Kenny Thomas did not opt out <gasp!>

it could save us about 2 or 3 million. but still over the cap so dont help as far as signing players just saves the maloofs some dough.
that 2 or 3 million isnt worth letting an asset like k9 go. in his last year, provided petrie doesnt just sit on his butt, k9's expiring would go pretty well if he is aggressive.
I think it's very likely that Kenny can be traded this offseason in a move with Artest. The trade that keeps coming up is Kenny and Ron to the Lakers for Lamar Odom. This makes sense as it sheds salary for the Kings (Lamar is an expiring contract), and gives the Lakers 2 defensive pieces to place around their offensive machine.

Sorry, I just get going and it just keeps coming:). As for Webb, when we got past our contending years, in his "quest" for a championship ya don't think he would have been unhappy? Webb clearly throughout his years was never one to be unhappy and keep it inside. He played pretty well for Det that last year, numbers-wise at least why didn't they resign him for one more?
Sorry, I just get going and it just keeps coming:). As for Webb, when we got past our contending years, in his "quest" for a championship ya don't think he would have been unhappy? Webb clearly throughout his years was never one to be unhappy and keep it inside. He played pretty well for Det that last year, numbers-wise at least why didn't they resign him for one more?
The fact that he's slowed down considerably and has almost no lift off the floor. He's also a declining veteran on a team with a lot of veteran players, so I don't blame them for not re-signing.

As for KT, I seriously have no compassion for the guy. He's overpaid for his skill set, and the fact that he whines doesn't help his stock either. I'm not surprised that he didn't opt-out, nobody out there needs/wants him.


At this stage it's probably better to not buy him out. Remember that if we buy him out we can't trade him. Right now he is very hard, if not impossible to trade, but remember in the last year of his contract that will be a pretty nice chunk of expiring change to dangle in front of a team looking for cap space should the opportunity present itself. No need to lose another very big bargaining piece.

the problem is that we cant trade him.... we could buy him out and in 2 years his contract falls off the books... if we have to wait until his final year to trade him then he should have been bought out or waived from the beginning...
Does anyone know a) when KT signed his contract and how long it was for, b) what he did, if anything, to earn it?
a) he signed a 7 year deal in 2003, b) not very much. In fact, I specifically remember at the time the Sports Guy made a joke that when Billy King made that insane offer (7 years and $50 million) Kenny and his agent were probably looking around wondering if they were being Punked.
That Webber to Philadelphia deal is one of the rare few deals that just about everyone hates which actually get even worse over time. There is absolutely nothing good that came out of that deal and it's been killing this franchise ever since and will continue to do so until 2010. The Shareef and Mikki signings were made to try and salvage what happened in that trade and pretty much all the good faith Petrie built up in building this franchise into a contender has now been erased. If Petrie ever got just one "do over" I'd have to think that would be it.

its what ive been saying for the past year. good point.
the problem is that we cant trade him.... we could buy him out and in 2 years his contract falls off the books... if we have to wait until his final year to trade him then he should have been bought out or waived from the beginning...

Buying him out now does nothing though. The Maloofs maybe save a couple million for themselves, but it doesn't affect our cap. If we buy him out for 2-3 million less then what he makes now, his FULL contract, not the buyout price, still stays on our cap. On top of all that we lose the opportunity to trade him as an expiring if we buy him out. Really the only reason to buy him out would be if we desperately needed his roster spot.


Hall of Famer
Had SAR not been injured so much we may not have made the Mikki signing. As far as KT being an expiring next year. Don't most ppl want expirings to get rid of unwanted players? Like right now we would take Rasho for KT. I am not sure if I want to get sombody elses unwanted for 2 or 3 years in place of KT's expiring next year.
As far as KT being an expiring next year. Don't most ppl want expirings to get rid of unwanted players?
Exactly. Keeping Kenny does us no good, buying him out does slight good, and trading him when he's finally expiring might not get us anything more than another payroll albatross. It's probably a no-win situation for the franchise.