Trading Tyreke... Unthinkable?

Ok, I know this is going to come off a bit crazy, but I could envision a scenario in which we might have to consider trading Tyreke.

If at the 7th pick our best option is either Knight or Walker, or if we somehow trade into the 2nd pick, and Cleveland takes Williams and we get Irving, don't you think that we'd have too many scoring guards?

Thornton was doing some really, really nice things towards the end of the year last year. Any of the 3 point guards (Irving, Knight or Walker) would probably be an improvement over Tyreke in terms of being more of a "legit" point guard. I just think if we get one of those 3 guys, and we re-sign Thornton, then somebody is the odd man out. You can't put any of those 3 guys on the bench for an extended period of time. It just doesn't make any sense. Thornton is the only one that doesn't seem to need to always have the ball in his hands, unlike Tyreke or any of the 3 PG's in the top 10.

So, it seems like Thornton should be the guy that we definitely keep, assuming we can sign him to a "reasonable" deal. Then obviously, if we take any of those 3 point guards, the thought process must be that they are going to be our future at that position, so they need to get major playing time. The problem is, Tyreke's early success and Rookie of the Year award, require that he get's major minutes. Which means that Knight or Walker would come off the bench. Irving would likely start alongside Tyreke, which would be the wrong pairing. (Obviously, I know I'm wishing on a star but if Kahn accepted Casspi and the 7th overall pick....) Thornton would be the better pairing, but I just can't see Tyreke coming off the bench. It would be too huge a blow to his ego, and it would probably cause considerable tension.

So, that brings us back to the original point. Could we even fathom trading Tyreke? Who could we get in return? Obviously, all of this is pretty much a moot point if Kawhi Leonard is on the board at No.7. I think it's a no brainer the Kings take him at that spot, but if Leonard is gone, and Kemba is there....


Hall of Famer

I agree that a lineup of Kryie/Reke/Thornton might not work out. Thats a lot of backcourt talent, with only one ball to share. But we arnt getting Irving, so its a moot point.




Are you nuts? :p
Let me put it this way, every player that you have mentioned would be traded well before you consider trading Tyreke.

There is no way in hell you trade Tyreke or Cousins unless you are getting a major talent upgrade and none of the players you mentioned are better or potentially better than Tyreke. Irving, Walker and Knights?! NONE of them are better or have greater potential than Tyreke. There is no perennial all-star talent in that 3.

Some deluded people are comparing Irving to Chris Paul just like people compared Mike Conley to Chris Paul. Irving will not be worthy enough of polishing Paul's shoes let alone be mentioned in the same sentence.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
So let me get this straight -- we manufacture an unlikely move up in the draft so we can draft a rookie so we have to trade away our ROY from 2 years ago?

Yeah that makes sense.

Wouldn't it perhaps, and I'm just throwing this out there, but wouldn't it perhaps make more sense to just not burn assets to get that #2, instead draft #7, and keep the former ROY? I know, crazy talk.
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Hall of Famer
Reke is a jump shot away from being unstoppable on offense and is a good defender. Trading him is also disruptive to the team.
exactly, even if that jump shot is slow in coming the kid gives us 20 pts, rebounds and is getting better at passing. Hell it took JKidd an eternity to get that outside shot and even if Reke develops slower then we expect im not trading him
Keep building around him.

looking forward to getting a good role player in this draft that can help move us forward.

any big trades now should be helping us not ruining us.
Tyreke is the best penetrator we have right now.. he draws in the defender and is one of our players outside cousins that will require a double team.

size and length, not to mention potential. he may not be an effective point guard but he is a damn good player. his defense improved in his second year.

to trade him for the top 1 or 2 picks would be silly.. reke and DMC are untouchable right now
I thought the OP would get shouted down, but is there a star big man and quality SF you could get for Tyreke who would make you reconsider? I'd love to have Walker and an upgraded frontcourt mate for Cousins and an upgraded SF. Walker and Thornton would be a nice young backcourt.


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Staff member
You always keep your mind open on possible trades for any player - there might be someone willing to vastly "overpay" to get that particular player in return. This, however, is not one of those situations.
I wouldn’t do it, but I can see the argument of – Evans puts up numbers but we’re worried that either: he’s such and odd shaped piece that it’s going to be hard to build a team around him; or he’s more like Francis than Rose and his numbers / work ethic are a problem.

Again, I wouldn’t do it – but if you wanted to trade Evans for Kevin Love and the #2 pick, you could make a case for it

Between Love and Cousins, you’d have a great frontcourt that fit almost perfectly together. You take Williams with the two pick to finish out the frontcout, resign Thornton, and eventually bring in a veteran point guard like Felton or better. You’d have Thompson, Beno, #7, Caspi/Green, Whiteside, ect on the bench. That’s a pretty good team, with roles, and set positions.

And I think Minny would do it, because Love already wants out of there … whereas Evans might take the security of getting a max extension asap, as opposed to taking the risk of playing out his rookie contract and getting injured.
So to answer your question, not unthinkable.


Hall of Famer
The only way you trade Tyreke is after you're convinced that he's never going to have an outside shot and his game is never going to improve. We're a long way from that outcome.
considering moving reke for who? in this draft of all drafts? have you not watched him do his thing in his rookie year? the kid was unstoppable. size, ball handling, strength is all there, just missing that reliable jump shot. if you trade reke, you have multiple undersized guards. thornton is 6'3 and irving/knight is 6'1/6'3 respectively. so, who is gonna guard the full sized shooting guard when you trot out 6'1/6'3/6'1 backcourt? have you thought this through? reke is a jump shot away from being unguardable.
No player is untradable. Everyone has a price, every player has a deal that would be stupid not to jump on.

Tyreke and Casspi for Blake, Gordon and a number 1 unprotected pick. Do you do that?

For every player, there is a conceivable package that you would trade that player for. Would it be realistic? Judging by KF, no realistic trade for Tyreke will ever come about. Tyreke for God, Jesus, Buddha, Allah and the expiring of Judas would be deemed unfair.

The point is that if you can make a ridiculous trade package that you would do, then there exists a less ridiculous package. Keep sliding down that scale until you say no. It's calculus.
that backcourt would not work. i'd like an over/under on how many times our backcourt gets posted up in the season if this were to happen.
Nope. Not much of an issue. There are very few guards that can post up. It's just not something they practice. I guess Dallas must suck with JJ and Terry playing in the backcourt and get posted up all the time.


Subsidiary Intermediary
Staff member
. There are very few guards that can post up.
Why would we want to give up the one who can?

Unless Dwight Howard or CP3 is coming on the back end of that trade, there's no reason to think about moving someone who is still improving. We need to get those TDOS desert island threads going again to bring some sanity back - or at least move the insane. (I say, as a former TDOS champion.)
Nope. Not much of an issue. There are very few guards that can post up. It's just not something they practice. I guess Dallas must suck with JJ and Terry playing in the backcourt and get posted up all the time.
they do it in small spurts and iirc both are bench sparkplugs. i've seen them start w/ stevenson, kidd, marion, dirk and chandler as the starting line up.
Why would we want to give up the one who can?

Unless Dwight Howard or CP3 is coming on the back end of that trade, there's no reason to think about moving someone who is still improving. We need to get those TDOS desert island threads going again to bring some sanity back - or at least move the insane. (I say, as a former TDOS champion.)
Where did I say we should trade him?
they do it in small spurts and iirc both are bench sparkplugs. i've seen them start w/ stevenson, kidd, marion, dirk and chandler as the starting line up.
What does that have to do with small guards being posted up? Teams deal with it all the time. Bibby and BJax was one of the best backcourts for the Kings. People thought Spud Webb and Boykins would get posted all the time. It really didnt happen much unless the other teams PG could post up.

How about Nellie putting Nash on Peja? It worked because Peja isnt a post up guy. Just like the warriors did with Dirk in 07.
What does that have to do with small guards being posted up? Teams deal with it all the time. Bibby and BJax was one of the best backcourts for the Kings. People thought Spud Webb and Boykins would get posted all the time. It really didnt happen much unless the other teams PG could post up.

How about Nellie putting Nash on Peja? It worked because Peja isnt a post up guy. Just like the warriors did with Dirk in 07.

and when we did run into the lakers with bobby getting posted up by kobe. don't get me wrong, bobby was one of the fiercest competitors we had. kobe took him straight to the post and bobby had to pull out all his defensive tricks to keep him from making the shot. i'll concede not every team has a guard that can post up and different mismatches IE nash/peja. however, why put yourself in that position if its unnecessary.