Congratulations to you all

So in between this big decision, I had an absolutely crazy week at work, going from nearly losing my job to getting promoted within a day or two (office politics).When I first came here few months back I said I wish Seattle had done what KJ did for Sacramento, and its nothing short of admirable all of you were hopeful the entire time that it would work out for you. Wish I could be the same about an expansion team, I know I was confident Hansen had leverage to gain one but I dont know, we'll see, could still be years before basketball returns to my hometown. Maybe things are in the works now but I'm not holding my breath, it made my sick seeing Stern be a total asshat to Seattle, and anyone who thinks Stern doesn't still hold a grudge against Seattle, he walks in the room and states "Lets make this short, I have a game to go to in OKC". That was a deliberate slap at Seattle that frankly was unnecessary. I hope one day we'll see both our cities competing on the court. Congrats again, everything you wanted came true in just a few short but crazy months. I'd be thrilled if I was a Kings fan.
Also, I know a lot of you hate Hansen and Ballmer, but at the same time, I believe everything happens for a reason, and in the end Sacramento kept their team, has a great group of owners, got rid of the Maloofs amicably, and eventually will have a new arena. All four things you've all been waiting for a very long time for. While the logic doesn't make sense, it is interesting how you guys couldn't have gotten this perfect outcome without Hansen & Ballmer. Your city shined when it mattered because you were backed up into a corner, tripled teamed if you want to make a basketball reference. I know many of you may not see it that way and will think of Hansen/Ballmer as evil for trying to take your team, but hopefully you won't hold a grudge against them into the future or the city of Seattle even if certain fans were unpleasant throughout this process.


Super Moderator Emeritus
So in between this big decision, I had an absolutely crazy week at work, going from nearly losing my job to getting promoted within a day or two (office politics).When I first came here few months back I said I wish Seattle had done what KJ did for Sacramento, and its nothing short of admirable all of you were hopeful the entire time that it would work out for you. Wish I could be the same about an expansion team, I know I was confident Hansen had leverage to gain one but I dont know, we'll see, could still be years before basketball returns to my hometown. Maybe things are in the works now but I'm not holding my breath, it made my sick seeing Stern be a total asshat to Seattle, and anyone who thinks Stern doesn't still hold a grudge against Seattle, he walks in the room and states "Lets make this short, I have a game to go to in OKC". That was a deliberate slap at Seattle that frankly was unnecessary. I hope one day we'll see both our cities competing on the court. Congrats again, everything you wanted came true in just a few short but crazy months. I'd be thrilled if I was a Kings fan.
Dude, you really need to let go of the stupid victim mentality. David Stern also made a slip of the tongue congratulating "Seattle fans"'s not about him trying to find ways to stick it to Seattle.

He's been trying to get to as many playoff games as possible, something he does every year. That night it was going to be in OKC. I'm pretty sure he didn't plot all of that ahead of time.

That's the one thing you never understood when you came here. You'd post a apparently supporting comment but then you just had to include something off the wall, something that wasn't germane but kept you/Seattle as the victims.

I may be speaking only for myself, but you make it very hard for me to care at all about Seattle. And just for the record? Everything we wanted didn't come true in just a few short months. We've been waiting YEARS for this. Seattle wasn't the first sword of Damacles that was suspended over our heads. It was, thankfully, just the last one.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Also, I know a lot of you hate Hansen and Ballmer, but at the same time, I believe everything happens for a reason, and in the end Sacramento kept their team, has a great group of owners, got rid of the Maloofs amicably, and eventually will have a new arena. All four things you've all been waiting for a very long time for. While the logic doesn't make sense, it is interesting how you guys couldn't have gotten this perfect outcome without Hansen & Ballmer. Your city shined when it mattered because you were backed up into a corner, tripled teamed if you want to make a basketball reference. I know many of you may not see it that way and will think of Hansen/Ballmer as evil for trying to take your team, but hopefully you won't hold a grudge against them into the future or the city of Seattle even if certain fans were unpleasant throughout this process.
And there you go again. Want the God's honest truth? I don't care enough about Hansen/Ballmer to hold a grudge against them. It's over. It's water under the bridge. It's old news.
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Dude, you really need to let go of the stupid victim mentality. David Stern also made a slip of the tongue congratulating "Seattle fans"'s not about him trying to find ways to stick it to Seattle.

He's been trying to get to as many playoff games as possible, something he does every year. That night it was going to be in OKC. I'm pretty sure he didn't plot all of that ahead of time.

That's the one thing you never understood when you came here. You'd post a apparently supporting comment but then you just had to include something off the wall, something that wasn't germane but kept you/Seattle as the victims.

I may be speaking only for myself, but you make it very hard for me to care at all about Seattle. And just for the record? Everything we wanted didn't come true in just a few short months. We've been waiting YEARS for this. Seattle wasn't the first sword of Damacles that was suspended over our heads. It was, thankfully, just the last one.
Dude, you really need to let go of the stupid victim mentality. David Stern also made a slip of the tongue congratulating "Seattle fans"'s not about him trying to find ways to stick it to Seattle.

He's been trying to get to as many playoff games as possible, something he does every year. That night it was going to be in OKC. I'm pretty sure he didn't plot all of that ahead of time.

That's the one thing you never understood when you came here. You'd post a apparently supporting comment but then you just had to include something off the wall, something that wasn't germane but kept you/Seattle as the victims.

I may be speaking only for myself, but you make it very hard for me to care at all about Seattle. And just for the record? Everything we wanted didn't come true in just a few short months. We've been waiting YEARS for this. Seattle wasn't the first sword of Damacles that was suspended over our heads. It was, thankfully, just the last one.
Actually, and with all do respect, VF21, I have to agree with him on one thing, and that is the comment he made about him needing to go to OKC to catch the game that night was, in my humble opinion, somewhat of a jab to the city of Seattle. He could have gone on with his press conference without any mention of the game that night. Hate to be one to side with a Seattle folk here, but I think he's got a legit point there.
Thanks for your sentiments and best of luck getting an expansion team. (I'm not going to wish you luck getting another city's team, because the fans of that city's team don't want that kind of stress, believe me.)
Also, I know a lot of you hate Hansen and Ballmer, but at the same time, I believe everything happens for a reason, and in the end Sacramento kept their team, has a great group of owners, got rid of the Maloofs amicably, and eventually will have a new arena. All four things you've all been waiting for a very long time for. While the logic doesn't make sense, it is interesting how you guys couldn't have gotten this perfect outcome without Hansen & Ballmer. Your city shined when it mattered because you were backed up into a corner, tripled teamed if you want to make a basketball reference. I know many of you may not see it that way and will think of Hansen/Ballmer as evil for trying to take your team, but hopefully you won't hold a grudge against them into the future or the city of Seattle even if certain fans were unpleasant throughout this process.
Hansen/Ballmer did everything in their power that another city in their position would have done had it been Seattle's team for sale, and not our (Sacramento) team. I don't hold anything against them with respect to the methodology in which they went about with the whole ordeal. If Seattle gets a team in the future, I will gladly be one of the first Sacramento Kings fans to congratulate the city of Seattle, and their fans, well at least the fans who showed some class during the whole Sacramento-Seattle ordeal...

Trust me when I say this....with regards to my first statement, I think a Sacramento group would have done the same thing as what Hansen/Ballmer did. I have very little doubts about this.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Actually, and with all do respect, VF21, I have to agree with him on one thing, and that is the comment he made about him needing to go to OKC to catch the game that night was, in my humble opinion, somewhat of a jab to the city of Seattle. He could have gone on with his press conference without any mention of the game that night. Hate to be one to side with a Seattle folk here, but I think he's got a legit point there.
We'll have to agree to disagree. Stern may be a lot of things but I do not think he's that petty. Why would he take a jab at the city of Seattle when the Board of Governors had just done the job for him?

But no matter. Seattle can continue to feel victimized or they can put it behind them and try to find a way to work WITH the NBA and get an expansion team at some point. It's up to them, and after what I've seen of their radio hosts and reporters, they're not going to have an easy time of it. You have to acknowledge your mistakes before you can move past them.

But, again, that's just my two cents. I'm too busy looking at SACRAMENTO's future to worry about Seattle.
We'll have to agree to disagree. Stern may be a lot of things but I do not think he's that petty. Why would he take a jab at the city of Seattle when the Board of Governors had just done the job for him?

But no matter. Seattle can continue to feel victimized or they can put it behind them and try to find a way to work WITH the NBA and get an expansion team at some point. It's up to them, and after what I've seen of their radio hosts and reporters, they're not going to have an easy time of it. You have to acknowledge your mistakes before you can move past them.

But, again, that's just my two cents. I'm too busy looking at SACRAMENTO's future to worry about Seattle.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
We'll have to agree to disagree. Stern may be a lot of things but I do not think he's that petty. Why would he take a jab at the city of Seattle when the Board of Governors had just done the job for him?
Well, I don't know if it was malicious or not, but I believe I do recall seeing Silver raise his eyebrows, like, "Wow, really?"
We'll have to agree to disagree. Stern may be a lot of things but I do not think he's that petty. Why would he take a jab at the city of Seattle when the Board of Governors had just done the job for him?

But no matter. Seattle can continue to feel victimized or they can put it behind them and try to find a way to work WITH the NBA and get an expansion team at some point. It's up to them, and after what I've seen of their radio hosts and reporters, they're not going to have an easy time of it. You have to acknowledge your mistakes before you can move past them.

But, again, that's just my two cents. I'm too busy looking at SACRAMENTO's future to worry about Seattle.
Fair enough. I don't wanna pick any fights here. Especially with a passionate and loyal Kings fan as you.

I agree that Seattle is gonna have a tough time recovering from this, but their biggest fight is yet to come, and that is to convince the NBA to grant them an NBA franchise, whether it be via expansion, or relocation...

PS: I always hold your viewpoints to a very high, and respected, standard. You are one of the most passionate Kings fans I know. I wish I were able to pour in more of my time and effort in attending the meetings, welcoming KJ and company home at the airport, attending all of the here we stay games, etc. I will forever be grateful to you, and all of the other wonderful Kings fans who have poured all of your time and effort, along with your heart and soul, into keeping the Kings in Sacramento. I hope you all will be recognized at a future Kings game. (And maybe even have a jersey up in the new arena for your efforts)
Dude, you really need to let go of the stupid victim mentality. David Stern also made a slip of the tongue congratulating "Seattle fans"'s not about him trying to find ways to stick it to Seattle.

He's been trying to get to as many playoff games as possible, something he does every year. That night it was going to be in OKC. I'm pretty sure he didn't plot all of that ahead of time.

That's the one thing you never understood when you came here. You'd post a apparently supporting comment but then you just had to include something off the wall, something that wasn't germane but kept you/Seattle as the victims.

I may be speaking only for myself, but you make it very hard for me to care at all about Seattle. And just for the record? Everything we wanted didn't come true in just a few short months. We've been waiting YEARS for this. Seattle wasn't the first sword of Damacles that was suspended over our heads. It was, thankfully, just the last one.

I admire your passion for your team my friend, and you're right Seattle should work with the NBA. But we feel entitled to a team just like any city of 3.5 million should, in a state of 7 million people. Seattle is a proud city just like Sacramento, only we just see things differently from the NBA, just as Mark Cuban see's things differently. We see the NBA being in Seattle as an easy, pragmatic choice. We ask, why wouldn't the NBA want to be here? Whereas the NBA has an agenda they need to push that Seattle got in the way of.

Northwest is very independently minded. Seattle (or Washington & Oregon) has much more in common economically, politically and culturally with Vancouver & British Columbia than it does with anywhere else in America. Thus Seattle sees things the way Seattle sees things, its the epitome of stubbornness, but its the way people are. Its a weakness, and is why the NBA isn't in Seattle now. Just like anyone whose stubborn, its difficult to admit that stubbornness, much easier to be argumentative and difficult. Thats why its quite nice that Hansen, who despite being a local originally whose left the Northwest bubble mentality, is a good figure to have spearing this effort to bring back the NBA. Its much easier for him to possibly work with the NBA than it would be for Ballmer or anyone else in the Seattle bubble, who would probably be more prone to working stubbornly and with a sense of entitlement.

That being said, Stern is one of the smartest PR people in the entire country, its no accident he's running the NBA. He's witty, quick, articulate and especially careful when choosing his words, this was not a slip of the tongue. It really was unnecessary, and I honestly believe Stern just despises Seattle. Maybe again you'll think I'm being a stubborn Seattleite, but the guy literally could have said anything for his opening words like "Lets be quick, I've got to leave", "Plane to catch", "Need to speak to my wife" or he could have said none of that at all, he's playing games and made the conscious choice to just re-open old wounds with a comment like that.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I admire your passion for your team my friend, and you're right Seattle should work with the NBA. But we feel entitled to a team just like any city of 3.5 million should, in a state of 7 million people. Seattle is a proud city just like Sacramento, only we just see things differently from the NBA, just as Mark Cuban see's things differently. We see the NBA being in Seattle as an easy, pragmatic choice. We ask, why wouldn't the NBA want to be here? Whereas the NBA has an agenda they need to push that Seattle got in the way of.

Northwest is very independently minded. Seattle (or Washington & Oregon) has much more in common economically, politically and culturally with Vancouver & British Columbia than it does with anywhere else in America. Thus Seattle sees things the way Seattle sees things, its the epitome of stubbornness, but its the way people are. Its a weakness, and is why the NBA isn't in Seattle now. Just like anyone whose stubborn, its difficult to admit that stubbornness, much easier to be argumentative and difficult. Thats why its quite nice that Hansen, who despite being a local originally whose left the Northwest bubble mentality, is a good figure to have spearing this effort to bring back the NBA. Its much easier for him to possibly work with the NBA than it would be for Ballmer or anyone else in the Seattle bubble, who would probably be more prone to working stubbornly and with a sense of entitlement.

That being said, Stern is one of the smartest PR people in the entire country, its no accident he's running the NBA. He's witty, quick, articulate and especially careful when choosing his words, this was not a slip of the tongue. It really was unnecessary, and I honestly believe Stern just despises Seattle. Maybe again you'll think I'm being a stubborn Seattleite, but the guy literally could have said anything for his opening words like "Lets be quick, I've got to leave", "Plane to catch", "Need to speak to my wife" or he could have said none of that at all, he's playing games and made the conscious choice to just re-open old wounds with a comment like that.
So basically, you want to join their club but you want them to play by your rules...

This is a conversation i no longer need to be a part of. Have a nice day.
Also, I know a lot of you hate Hansen and Ballmer, but at the same time, I believe everything happens for a reason, and in the end Sacramento kept their team, has a great group of owners, got rid of the Maloofs amicably, and eventually will have a new arena. All four things you've all been waiting for a very long time for. While the logic doesn't make sense, it is interesting how you guys couldn't have gotten this perfect outcome without Hansen & Ballmer. Your city shined when it mattered because you were backed up into a corner, tripled teamed if you want to make a basketball reference. I know many of you may not see it that way and will think of Hansen/Ballmer as evil for trying to take your team, but hopefully you won't hold a grudge against them into the future or the city of Seattle even if certain fans were unpleasant throughout this process.
So you guys tried to steal our bike and justified it in your heads because you had your bike stolen? We fought and got our bike back and now we should respect you because it's going to get fixed up?

I can't stand Hansen/Ballmer, can't stand the Maloofs and can't stand the Sonics and their fans. A bunch of hypocrites that cried when their team got ripped away from them and then turned around and tried to bully a smaller town and rip their team away to justify what they lost. I'm glad Stern stood up for us and recognized what shadiness of what was going on with this entire situation. Every Sonics fan should be ashamed of themselves for going along with trying to steal our team. You guys conveniently looked over the fact that our dead beat owners screwed our town and our team over on purpose to line their own wallets. The Maloofs tried to make it look like Sacramento's small market was weak by hiring terrible coaches, not spending any money on players and drafting novelty players over actual good players. Once the fans stopped showing up they could finally go "Look see, Sacramento isn't a viable NBA market!". We got tired of it and started to refuse to give our money to the Maloofs for a sub part product on the court. You guys knew about all of this and ignored it might have actually made you feel bad about trying to steal our team. Well luckily David Stern and 22 owners saw right through the Maloof's idiotic plan and decided that Sacramento was a viable NBA market that had been screwed over for years by dead beat owners.

With that said, I hope you guys get an expansion team. It's going to be fun as hell having a new rivalry. In my book the Lakers are going to take a back seat as far as being the most hated team in Sacramento once you guys get going.
Do we honestly have to put up with this drivel? I know it's a public forum and all, but the deal is done, the Kings are STAYING in Sacramento.

Posts like this should be ignored, just as other bitter Seattle fans and thoughts should be. It's a new era, and fresh start. It's About the SACRAMENTO KINGS now.

Best thing we can do, is ignore posts and comments like these, and just look forward to the future. I prefer to talk about what we can now do with the organisation, with the new owners we have now. Coach? GM? Trades? It's going to be an exciting future.

Keep talking Seattle. We really do not care. The kings are STAYING!!!! WOOOHOOO!!!!!

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Hall of Famer
So in between this big decision, I had an absolutely crazy week at work, going from nearly losing my job to getting promoted within a day or two (office politics).When I first came here few months back I said I wish Seattle had done what KJ did for Sacramento, and its nothing short of admirable all of you were hopeful the entire time that it would work out for you. Wish I could be the same about an expansion team, I know I was confident Hansen had leverage to gain one but I dont know, we'll see, could still be years before basketball returns to my hometown. Maybe things are in the works now but I'm not holding my breath, it made my sick seeing Stern be a total asshat to Seattle, and anyone who thinks Stern doesn't still hold a grudge against Seattle, he walks in the room and states "Lets make this short, I have a game to go to in OKC". That was a deliberate slap at Seattle that frankly was unnecessary. I hope one day we'll see both our cities competing on the court. Congrats again, everything you wanted came true in just a few short but crazy months. I'd be thrilled if I was a Kings fan.
You are seeing things and interpreting things that aren't there. Remember that Stern has said all along that the offer by Hansen/Ballmer/Nordstrom was great. You must have so much hatred for what you think Stern has done to you to continue to miss the signals that are in the favor of Seattle. And, let me add that Stern will be gone very soon and you will have to deal with Silver. If things don't go your way under Silver, who will you blame then? At some point, you have to look into the mirror. I have personally paid little attention to the Seattle point of view but the parts that filter through to this forum tell me that your local media is manipulating the news and is manipulating it in a way to stir up the fans' frenzy and therefore their own careers.

My impression is that Seattle has the advantage over any other city at this moment whether it be for an expansion team or by purchasing another team. Scrape away all the extraneous BS and this is what you end up with. Seattle is next in line. Seattle has been vetted and NOT found wanting. Their disadvantage is that ties go to the home team. The issue was always whether or not Sacramento could meet the NBA's standards. Seattle has never been in a position to take it from Sacramento that has proven UNDER DURESS and despite the Maloof and Hansen smoke screens that they can get together an ownership group and have an arena going down the pipeline towards construction.

Play nice with the NBA and at present that means Silver. If you do that and temper (pun intended) your anger, you will get what you want. I hope it has been learned that you absolutely MUST play the game according to the written and unwritten rules of the NBA. If you can't do that, I have no sympathy for you or your city. I would love to be in a position to whine about not having the NBA when I already havs an MLB team, an NFL team, soccer, and a great university - none of this is what Sacramento has. Take a step back and exhale.


Super Moderator Emeritus
No response to the Phoenix Jones comment? I would think you of all people would know what that means, hoopster.
In case you haven't noticed, hoopster doesn't hang on the board waiting for replies. He makes a post or two and then disappears into the night.
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