I thought the only thing they didn't turn over was some of the financial information. My suspicion is they want no one to know their financial situation. Just guessing about what specifically they didn't turn over.
That could very well be the case. There is also another side of the coin. Those sort of financial studies that ICON want from the Maloofs would have cost the Maloofs a few million dollars over the years. If they believe that the current effort is no different to any of the previous ones, then why should they be giving millions of dollars worth of information to someone else?!
I love it how everyone says this is the most promising effort yet but if we go back to every other effort, its the same sort of talk we are hearing again. Fact is, if the Arena is to be built in Sacramento it HAS to be majorly funded by public money and the only realistic way to do that is increase the taxes (especially in current financial climate) and we all know how popular that is in Sacramento.
Taylor himself said that his study is a long shot and there is more chance of it failing than succeeding but some people don't get that and blindly dribble out the rubbish that this is the most promising arena push to date.
The chances of it being successful are even more of a long shot that years ago simply because of the financial crisis that has hit both Maloofs and California. People think that Taylor/ICON is like god and can do anything including turn stone into water!