How do you feel about picking Evans?

How do you feel about us picking Tyreke Evans?

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Back to Evans..

How do you all feel about Evans against a good stable zone defense? That was one of his most glaring weaknesses is handling the PG duties against a zone defense and being able to drive and kick.

One other thing that really worries me is his poor shot mechanics. I wouldn't care how his shot looked if he made his shots, but he doesn't really have any range or a decent set shot. How will that plus a zone defense hurt him? Will he be able to get the ball to an open man?
He will have to learn how to drive and dish, or he will be more like Dwane Wade and drive and jam.
Back to Evans..

How do you all feel about Evans against a good stable zone defense? That was one of his most glaring weaknesses is handling the PG duties against a zone defense and being able to drive and kick.

One other thing that really worries me is his poor shot mechanics. I wouldn't care how his shot looked if he made his shots, but he doesn't really have any range or a decent set shot. How will that plus a zone defense hurt him? Will he be able to get the ball to an open man?
Evans against a zone D as a 19 year old rookie, a little scared. Evans with some more seasoning, not too concerned. Hard to run zones in the NBA anyway with all the good outside shooting.

The jumper is the bigger question, but it's correctable and our team seems good at improving players jumpers. Bibby, Jackson, Christie, Salmons etc. Remember we are a team of jump shooters and people who value shooting. By all accounts, Evans is a hard worker. That should give him a good opportunity to correct his shooting issues.
I remember coaches out there before every game with TAW. He was always the first out at shoot around. His shot looked great but never went in because of some weird spin he put on it.

In college when Syracuse played a zone against Memphis it was just horrible to watch. Turnover after turnover, and this is one of the games that Evans handled the PG duties for most of the game.

I sure hope he improves.


Super Moderator Emeritus
FYI - The poll is now closed as I wanted it to reflect initial reactions. I plan on starting another one in about a week after people have had some time to think about it.

Feel free to continue to the discussion.



Super Moderator Emeritus
I added your vote but couldn't add your name to the list. I'll start a new poll around mid-week so we can see if things have changed after initial reactions.



Homer Fan Since 1985
I added your vote but couldn't add your name to the list. I'll start a new poll around mid-week so we can see if things have changed after initial reactions.


I can already tell you that I have changed from pissed and very disappointed to just disappointed. Why? As someone already said, "that ship has sailed."

Now we have Evans. He is an excellent pick. In fact, he was my #2 choice, so I cannot really be too disappointed. And, when all is said and done...

I feel great. He was preferable to Rubio because Rubio is going to have trouble in the TO's department, and that is unacceptable. Evans should have been picked at #2 or #3, we got very lucky that Memphis likes to gamble. Evans is a sure thing.
I think you guys who point out Evans averaged 3.9 APG in 29 MPG at the college level fail to point out that he averaged 3.6 turnovers per game as well. A 1.08 A/TO ratio which is horrible. Hopefully Evans can cut those down.

And stop mentioning the 27-1 with Evans at point. They played 3 meaningful games during that period of time. Gonzaga, Tennessee and Mizzou. The rest of the season was filled mainly with playing a bunch of chump schools from the CUSA. As bad as the rest of the Memphis team was that year, the CUSA is about as bad as you can get for a minor league conference. They haven't sent 2 teams to the NCAA tourney in a while and don't expect to send one this year as well.

I expect Evans to get better, but I still don't expect him to play the 1 that well in the NBA. Hopefully he learns to shoot as well. You can't drive to the hole at will in the NBA unless your Lebron and Evans is no Lebron. NBA isn't CUSA as well. Evans has a lot of work to do if he wants to be great. Hopefully he has the mindset to do that. Another worry is other than Derrick Rose and Penny, most Memphis players drafted over the last 15 years have been huge flops. Please don't let Evans be the next.......

I wasn't sure about Rubio either, but I still think he's going to be a pure point in the NBA. He obviously has work to do. So does Evans. As a team we really shouldn't be that worried about winning this year or the most finished product. Let's face it the team wasn't going to win a ton of games this year anyway. I'm more worried about the peak. I'm hoping Evans peak is higher than Rubio. We don't want to pick the next Marvin Williams when we could have had the next CP3......but will have to wait years to see that.
I think you guys who point out Evans averaged 3.9 APG in 29 MPG at the college level fail to point out that he averaged 3.6 turnovers per game as well. A 1.08 A/TO ratio which is horrible. Hopefully Evans can cut those down.

And stop mentioning the 27-1 with Evans at point. They played 3 meaningful games during that period of time.
Once again I'll mention Dwyane Wade when talking about Evans as a prospect... Wade's freshman season at Marquette he averaged 3.4 assists to go with 3.0 turn overs, a 1.13 A/TO ratio. And there's no reason to stop mentioning the 27-1 Memphis went on with Evans at the point... tough competition or not that's a remarkable achievement for a guy that's never played the point before.
I think you guys who point out Evans averaged 3.9 APG in 29 MPG at the college level fail to point out that he averaged 3.6 turnovers per game as well. A 1.08 A/TO ratio which is horrible. Hopefully Evans can cut those down.
Somebody recently posted a list of college stats for several successful NBA PG's who had very similar numbers, including the A/TO ratio.
Once again I'll mention Dwyane Wade when talking about Evans as a prospect... Wade's freshman season at Marquette he averaged 3.4 assists to go with 3.0 turn overs, a 1.13 A/TO ratio. And there's no reason to stop mentioning the 27-1 Memphis went on with Evans at the point... tough competition or not that's a remarkable achievement for a guy that's never played the point before.
The problem I have with this though is just that they moved Evans from off the ball to on the ball. Of course he's going to be more effective on the ball, but it's not like he was exceptional at getting his teammates involved or anything like that, he was just more effective because he's more effective as a scorer with the ball in his hands. Just as a scorer and someone who can kick out when he's in trouble, he's definitely good enough to have that kind of impact on a defensive minded team that's not very talent offensively, at the college level. However, it's going to be different now where he's not going to be as dominant of a scorer and he has far better offensive talent around him that he has to get involved.

I'm just saying, lets put what he did into the proper context.
Once again I'll mention Dwyane Wade when talking about Evans as a prospect... Wade's freshman season at Marquette he averaged 3.4 assists to go with 3.0 turn overs, a 1.13 A/TO ratio. And there's no reason to stop mentioning the 27-1 Memphis went on with Evans at the point... tough competition or not that's a remarkable achievement for a guy that's never played the point before.


You guys just dont' realize how ****ty CUSA is--I live in Memphis, CUSA is a joke. He played PG throughout HS. This isn't that hard of a jump.

Wade played in CUSA when L-Ville, Cincy, and Memphis were part of the conference. The reason he jumped is due his great play in his what 3rd year on top of his amazing performance against Kentucky in the tourney where he had a triple double when Kentucky was the #1 overall seed in the tourney.

Here are his A/TO in the tougher games during their streak:

Missou: 4 A/5 TO
Gonzaga: 2A/2 TO
Ten: 2A/2 TO
houston: 5/4
@Houston 4/4
Maryland: 5/5
UAB: 3/9
UAB: 3/2

Before he was PG:

Gtown: 3/5
Xavier: 2/2
Cincy: 8/7

Here is his player log:

Here are some of the teams they beat during their streak:

Drexel, Cincy, N'eastern, Lamar, Marshall, UCF, Tulsa, UAB, Rice, ECU, Houston, CS-Northridge, SMU, Tulsa, So Miss, UTEP, Tulane. You guys don't realize how bad this is.

I'm not a huge Evans fan but I guess I will have to support him. I hope he does not flop, I hope he does well, but don't overplay his "acheivements;" they are what they are. You have to note the competition he's played. You can downplay Rubio, but he did play against tougher competition. Will see. I hope Evans turns into the next Rose, Wade, or whatever you want to compare him to. I really do. I just will have to wait.

I'm pretty sure we can find similar players stats from a freshman year where they either flopped or succeeded. I don't think his year at Memphis is all that telling of how well he'll do in the NBA. He obviously could be a future star and that's what we are expecting out of him. But that would have probably been true if we picked him right out of HS as well.
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Here are his A/TO in the tougher games during their streak:

Missou: 4 A/5 TO
Gonzaga: 2A/2 TO
Ten: 2A/2 TO
houston: 5/4
@Houston 4/4
Maryland: 5/5
UAB: 3/9
UAB: 3/2

Before he was PG:

Gtown: 3/5
Xavier: 2/2
Cincy: 8/7
Well, other than the 1st UAB game there, it's the same 1/1 ratio.
The problem I have with this though is just that they moved Evans from off the ball to on the ball. Of course he's going to be more effective on the ball, but it's not like he was exceptional at getting his teammates involved or anything like that, he was just more effective because he's more effective as a scorer with the ball in his hands. Just as a scorer and someone who can kick out when he's in trouble, he's definitely good enough to have that kind of impact on a defensive minded team that's not very talent offensively, at the college level. However, it's going to be different now where he's not going to be as dominant of a scorer and he has far better offensive talent around him that he has to get involved.

I'm just saying, lets put what he did into the proper context.
Yeah, he's gonna be a score first combo guard... hopefully similar to Dwyane Wade. Just remember to think Dwyane Wade when you wonder how Evans will fit in as a King... I think Wade is who the Kings had in mind when they drafted Tyreke. Not saying he'll be anywhere near the player that Dwyane is but I think the potential is there... if not then he's Rodney Stuckey. Chris Paul or Steve Nash he is not... Wade or Stuckey is the comparison.
Yeah, he's gonna be a score first combo guard... hopefully similar to Dwyane Wade. Just remember to think Dwyane Wade when you wonder how Evans will fit in as a King... I think Wade is who the Kings had in mind when they drafted Tyreke. Not saying he'll be anywhere near the player that Dwyane is but I think the potential is there... if not then he's Rodney Stuckey. Chris Paul or Steve Nash he is not... Wade or Stuckey is the comparison.
If he's the next Wade high five. If he's the next Stuckey..........we wasted a pick.
Stuckey isn't even the next Stuckey yet. He's only going into his third year in the NBA.
He's still a very average player and doubtful he'll ever be a superstar. His metrics are pretty poor. I guess he could improve heavily like some other PGs but I have a wait and see approach. He did not play very well at all as the #1 PG for Detroit this year.

Usually guards who eventually shine show atleast something their 2nd year atleast per minute. Obviously I think it was a mistake for them to trade Billups. I think Stuckey is a good bench combo guard but I don't think he's a very good #1 PG option. He needs to work on his efficiencies and his passing ability is pretty marginal. Then again his surroundsings aren't bad but not great any more with the decline of Sheed.
He's still a very average player and doubtful he'll ever be a superstar. His metrics are pretty poor. I guess he could improve heavily like some other PGs but I have a wait and see approach. He did not play very well at all as the #1 PG for Detroit this year.
He's not a natural point guard. I think it's a good comparison between him and Evans, but he has the natural ability to be a good player. Probably not a superstar, but you don't draft for superstars. There's only a sure-thing superstar in the draft once every three or four years. Everything else is a guess.

I don't care about Stuckey's metrics or his numbers. He was on an unbalanced, no-chemistry team that just traded it's most important piece for one of the biggest ball-dominating combo guards in the history of the NBA, and future cap space. I think he's going to be a good player. I just think it's pretty crazy to call anyone "the next Stuckey". He's not even had an opportunity to develop into anything himself, much less be something for someone else to be aspiring to become.

Usually guards who eventually shine show atleast something their 2nd year atleast per minute. Obviously I think it was a mistake for them to trade Billups. I think Stuckey is a good bench combo guard but I don't think he's a very good #1 PG option. He needs to work on his efficiencies and his passing ability is pretty marginal. Then again his surroundsings aren't bad but not great any more with the decline of Sheed.
His surroundings, as I mentioned before, were terrible. But I don't think it was a mistake for Billups to be traded. The team wasn't going to work the way it was comprised for very much longer. I think they may have let Billups go a year too early, but that's better than a year too late, especially with the economy and the sad shape the city of Detroit has been in for the last decade.

I don't know what's going to become of Stuckey, but I'm not ready to call him a bad pick, so I can't say whether or not Evans would be a bad pick if he winds up being Rodney Stuckey. Again, he's only played two seasons, less than 140 games, barely started 70. It's too early.