your vets are kicking arse you start them but when they are horrible year in and year out you need to make a change. If fans were really excited when we drafted Cousins for a reason. They saw hope and starting your "Hope" is a good way to go for an organization. I don't think the fans can...
  3. J

    Updated Lineup

    I agree. That lineup is a joke. It won't happen and if it does then PW will lose his job at the end of the season because he would have failed to win games and developed the young guys with highest potential. This lineup looks like GS Warriors lineup.
  4. J

    Updated Lineup

    Landry seems to have a lot of fans on this board. I'm surprised especially with the statement "Landry is our best PF". To me a guy who cannot rebound and play interior defense is not even a PF. If all he can do is score then he should play SF.
  5. J

    Updated Lineup

    Actually starting him can help with his stamina. The more he sits on the bench the fatter he'll get. Plus, Evans did great starting last year so why the heck can't we start Cousins? We have nothing to lose. When you draft a guy at #5 and you just came off a horrible year, you better start you...
  6. J

    Updated Lineup

    It's important to realize we're not a contender I agree that PW will play musical chair but If you think about where we are as a team it makes it easier to see what we're likely to do with the lineup. 1.The fact is that we're not a contender and won't be for a couple of years. 2.The fact is we...
  7. J

    Updated Lineup

    Fluidity in lineup I think people are too focused on exact position. With the personnel we have we really are looking just 2 guards and 2 bigs. Cousins skills are fit for PF on offense and center on defense. He can shoot outside and post up and that makes him a PF on offense. Dally has...
  8. J

    Updated Lineup

    Cousins vs Landry to start It looks like people agree on the front line for the most part with Donte and Dally to start but there seems to be variety of opinions about Landry or Cousins to start. Let's break down what they bring and see if we can predict what PW will do. Offense: Both good...
  9. J

    Kings sign Antoine Wright and Pooh Jeter

    perimeter speed It looks like with Wright and Jeter, they're trying to improve perimeter speed which will improve our fast break capability. With Cousins and Dally grabbing rebounds we'll have more fast break opportunity. Wright can't shoot but he can fly and give us extra opportunity to score...
  10. J

    Updated Lineup

    Emphasis on Defense There is renewed emphasis on defense and rebounding from GM down to coaching staff. This is why I think that Landry will not start. 6.5 rebounds for 37.6 minutes as power forward will lose a lot of games for us. You simply cannot have a puny Power Forward who cannot rebound...
  11. J

    Updated Lineup

    And Landry becomes a matchup nightmare for us on the defensive end against opposing PF.
  12. J

    Updated Lineup

    This looks like the same team as last year with SD as the difference. Well I doubt that SD will make much of difference and so with this lineup, we will end up with a slightly better record on the optimistic side.
  13. J

    Updated Lineup

    Everybody was so high on Cousins until the last couple of games. He still won SL player. He will be in better shape when season starts and he won't have to play every day for 6 days in a row. He's still our best option for scoring down low and rebounding. We always need a shotblocker on the...
  14. J

    Kings sign Antoine Wright and Pooh Jeter

    A 2 guard who can't shoot is really puzzling.
  15. J

    Updated Lineup

    OK, Time for updated lineup with more certainty with recent signings. Starting: PG: Beno SG: Tyreke SF: Donte PF: Dally C: Cousins 2 shooters (Beno, Donte), 2 rebounders (Dally, Cousins), 1 shotblocker (Dally), 2 playmakers (Tyreke, Cousins) Backup: PG: Jeter SG: Garcia SF: Omri PF...
  16. J

    Kings sign Antoine Wright and Pooh Jeter

    Lin is probably the most efficient shooter you can get out of SL at .519 FG and .667 3pt and really fits our need at the 2 position with the size and athleticism so I still think he fills our need better but for some reason, our GM thinks we're set at the 2 so he takes the next need is PG backup.
  17. J

    Kings sign Antoine Wright and Pooh Jeter

    quick energy bunny Pooh will give us quick energy minutes to that we need. I'd rather have Jeremy Lin myself. He's an energizer bunny but is bigger at 6'3" and good outside shooter. Too bad we let the Warriors jump on him. We probably sign Wright in hopes of playing better defense against...
  18. J

    Kings sign Antoine Wright and Pooh Jeter

    Smart signing He improved his shooting quite a bit. Good signing. Hitting clutch shot in SL helps too. What we need are more clutch shooter like when we had Bibby. That's when you can start winning.
  19. J

    Wayne Chism?

    I think Chism has several things going for him. 1. Focal player on a prime time college program playing against elite competition 2. Showed well in SL 3. Good basketball fundamental 4. Has the physical tools: strength of power forward with shooting ability of SF. 5. Developed offensive game 6...
  20. J

    Outside shooting

    worst pg? Did you even see the games? DF is clutch. The announcers and analysts all thought that he was one of the top reasons why they won championship. Some even thought that he played a more important role than Kobe. When the game is on the line, he knocks down treys. Number of teams were...