We could have got Patti Mills, but instead got...

The Sergio trade looked good at the time, but if I knew Young and Blair were gonna be there at #36 & #37, I would have NEVER said do it...

If Patti was there at #38 and the Kings picked "Jon Brockman", then I would have said you are smoking crack...

I was happy with draft - now, not so much...


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Passing on Mills surprised me too. I thought for sure he'd be a late 1st rounder. I'm very curious to see how his career progresses and see if teams were justified in letting him freefall or if it's the mistake that it appears to me to be.

As for Brockman - not that this means much - he was a more heavily regarded recruit than Hawes who was a freshman when Brockman was a sophomore. He's a cheap hardhat guy. I'm not sure he makes the roster but he's a scrapper.
You know Petrie likes 'em players who are soft and can shoot. This must mean Brockman beat Mills in the 3-pt drill. :rolleyes:

Btw, never understood the hype surrounding Mills. He's a backup at best.
Total throw away pick. I thought they got great value for the 31st getting Rodriguez along with a pick that still had a lot of good players available at, but they blew it on the pick.
even tho i think mills would have been a steal at #38, i understand passing on him since we got sergio. but there were still alot of players i would rather have than brockman like brown

Have any of you even seen brockman play? If you had you would know that the guy is a beast under the boards. Kevin Love couldn't move him while at Ucla. He does the dirty work that the Kings need. When you need a rebound he's your man. He also has good moves around the basket. He's a perfect backup to Hawes. He can play power forward or center. Blair might have been the better pick but I'm ok with Brockman.


Hall of Famer
Have any of you even seen brockman play? If you had you would know that the guy is a beast under the boards. Kevin Love couldn't move him while at Ucla. He does the dirty work that the Kings need. When you need a rebound he's your man. He also has good moves around the basket. He's a perfect backup to Hawes. He can play power forward or center. Blair might have been the better pick but I'm ok with Brockman.
He'd actually be a good guy to put on Love when we play those guys.
I kinda think Petrie would have taken Brockman at 31, but moved down, picked up Sergio AND got Paul Allen to pay for it all to boot.

Brockman looks like DeJuan Blair without the knee injuries to me.

If he's not the toughest NBA player in the league in 3 years, then he'll be top 3. That guy is a ROCK. I think he'll be a fan favorite, much like Michael Smith was years ago...but I think he'll have better offensive capabilities and will be a STUD 3-4th BIG man off the bench.

He complements Hawes and Thompson so well, it's not even funny.

When Blair's knees fall off in 3 years, you'll be glad we got Brockman!
I kinda think Petrie would have taken Brockman at 31, but moved down, picked up Sergio AND got Paul Allen to pay for it all to boot.

Brockman looks like DeJuan Blair without the knee injuries to me.

If he's not the toughest NBA player in the league in 3 years, then he'll be top 3. That guy is a ROCK. I think he'll be a fan favorite, much like Michael Smith was years ago...but I think he'll have better offensive capabilities and will be a STUD 3-4th BIG man off the bench.

He complements Hawes and Thompson so well, it's not even funny.

When Blair's knees fall off in 3 years, you'll be glad we got Brockman!
Wow. You really haven't seen big Jon play much, have you. Brockman and Blair both rebound well and are strong. That's about the extent of their similarities. Blair has better wingspan, speed, athleticism, timing and potential. Jon has no offensive game outside of putbacks and garbage points. His defensive deficiencies are extreme so he's actually an awful complimentary player to our current bigs. He's a really hard worker and is tough as nails but so's my mechanic.

And finally, being a STUD 4th big off the bench means you play about 5 games/season. Not worth the trade-off between some of the other guys with high potential left when we picked him.