[Party Alert]Monarchs Boardsters Meet and Greet

I'm going to toss this out in the middle of our dreaded midseason offseason break...or TDMSOS as we like to refer to it here in this forum....

I had several folks suggest having some sort of Monarchs boardsters meet and greet during this break since some of us seem to run near or into each other at ARCO or elsewhere but never get a chance to meet collectively though we talk all the time here.

I'm going to propose a couple of things, we just need to find a date that works and if folks have suggestions for a location as well, mo'better.

I'll toss out a couple of dates either before or after events MS&E plans for season ticketholders and for a gold medal women's basketball game viewing

WHEN: Sunday, August 10th OR Saturday, August 16th..Time TBD by consensus

For our championship rehash bash, the potluck seemed to work well for folks, so let's try to stick with that. Watching something fun together also seemed to be fun, let's stick with that as well.

WHAT: Viewing Party and Boardster Potluck Social

We just need suggestions on a place to gather...

WHERE: ????

If you're interested in getting together with others who frequent this forum here's what we need to do..Post here your preference of date and time, if you have a place or know of a place you think can work for a group, offer it up and let's start pulling this together..:)

And can we webcam in the non-locals so we can meet all y'all too?

If these dates don't work, and we want to try to meet up after the season ends, toss that out too and we can start planning for that (whenever the date is 'cause the Ms are going to make a deeeeeep run, no? :))

Do we have any takers?


Homer Fan Since 1985
I'm game.

1st preference: starting about 1 p.m. on Aug 10th (anytime is actually good)

2nd preference: starting anywhere from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. on Aug 16th.

Note: either day is really fine although a Sunday afternoon would be easier than a Saturday afternoon.

I don't have the space or I would host. The idea of some basketball videos is always good. If that did not work, we could picnic at Discovery Park or something like that.

It would be fun to meet some of the regulars on this forum (that I don't already know).
I would love to join everyone for a gathering this Saturday, but I work this weekend:(

I WILL make one of these gatherings someday...
I'm guessing it's the whole "weekend" thing this weekend that will screw things up for you Den-Den? Because we're going to try to gather this Sunday.

The feedback I've gotten off-thread has been that this would better fit in the early offseason or at the earliest once the season resumes. However...

If you've been fence-sitting about the 10th, send me a PM by Wednesday...we're making loose plans for a plan B gathering on Sunday, I need a final head-count before we commit to where we will meet.