Trades! Get On It Petrie!

Ok im so sick of this franchise right now. And how it is being ran.

We need to make some moves now. What the hell are we waiting for... Salmons to get an injury??? and loose all his value?? TRADE SALMONS NOW.
TRADE MILLER NOW. Waive or exterminate Mikki Moore i dont care what you do with him. Hawes Thompson Garcia should all be starting with Greene and Brown getting consistent minutes off the bench.

I dont want to have to start a fire Geoff Petrie thread but this is getting ridiculous. MAKE SOME MOVES. I STILL TRUST YOU Geoff BUT IM STARTING TO LOOSE IT SLOWLY.
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I must say that I agree with this.
I am a fan of tanking, even though that may not be the most ethical thing to do. But its not really tanking when we are trying to win. Therefore, instead of benching out best players (Salmons, Miller), we need to trade them RIGHT NOW!
We don't need the extra 5-6 wins that they will get us by the end of the season to drop 3-4 spots in our draft standings, let alone the 30+ minutes they will take from our youngins.
Lets face it, we will have 2-3 years of top 5 picks before we should even try to make the playoffs in the 4th unless we somehow sign a big UFA.
Hell, if we can trade Beno too, I would be thrilled.
Having said that, it seems like the trade rumours for the Kings have been dying down lately......something I am not thrilled about, at all.
Hell, I would even trade Garcia if it helped facilitate any trades for us.
Only one I consider untradeable is Martin, not because he is a superstar, but because we won't get anyone better for him.

And he's my favorite player :) (Now that Artest is gone)
Hell, I would even trade Garcia if it helped facilitate any trades for us.
Only one I consider untradeable is Martin, not because he is a superstar, but because we won't get anyone better for him.

And he's my favorite player :) (Now that Artest is gone)
I'd trade Martin in a minute for a top 4 or 5 draft pick if I thought we could be certain to get Harden and either Thabeet or Holiday. Heck, I'd throw in Salmon's, Houston's 1st and next years first if I thought we could get all 3.
Alright this will certainly said at some point, so I may as well say it now...

Just because there's nothing happening to this team on the trade front doesn't mean Petrie isn't TRYING to make something happen. I want to see some moves being made as well, but I don't want Petrie to trade just for the sake of trading. We'd have to put him in the same category as McHale if that becomes the case
dude im tired of this situation right now!
Its amazing how fans go off half cocked! Tired of losing but would trade our most productive players. How the hell does that add up?! :confused:

The last thing that needs to be done now is to go off half cocked and make panic moves. Sure by all means trade Miller and Salmons and anyone else really for some combination kids, expiring contracts and draft picks but its not a sound solution to trade just for the sake of it.

We needed to do this a LONG LONG time ago. Now we suck and thats a good thing for us in the long run. The only thing I would complain about is that veterans are still getting too much game time (Moore in particular) and players like Thompson and Greene are not getting enough.
Yeah they need to be traded but this isn't NBAlive or something where you can demand any trade you want. If we trade them for crap fans still won't be happy, being a GM is harder than just trading minutehogging players.
My problem with executing a trade right now is the team is caught up with a culture of losing. I wouldn't want a Gerald Wallace per se to come in here and catch that bug. I'm content waiting until the trade deadline or the summer.

However, this team is very, very difficult to watch...
i agree with mac, a trade would be nice but if we trade those guys we most likely won't get any thing for them but cap fill and expiring contracts. We are not going to get a star for miller and kenny thomas. Salmones we might get young talent but not someone who is gonna help right away. we are in a rebuild enjoy watching the youngins (i agree with them needing more time) as they develope and hopefully we'll be able to land a freeagent who could bring it all together. Have faith
i agree with mac, a trade would be nice but if we trade those guys we most likely won't get any thing for them but cap fill and expiring contracts. We are not going to get a star for miller and kenny thomas. Salmones we might get young talent but not someone who is gonna help right away. we are in a rebuild enjoy watching the youngins (i agree with them needing more time) as they develope and hopefully we'll be able to land a freeagent who could bring it all together. Have faith

Salmons Value is not going to go up anymore then what it is at right now.. If we WAIT to trade Salmons and Martin comes back.. Salmons numbers will obviously go down because he wont be the go to guy. Then we will see his value slowly start to slip. We bought Salmons cheap its time to sell him while hes high. Hes a great player, prolly the best on our team all around but we need to do whats right for us.
Why is everyone in such a hurry to trade Salmons?

These are a list of players that play the GF position and score the about same as John. Note the 09/10 Salary and the shooting %.

John Salmons $5.40 20.0 pts/g , 49.9 %

Danny Granger $9 , 24.5 pts/g , 45.2 %
Kevin Durant $4.70 , 23.7 pts/g , 46.8 %
Vince Carter $16.30 , 23.0 pts/g , 45.7 %
Paul Pierce $19.70 , 18.3 pts/g , 42.1 %
Richard Hamilton $11.30 , 17.2 pts/g , 45.1 %

That's a bargain. Keep Salmon. Trade Miller.
Because Salmons value has never been higher and they want to get rid of him for the highest possible price he might have currently. I think we should probably hold him for awhile and focus on trading other pieces in our locker room like Miller and Beno first personally... Miller can probably be traded by himself, while you could package beno and salmons..
i agree with you on the trading him while he is hot my point is we won't get much for him hopefully a first round but most likely youngin and exp contract
Why is everyone in such a hurry to trade Salmons?

These are a list of players that play the GF position and score the about same as John. Note the 09/10 Salary and the shooting %.

John Salmons $5.40 20.0 pts/g , 49.9 %

Danny Granger $9 , 24.5 pts/g , 45.2 %
Kevin Durant $4.70 , 23.7 pts/g , 46.8 %
Vince Carter $16.30 , 23.0 pts/g , 45.7 %
Paul Pierce $19.70 , 18.3 pts/g , 42.1 %
Richard Hamilton $11.30 , 17.2 pts/g , 45.1 %

That's a bargain. Keep Salmon. Trade Miller.
You want to know the difference between salmons and those guys??? Those guys are going to score 20 ppg no matter which team they are on...Salmons on the other hand would probably only score 13-15 max on any other team where he isn't the go to guy. Another difference is that those guys can make a shot when it counts, Salmons just turns the ball over. Commence trade now.....
You want to know the difference between salmons and those guys??? Those guys are going to score 20 ppg no matter which team they are on...Salmons on the other hand would probably only score 13-15 max on any other team where he isn't the go to guy. Another difference is that those guys can make a shot when it counts, Salmons just turns the ball over. Commence trade now.....
Yup agreed. And I'd just like to add that the only 2 players on that list who average less PPG than Salmons have 2 things that Salmons doesn't have. And that's a supporting cast and a ring on their finger. And that should be all that matters
You want to know the difference between salmons and those guys??? Those guys are going to score 20 ppg no matter which team they are on...Salmons on the other hand would probably only score 13-15 max on any other team where he isn't the go to guy. Another difference is that those guys can make a shot when it counts, Salmons just turns the ball over. Commence trade now.....
You make a good point but John like those guys is targeted every night because he is our best player and still shoots 50%. He is also a better defender than a majority of those players.
You want to know the difference between salmons and those guys??? Those guys are going to score 20 ppg no matter which team they are on...Salmons on the other hand would probably only score 13-15 max on any other team where he isn't the go to guy. Another difference is that those guys can make a shot when it counts, Salmons just turns the ball over. Commence trade now.....
He also can't score or play well unless he starts, so hang it up if we ever have to bring him off the bench.
A change in this team would be a nice, belated Christmas gift. There are a number of teams that may be interested in different players... let's get something done!
You make a good point but John like those guys is targeted every night because he is our best player and still shoots 50%. He is also a better defender than a majority of those players.
But if John doesn't start then he's pretty much useless. Until John puts up these numbers on a winning team in a winning situation, I'm calling him a good player on a bad team
You want to know the difference between salmons and those guys??? Those guys are going to score 20 ppg no matter which team they are on...Salmons on the other hand would probably only score 13-15 max on any other team where he isn't the go to guy. Another difference is that those guys can make a shot when it counts, Salmons just turns the ball over. Commence trade now.....
Best point i've read on this whole thread...
I'm really hoping Miller and Salmons are gone by the deadline, we need to trade them now or we might as well just wait till their contracts run out. There will not be a better time and there will not be better packages than this year, there is no reason to believe otherwise. There has been enough smoke so far, so I'm giving Petrie the benefit of the doubt that he's going to be trading them for the right pieces.