Warriors owner Joe Lacob on NBA in San Jose

You can scratch off San Jose as an NBA destination because Warriors owner Joe Lacob said so.


On the rumblings about another (possibly Ellison-owned) Bay Area NBA squad:
ESS: There’s been talk of an NBA team in San Jose. How does that idea strike you?

Joe Lacob: It doesn’t strike me. We are the NBA team of the Bay Area. We’re San Francisco, we’re Oakland, we’re San Jose, put them in whatever order you want to put them in. We happen to be playing in Oakland. That’s where the arena is. But we have territorial rights. This is the NBA team for the entire Bay Area, those are our fans, they come to our games, I have friends in Monterey who come to the games. I have friends in Napa who come to the games. People in Sacramento actually who’s not in our territory (laughs)…come to the games. So, it’s an irrelevant point to me. There’s not going to be an NBA team in San Jose.

I will be attending tonight's Kings at Warriors game. Go Kings!
Is he just saying that? Because if lakers and clippers doesn't have territorial rights, how can the warriors have it..
Like many in the media and here - I think he's mixing TV broadcast territorial rights with relocation fees/bar rights. As green as he is --- very possible.

However, if Stern knows that Anaheim is option two for the Kings (probably right) ... he might have told a new buyer "Look, I don't see the Kings trying to move into your market and I'll do everything I can to push the owners to keep a 2nd team out of the Bay Area if somebody else wants to move later. And I know that's what Ellison wants to do, and I'm not going to let him get a team and push us around"

If I'd been told that, I'd be pretty sure no team was moving into my new backyard.

So he might "know" but be saying it wrong. Or he might just be saying it.