Chelsea Newton Update

From Coach Boucek's practice quotes today

Q. How is Chelsea Newton doing?
A. "She’s still not back."
Q. Is it likely that she'll be able to play against the Sun on Friday?
A. "It's a head injury. She had a concussion so the symptoms have to go away. She tried to go today but some of the symptoms came back. So it's a day to day thing as to when her brain calms down."


Homer Fan Since 1985
Take the time you need, Chelsea. We want you healthy more than anything. My prayers for total recovery are with you.
the head is a very important body part ...

especially the brain ...

it needs time to heal ... as much as i want Chelsea to play asap, i would rather err on the side of caution in this case ...
Another update

Monarchs' Newton Falls, But She Gets Right Back Up...
Debbie Arrington
Sacramento Bee
June 18, 2008

Monarchs guard Chelsea Newton has taken some hard knocks in her basketball career. But she keeps bouncing back. (more)
i'm still worried about Chelsea ...

she fell again in the Connecticut game, and she didn't seem like hersefl completely, doctor clay does NOT like that ... i feel like bad is about ready to go to worse, the stakes are way too high, while the risk is way bigger than the reward ... could she wear a helmet ?

if the M's sit Chelsea and lose games, i can live with that ... but if she takes another knock on the head right away, that i would deeply, deeply regret ...


Homer Fan Since 1985
she fell again in the Connecticut game, and she didn't seem like hersefl completely, doctor clay does NOT like that ... i feel like bad is about ready to go to worse, the stakes are way too high, while the risk is way bigger than the reward ... could she wear a helmet ?

if the M's sit Chelsea and lose games, i can live with that ... but if she takes another knock on the head right away, that i would deeply, deeply regret ...

I am concerned, as well. If the doctor is concerned, Jenny should set her out and activate Allen. Chelsea spends way to much time being knocked around/down. If she plays, she only knows one speed and that is full out. Let her do some healing.