I live in the OC and close to Anaheim...

I think maybe they did have their minds made up already. In which case, they were probably going to file March 1. They didn't. Don't they get credit for that? I think the fan response on Monday helped them delay their decision, and at the end of the day, maybe that's enough to give Taylor/ICON a few more weeks. But they've given Sacramento a few more years already. The idea that they're torpedoeing the deal doesn't hold water with me. They could have filed already.
Or maybe once they've looked closer at Anaheim, they've seen there are some cracks in the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? Or maybe that forking out over 100 million dollars now when there is no significant basketball related revenue coming their way until probably some time in 2012 isn't such a hot idea?
Or maybe once they've looked closer at Anaheim, they've seen there are some cracks in the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? Or maybe that forking out over 100 million dollars now when there is no significant basketball related revenue coming their way until probably some time in 2012 isn't such a hot idea?
All of that is possible. It doesn't change the fact that they've been trying to get something done in Sacramento for years now.
Is everyone forgetting that the Maloofs were not blameless in the 2006 Q and R debacle? Certainly the city deserves its share of the blame if and when the team leaves, but saying the Maloofs and the NBA did all they could and don't have any responsibility anymore misses the mark.

Further, to the non-Sacramentans lecturing us on how we should feel about the team leaving, please, spare me.
All of that is possible. It doesn't change the fact that they've been trying to get something done in Sacramento for years now.
They have been for years. And as someone who has been watching this since Jim Thomas went to the city for a loan back before all the gray hairs showed up on my head, I've seen it all. And in my opinion there have been serious flaws and mistakes on every party that his killed each attempt. The city, county, Maloofs, numerous developers and yes even the NBA have all made moumental errors in judgement that brought us where we are today. For me, I think if done correctly now with all parties on the same page, it can work. I think jumping now would be another mistake on the Maloofs part in a few ways. It's financially risky for the team and has some major concerns that the NBA as a whole should study carefully.
Is everyone forgetting that the Maloofs were not blameless in the 2006 Q and R debacle? Certainly the city deserves its share of the blame if and when the team leaves, but saying the Maloofs and the NBA did all they could and don't have any responsibility anymore misses the mark.

Further, to the non-Sacramentans lecturing us on how we should feel about the team leaving, please, spare me.
The Maloofs have actually done some not so bright things to manage their team. Most of this they will probably admit to having botched.
1 - Not blowing up the team after Webber came back from injury and knew that he would never be the same. They went about and overpaid for role players and kept their player salary outlay too high for too long. Stated by the Maloofs in interviews.
2 - Failed to overhaul their ticket marketing department when attendance started slipping. This would also include ticket pricing. Not fixed until last season. Also sourced straight to the Maloofs.
3 - Did not try to go after smaller business sponsorships and focused only on large corporations until very recently. Despite models of success doing this in other small markets like San Antonio and Utah.
4 - Trusting John Thomas to handle the new arena and key business aspects that led to some of the above miscues on items 2 & 3.
5 - Q&R support was a total disaster from the team side. From withdrawing public support during the campaign, the Carl's Jr commercial debacle and showed a very arrogant public image during every phase of that. There was a lot to blame, but the team a pretty large role in making sure this went down in defeat. Bad enough that the NBA had to take over representing their interests. It wasn't all the Sac Bee and media's fault that went bad. They were equally responsible.

These are just a few of their mistakes. Like I said before, there is plenty of blame to go around and lots was done to provoke them by the media and local leaders. But they are not without some big fault in this.
There is rarely any middle ground in these things though. If your bf/gf leaves you, you either stay friends or hope that he/she is miserable forever and catches 9 different venereal diseases from whoever they left you for. You don't go whistling down the street with a shrug unless they never mattered to you in the first place.
"If ya loved it, ya shoulda put a ring on it" - Beyonce
I'm not angry at the OP. I just feel that, until the official announcement, people could exercise a little sensitivity to the Sacramento-based fans. I feel a little like I have relatives arguing over my assets before I'm dead.

Everybody knows there's an inheritance, but can't wait until I breathe my last breathe to tell me how happy they are I'm dying and they're just tickled pink about the good news for them.

You are right. Though I live in LA and work in the OC and would love for the Kings to play in Anaheim, we SoCal residents should be a bit more sensitive towards the Sacramento based fans. A lot of negativity that comes from the Sac fans are only out of anger. Its a sensitive subject right now and I can understand that.

I can honestly say that on more than a few occasions I had typed up a response to talk about the happiness and excitement of news updates on the Kings' possible move to Anaheim, only to erase it before I even post it. I've made some posts on the subject, but I've definitely tried to limit myself. Why? Because I know I would feel horrible to read all these posts (even non offensive ones) if I was in the shoes of Sacramento residents.
Further, to the non-Sacramentans lecturing us on how we should feel about the team leaving, please, spare me.
You should, and probably do feel, absolutely horrible and PO'd. I would be too. Sure, I only spent 4 years at college in Davis, but I've been a Kings fan for at least 15 years. I know how much it means to the city and how much the people (used to) rally around the team. It's going to be a real shame if they leave Sacramento for a lot of people.
Is everyone forgetting that the Maloofs were not blameless in the 2006 Q and R debacle? Certainly the city deserves its share of the blame if and when the team leaves, but saying the Maloofs and the NBA did all they could and don't have any responsibility anymore misses the mark.

Further, to the non-Sacramentans lecturing us on how we should feel about the team leaving, please, spare me.
I'm saying this is the spirit of unity: Get over yourself.

There, I said it.

"Sacramentans" who feel that they have sole ownership of the team need to get over themselves. I am a fan, just like you are. I support the team in many ways, financially and otherwise, just like you do. And even though I'm in Southern California, and a Kings move to the OC would be terribly convenient for me, I don't want them to move. Believe it or not, we're on the same team. You don't get a double vote just because you're a local fan. I don't get a half vote just because I'm not.

All I'm saying is that I can't understand why anyone -- Sacramento native or not -- would decide to hate the team that they have loved for years, if they decide to leave under these circumstances. While I don't think the Maloofs are free from blame, I do think they've pulled their weight over the years in trying to get a deal done. I think they've been patient, and I can understand why that patience is running out. It's not as if they're just itching to relocate; if they were, they would have done so years ago.

The "us against the world" attitude that's becoming prevalent is what I don't get. The evil Maloof Brothers perception that's spreading is unfair. I'm not trying to preach them into heaven. I just get it, and I think it's wild that so many are loosing their venom on the team and its ownership, when it's been over a decade that they've been trying to get an arena deal done. At some point, something has to give. I hope Sacramento gets their arena and keeps their team. We are on the same team.


What- Me Worry?
There is rarely any middle ground in these things though. If your bf/gf leaves you, you either stay friends or hope that he/she is miserable forever and catches 9 different venereal diseases from whoever they left you for. You don't go whistling down the street with a shrug unless they never mattered to you in the first place.
Another bf/gf analogy could be this:

My girlfriend and I love Sacramento but she was offered a job in Anaheim that pays twice as much as she is currently making and she would be closer to her family in Las Vegas. She has been trying to find a better job here in Sacramento for the last 10 or 12 years but there just doesn’t seem to be anything out there. My girlfriend says she loves me and hopes that I will move with her but needs to do this to continue to grow as a person. I hate to leave Sacramento because I’ve lived here all my life and my girlfriend and I have been going together since 1985, but I really love my girlfriend so I think I will move with her.
I'm saying this is the spirit of unity: Get over yourself.

There, I said it.

"Sacramentans" who feel that they have sole ownership of the team need to get over themselves. I am a fan, just like you are. I support the team in many ways, financially and otherwise, just like you do. And even though I'm in Southern California, and a Kings move to the OC would be terribly convenient for me, I don't want them to move. Believe it or not, we're on the same team. You don't get a double vote just because you're a local fan. I don't get a half vote just because I'm not.

All I'm saying is that I can't understand why anyone -- Sacramento native or not -- would decide to hate the team that they have loved for years, if they decide to leave under these circumstances. While I don't think the Maloofs are free from blame, I do think they've pulled their weight over the years in trying to get a deal done. I think they've been patient, and I can understand why that patience is running out. It's not as if they're just itching to relocate; if they were, they would have done so years ago.

The "us against the world" attitude that's becoming prevalent is what I don't get. The evil Maloof Brothers perception that's spreading is unfair. I'm not trying to preach them into heaven. I just get it, and I think it's wild that so many are loosing their venom on the team and its ownership, when it's been over a decade that they've been trying to get an arena deal done. At some point, something has to give. I hope Sacramento gets their arena and keeps their team. We are on the same team.
Well said. I'm a fan of the Kings for life. No matter what city they move to or what name they take on. I'd have it no other way.
I'm saying this is the spirit of unity: Get over yourself.

There, I said it.

"Sacramentans" who feel that they have sole ownership of the team need to get over themselves. I am a fan, just like you are. I support the team in many ways, financially and otherwise, just like you do. And even though I'm in Southern California, and a Kings move to the OC would be terribly convenient for me, I don't want them to move. Believe it or not, we're on the same team. You don't get a double vote just because you're a local fan. I don't get a half vote just because I'm not.

All I'm saying is that I can't understand why anyone -- Sacramento native or not -- would decide to hate the team that they have loved for years, if they decide to leave under these circumstances. While I don't think the Maloofs are free from blame, I do think they've pulled their weight over the years in trying to get a deal done. I think they've been patient, and I can understand why that patience is running out. It's not as if they're just itching to relocate; if they were, they would have done so years ago.

The "us against the world" attitude that's becoming prevalent is what I don't get. The evil Maloof Brothers perception that's spreading is unfair. I'm not trying to preach them into heaven. I just get it, and I think it's wild that so many are loosing their venom on the team and its ownership, when it's been over a decade that they've been trying to get an arena deal done. At some point, something has to give. I hope Sacramento gets their arena and keeps their team. We are on the same team.
There's no venom in my post. Just pointing out that the Maloofs are neither blameless nor the root of all evil. Same goes for the city and local leadership. And if location has nothing to do with your loyalty to the Kings, that's fine, feel free to continue to root for them. But if the Kings are part of what you identify with as a Sacramentan, what keeps you tied to the hometown after you move away, of course you aren't going to feel the same for them once that link is gone. That doesn't mean actively rooting against them, but do you really expect cold logic to dictate here? Since when does being a fan have anything to do with logic or reason? Being a passionate fan is about just that--passion.
I'm not angry at the OP. I just feel that, until the official announcement, people could exercise a little sensitivity to the Sacramento-based fans. I feel a little like I have relatives arguing over my assets before I'm dead.

Everybody knows there's an inheritance, but can't wait until I breathe my last breathe to tell me how happy they are I'm dying and they're just tickled pink about the good news for them.
And to add, I agree with everything here. I understand Superman may have thought I was siding with the angry responses to the OP given the general context of this thread, which I wasn't. I'm just adding my voice to those like kennadog here, who are simply asking the non-Sacramentans to understand and have some patience for the local fans who aren't too keen on the idea of rooting for a transplanted team.
There's no venom in my post. Just pointing out that the Maloofs are neither blameless nor the root of all evil. Same goes for the city and local leadership. And if location has nothing to do with your loyalty to the Kings, that's fine, feel free to continue to root for them. But if the Kings are part of what you identify with as a Sacramentan, what keeps you tied to the hometown after you move away, of course you aren't going to feel the same for them once that link is gone. That doesn't mean actively rooting against them, but do you really expect cold logic to dictate here? Since when does being a fan have anything to do with logic or reason? Being a passionate fan is about just that--passion.
I've said that I understand not being a fan anymore, particularly if you're primary link to the team is the city (or in some cases, the other way around). I was originally responding to posters who were saying that they'll actively hate the Kings if they move, root for them to lose every game, even root for the Lakers when they play each other. Hell hath no fury like a sports fan scorned, but does everyone really believe that the Maloofs are eager to relocate? To the contrary, I believe it's the last thing they want to do. And that's why I don't get the hatred.

I also think the acrimony toward anyone who isn't a Sacramento native and isn't/won't be mourning in sackcloth is unfair. I'm not so naive or arrogant as to believe that me posting my personal feelings is going to change anyone's mind on the topic, so if I come across as lecturing, I don't mean to. But I do have an opinion, as I have since the day I joined this board, and I'll be damned if I'm going to be handcuffed by the emotions of others. I don't think I'm being insensitive; I'm not dancing on anyone's grave. I'm just posting my opinion, which is -- perhaps surprisingly -- against the Kings moving, even to my own backyard. Not because I don't think they could make it, or even because I think the city has a right to claim ownership of the team, but because I know how much the team means to the local fans. And I only know that because of this board, because for the past nine years, every Kings fan that has expressed themselves here has shown how they feel about the team. I don't think anyone in any community is entitled to a team beyond whatever legal obligations are entered into. But it would suck, suck, suck for the Kings to leave Sacramento. And I know that.
And to add, I agree with everything here. I understand Superman may have thought I was siding with the angry responses to the OP given the general context of this thread, which I wasn't. I'm just adding my voice to those like kennadog here, who are simply asking the non-Sacramentans to understand and have some patience for the local fans who aren't too keen on the idea of rooting for a transplanted team.
Your post came across to me as "get out of here and let us vent," which I think is unfair to fans who aren't local. I misunderstood.

Still, I don't think anyone should be pressed into rooting for a transplanted team. I just don't understand the hatred.
^^^This. I don't care one bit if you can and will support the team. Makes absolutely 0 difference to me. I for one will not be a fan of the team if they bail. I'm a fan of the Sacramento Kings. They're viability in Anaheim makes no difference to me in regard to this issue.
Makes ZERO difference to me.. If the Kings leave then all I have to say is **** the Kings.
In this case how is the OP rude??????
Because he obviously registered after all this crap is going down, and he has a FREAKING ROYALS avatar..

It's like someone taking your grilfriend then giving you a call telling you he's going to take good care of her, and he will make her feel "loved"..

Who gives a crap... I don't give a crap what they do to the Kings after they are gone. They can shove them up their behind for all I care. The Kings will die to me when they leave Sac. The Kings will no longer be the Kings when they are gone. So whatever Anaheim does with them I don't care, and I don't care that they will give them support, and I will root for the Lakers to crush them.
Your post came across to me as "get out of here and let us vent," which I think is unfair to fans who aren't local. I misunderstood.

Still, I don't think anyone should be pressed into rooting for a transplanted team. I just don't understand the hatred.

Analogy time...

If the Cincinnati Bengals moved I wouldn't care.. I have been a fan of the Bengals since I was 5 years old. I will continue to be a fan wherever they moved to, if they moved... I bleed orange and black, but it wouldn't matter where they played from because I would be a fan. It would suck if they moved but I wouldn't feel the hatred for the team or Mike Brown (owner) if he left that people in Cincinnati would feel.

When the Kings came to Sacramento they formed a bond with is. We BLEED purple. As someone who has lived in Sac my whole life I can't IMAGINE what it would be like. It's a way of life here. It's OUR way of life. Fans out of city don't understand... They would be a fan regardless, but people are freaking pissed off, so don't come in here and expect us to understand. A lot of us have a right to be pssed and this "I can't understand why you are mad" talk is just pissing us off more.

It's all about the Hometown connection which a lot of the fans who don't live in Sac will never understand.
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I'm saying this is the spirit of unity: Get over yourself.

There, I said it.

"Sacramentans" who feel that they have sole ownership of the team need to get over themselves. I am a fan, just like you are. I support the team in many ways, financially and otherwise, just like you do. And even though I'm in Southern California, and a Kings move to the OC would be terribly convenient for me, I don't want them to move. Believe it or not, we're on the same team. You don't get a double vote just because you're a local fan. I don't get a half vote just because I'm not.

All I'm saying is that I can't understand why anyone -- Sacramento native or not -- would decide to hate the team that they have loved for years, if they decide to leave under these circumstances. While I don't think the Maloofs are free from blame, I do think they've pulled their weight over the years in trying to get a deal done. I think they've been patient, and I can understand why that patience is running out. It's not as if they're just itching to relocate; if they were, they would have done so years ago.

The "us against the world" attitude that's becoming prevalent is what I don't get. The evil Maloof Brothers perception that's spreading is unfair. I'm not trying to preach them into heaven. I just get it, and I think it's wild that so many are loosing their venom on the team and its ownership, when it's been over a decade that they've been trying to get an arena deal done. At some point, something has to give. I hope Sacramento gets their arena and keeps their team. We are on the same team.
Good stuff.
Because he obviously registered after all this crap is going down, and he has a FREAKING ROYALS avatar..

It's like someone taking your grilfriend then giving you a call telling you he's going to take good care of her, and he will make her feel "loved"..

Who gives a crap... I don't give a crap what they do to the Kings after they are gone. They can shove them up their behind for all I care. The Kings will die to me when they leave Sac. The Kings will no longer be the Kings when they are gone. So whatever Anaheim does with them I don't care, and I don't care that they will give them support, and I will root for the Lakers to crush them.
Rooting for the Lakers is seriously awful.

Also, I know the timing of my joining seems like I'm gung-ho for Anaheim, but I've been trying to joint his board for months and for some reason I never could. It was only recently that I sent an email to a mod and then my account worked.

I wish the Kings would stay in Sacramento. Nothing's going to change my fanhood though. I do realize why Sacramentans are so upset though. I'm not denying it at all. And I'm not trying to be rude, but last I checked this forum is called "Kingsfans.com" and is for ALL fans, not just for fans that live in Sac-town.
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Rooting for the Lakers is seriously awful.

Coming in here and doing what you are doing is awful too. I have taken enough psycology classes to know what's going on here. You and your "royals" avatar. Subtle but obvious at the same time.

BTW I was a Laker fan before the Kings moved to Sac, and I will be a Laker fan after the Kings leave Sac. I will hold more of a grudge towards the ownership of the Kings than I ever could have for the Lakers.

The Best advice I could give to someone like you.. Ex Boyfriends (Sacramento) don't like being called up by the new boyfriend (Anaheim) and told that you will take care of them and that you have a good home for them ect ect in the midst of all what's going on. Leave us alone and let us vent. All you are doing is pissing people off. No matter what your intentions were.
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Analogy time...

If the Cincinnati Bengals moved I wouldn't care.. I have been a fan of the Bengals since I was 5 years old. I will continue to be a fan wherever they moved to, if they moved... I bleed orange and black, but it wouldn't matter where they played from because I would be a fan. It would suck if they moved but I wouldn't feel the hatred for the team or Mike Brown (owner) if he left that people in Cincinnati would feel.

When the Kings came to Sacramento they formed a bond with is. We BLEED purple. As someone who has lived in Sac my whole life I can't IMAGINE what it would be like. It's a way of life here. It's OUR way of life. Fans out of city don't understand... They would be a fan regardless, but people are freaking pissed off, so don't come in here and expect us to understand. A lot of us have a right to be pssed and this "I can't understand why you are mad" talk is just pissing us off more.

It's all about the Hometown connection which a lot of the fans who don't live in Sac will never understand.
Be pissed at a game, dude. Buy tickets, go scream your head off, and try to keep the Kings in Sacramento. Don't get pissed at me because I think you're being unfair in your insistence that nothing matters except that they stay.

By your rationale, the Kings can NEVER leave because they're your team, and if they do, you'll hate them forever because they left. Doesn't matter that they need an arena, which is what the entire problem is. Just matters that you bleed purple, and how dare they move?!?!?

I understand the anger. But like I said originally, I don't know what you want them to do.

Also, it doesn't take being a hometown fan (or a fan at all) to side with a community when their team leaves. When Howard Schultz (I keep saying Herb Kohl, I mean Schultz) sold the Sonics, knowing full well that Clay Bennett was going to move them to OKC before anyone could take a breath, he did Seattle wrong. Stabbed them in the back, twisted the knife, and left them bleeding on the sidewalk. Gutless, heartless, scumbag decision, and Stern should have stopped it out of principle. I actually like the new team, with Durant and Westbrook, and I love that Durant signed an extension, and I hope they build a great team down there. I don't even fault Bennett; everyone knew what his plan was. But, taking a page out of Simmons book, I never call them anything but the Zombie Sonics, as an homage to the fans of Seattle. It's called empathy.

And I would empathize with Sac-area Kings fans if the team moves. But I don't think that makes you right as you foment hatred for a team that would just be doing what they feel is necessary -- despite obviously not wanting to -- to remain viable as an NBA team. And maybe you don't care (you obviously don't). I'm just saying that I don't get it. I think your anger would be misplaced.
Be pissed at a game, dude. Buy tickets, go scream your head off, and try to keep the Kings in Sacramento. Don't get pissed at me because I think you're being unfair in your insistence that nothing matters except that they stay.

By your rationale, the Kings can NEVER leave because they're your team, and if they do, you'll hate them forever because they left. Doesn't matter that they need an arena, which is what the entire problem is. Just matters that you bleed purple, and how dare they move?!?!?

I understand the anger. But like I said originally, I don't know what you want them to do.

Also, it doesn't take being a hometown fan (or a fan at all) to side with a community when their team leaves. When Howard Schultz (I keep saying Herb Kohl, I mean Schultz) sold the Sonics, knowing full well that Clay Bennett was going to move them to OKC before anyone could take a breath, he did Seattle wrong. Stabbed them in the back, twisted the knife, and left them bleeding on the sidewalk. Gutless, heartless, scumbag decision, and Stern should have stopped it out of principle. I actually like the new team, with Durant and Westbrook, and I love that Durant signed an extension, and I hope they build a great team down there. I don't even fault Bennett; everyone knew what his plan was. But, taking a page out of Simmons book, I never call them anything but the Zombie Sonics, as an homage to the fans of Seattle. It's called empathy.

And I would empathize with Sac-area Kings fans if the team moves. But I don't think that makes you right as you foment hatred for a team that would just be doing what they feel is necessary -- despite obviously not wanting to -- to remain viable as an NBA team. And maybe you don't care (you obviously don't). I'm just saying that I don't get it. I think your anger would be misplaced.
I have EVERY RIGHT to hate a team based on them leaving. The Kings are Sacramento's team.. You expect people to be happy they are leaving? As someone not even in Sac you don't know how people feel here except for maybe this forum and what you see on TV. It goes much much deeper than that..

Again.. The Bengal analogy. I don't expect you of all people to understand. I for one wouldn't go into a hornets nest at go-bengals.com and tell them that their team will be great in Sacramento because I want them to be here, and that I like them. That's incredibly rude to do so and it's incredibly rude for you to think you understand how each one of us feels.

Let us be pissed.. We are losing something VERY dear to all of us. Don't sit back in OC and tell us we need to understand, or that YOU understand how we feel. And I don't care about Howard Schultz. I care about the tons of Kings fans here in Sac that don't want the Kings to leave and that are pissed off at both the Maloofs, and the local govt for dragging their feet..

As for myself I had been a season ticket holder from 2003 to 2007 and my family was from 1990 to 2009.

Abd how could you say "Don't get pissed at me because I think you're being unfair in your insistence that nothing matters except that they stay."?????

How about stop arguing with the people that are pissed off and telling them they ar being unfair? WE ARE LOSING OUR TEAM.. YOU ARE NOT.

Tell you what.. When they decide to move you will never have to hear from me again. Fair enough? Until then let me vent. I'm pretty damn pissed that I threw thousands of dollars at a team that in the end turned its back on me. I have never been married (and boy am I glad) but I feel like I am going through a nasty divorce.
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Rooting for the Lakers is seriously awful.

Also, I know the timing of my joining seems like I'm gung-ho for Anaheim, but I've been trying to joint his board for months and for some reason I never could. It was only recently that I sent an email to a mod and then my account worked.

I wish the Kings would stay in Sacramento. Nothing's going to change my fanhood though. I do realize why Sacramentans are so upset though. I'm not denying it at all. And I'm not trying to be rude, but last I checked this forum is called "Kingsfans.com" and is for ALL fans, not just for fans that live in Sac-town.
Then why not be a dear and change that royals avatar. People thought the "here we stay" game jerseys were incredibly rude. If you lived in Sacramento you would have known that.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
It's just that this is happening at what seems like the first truly serious and real push to make this happen that bothers me. I know the convergence plan was well intentioned (not to mention hand picked by the team and the league) but it really felt like it never had a snow ball's chance in hell because of all the red tape that had to clear. People can talk about the jerks in the Bee comments section, etc until they are blue in the face but I believe the number one reason that KJ was elected mayor of Sacramento was because in the back of people's minds they saw an ex-NBA star as the best chance to save the team. Coming in an election year with record turnouts that says something.

I do see points like Supes has that they could have just bailed a few days ago but I think what is going on here is Sacramento is now being used to sweeten the deal from Anaheim and not the other way around. It feels like they have become Anaheim's team to lose. And that's why this is killing me. I know that in many ways this will devastate locals more than myself, as I have other entertainment options in my town. At the same time the Kings are pretty much my sole tie to my hometown. My parents are still in the area but they clearly have one foot out the door themselves as they look to retire.