Thoughts on Pre-Season vs Seattle

First of all it is good to be back at Arco for another season of Monarchs Basketball

You can tell on the floor that the team is going through some transition. Defensively, they still hold the same principles; a lot of switching, perimeter pressure, physical down low. Offensively, this is going to be a different team. Whether it is for good or for bad remains to be seen. The team just seems to play at a faster tempo, even in the half court. There were very few shot clock violations (unlike last year). And they seem to push the ball a little better in transition. The most obvious issue this season is there is going to be a glaring, gaping hole at the center position.

Kara Lawson - What can you say. Still leader on the floor, and based on what I saw tonight, she may start at the 2 and play the bulk of the backup minutes at the point.

Aqua Franklin - Folks, I think we "potentially" have A PG of the future. Good court awareness and feel for the game. Does not play like a rookie.

Rebekkah Brunson - This is TYOB (The Year of Bekky). I am looking for another All Star season. In my opinion she was (and is capable to be on most nights)the best player on the floor. She may be the most athletic "big" in the "W".

Adrian Williams-Strong - Will start out the season starting at the "5". She still has hands of stone. But she is a veteran, that is in her spot at the right time. She plays with heart, but is that enough.

LaTangela Atkinson - You can tell she is growing up. Court Presence is much better. She will always be silky smooth. Will that translate into consistant results, remains to be seen.

Kim Smith - Seems to be more confident. But it is obvious she is 11th player at best. Still seems to lack strength. She seems to get pushed around. And missing those three free throws to shut the door did not help matters.

Laura Harper - "The Rookie". I did not follow her career at Maryland, so I was a little surprised that she is not that athletic. She seemed to struggle with the speed of the game. I hope that was just "overseas" legs. But she is physical, plays very hard, has a defensive presence and will be a solid addition to the squad. But I think she may be best served as a backup for right now (contrary to what I felt going into the game). She can play very well around the basket, but on the high post, she has much room to grow.

Chardel Allen - THE REVELATION OF THE NIGHT!!! 18 solid minutes off the bench. Has an offensive arsenal and confidence this team has not seen since, since....maybe Ruthie Bolton. Dribble drives, pull up jumper, slashing to the bucket, and is not afraid to pull the trigger. I am not saying she is going to be a star or anything, but I am being prophetic in saying that offensively she will be a breath of fresh air, SHE HAS GAME. I hope she hangs around and is a solid part of the rotation.

I. Piekarska - Was not impressed at all. Big and slow. She will be cut.


1. I was a little surprised at the reception for Yolanda Griffith. Extremely cordial, nothing special, and when the ball was tipped up, it seemed like the divorce had gone final. I think Monarch fans are trippin far more than we would like to admit.

2. We got a good look at a board favorite Kimberly Beck. Rail thin. And I am glad "Aqua Fresh" is on our side. Beck will be a back up, unless she adds some meat to her frame.

3. If Seattle think they are going to ride the backs of Hall of Famers (Griffith and Swoopes) and an overrated Swin Cash to the Finals, think again. Unless Bird and Jackson play above and beyond what they have played in the playoffs these last three years, there will only be a first round exit again. If I were a Storm fan, and I saw Swoopes down on the floor as long as she was, lifeless and motionless, it would cause me great trepidation to think that two-38 year olds is going to make a significant difference.:confused: It is all about Jackson and Bird, and Seattle will only go as far as those two players take them. And in my opinion Sue Bird the last two seasons, is not the Sue Bird of her first few years.

4. I like Geralds and Ely. Those two players will anchor the bench, everybody else is ordinary at best.

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Homer Fan Since 1985
I was not at the game, but was able to hear some of it on the radio. Thanks, PR, for your assessment. Let's hear other opinions, as well.

BTW - good (and thorough) job, PR. Thanks, again!!! :)
I agree with most of your thought PR...I'm not sure I'd be so quick to excuse I.Piekarska just yet. She's a bit slow, however she held her own aganist Yo and she was pretty tough inside. Good rebounder. I like her size & she's not shy about shooting. Decent shot.
Loved the energy of Franklin & she was solid for her first pro game.

Waiting for MBF game report...when can we expect that & George's photo's?

Just a bit demanding;)
BTW - Where was Ticha? I don't remember hearing about an injury.

Ticha has a strained right achilles tendon, so she did not suit up. Chelsea also did not play, as she has a groin pull.

PR--I have to agree with most of what you're perceptions were about the game. However, I too, am not so quick to write off "Iza" Peikarska. She DID hold her own against Yo, and for her first ever WNBA game, did not seem to be intimidated by the whole thing. She banged underneath with the best of them, and played pretty good defense underneath in a system that is not an easy one to learn (or master). Having seen her at the open practice, I know that she has a lot more in her arsenal than we saw in the game against Seattle. She is a little slow, but not so much more than either Williams-Strong or Harper were last night. Ours is a system that takes time to grow in, I think she may be a part of our future. JMO.

Charel Allen was a joy to watch--excellent movement around the basket, and good defensive pressure. I especially liked when both her and Aqua were on the floor together. A whole new speed for the Monarchs :)

Best part of last night's game--winning! We needed this win, both fans and players alike. With Yo choosing to go to Seattle, DeMya out for the season with another knee injury, Ticha and Chelsea out with injuries, and Nikki P. still playing overseas, we only had one of our starting five playing last night. And still....this young team and it's "young coach" beat a much more veteran team and their veteran coach :)

I am a tiny bit giddy...
Kecia's report is up and my photos are on the way. It was rough seeing Yo in something other than white or purple though the lens that night.

I get the feeling there's more beneath the surface that we've been allowed to know about the whole Yo to Seattle move. I saw some things from floor level that I'd rather not post here.
Kecia's report is up and my photos are on the way. It was rough seeing Yo in something other than white or purple though the lens that night.

I get the feeling there's more beneath the surface that we've been allowed to know about the whole Yo to Seattle move. I saw some things from floor level that I'd rather not post here.

Have to agree with in the stands noticed as well.
Please do share. It is just a few of us.;) I just got the feeling that fans have moved on with or from Yolanda. I don't know why that would be after 9 wonderful seasons and a WNBA Championship. Though she received a "standing ovation", I just did not get the warmth I was expecting......or maybe it was just me.


Homer Fan Since 1985
I have not moved on. I did not attend simply because I don't want to see Yo in a Seattle jersey. I exchanged my ticket to add a ticket to another game. I did that with my Jul 8th Seattle game too. I did hang on to the Sep 9th Seattle game hoping I can stand it by then. It is Fan Appreciation Day after all. :p
I guess the big one for me was after the game. You know how the players lineup and congratulate the other team as they pass by in line?

Of course, when Yo (at the end of the Seattle line) came up, most of the Monarchs gave her a hug.

Then there were those who didn't, and they didn't even make eye contact.

I wanted to take photos of those warm moments, but I was stunned.
I guess the big one for me was after the game. You know how the players lineup and congratulate the other team as they pass by in line?

Of course, when Yo (at the end of the Seattle line) came up, most of the Monarchs gave her a hug.

Then there were those who didn't, and they didn't even make eye contact.

I wanted to take photos of those warm moments, but I was stunned.
You were not alone in your awareness of the post-game player handshake line. Fans all around me were watching to see how Monarch players reacted to Yo. Stunned pretty much sums it up. There are clearly some very hard feelings there. Personally, I'm glad that this was our first game, that it is out of the way, and the players can focus on Monarch-ball with the young, athletic team we have.
A Close game

Although, I didn't see the game in person... I was lucky enough to catch it live by Play-By-Play. From what I saw at each play, the game was very close. Both teams played like it was part of their record for the regular season. I had to constantly remind myself that this was just the preseason.:D Seattle kept coming back and it was the rookie guards knocking the threes down. I thought they were gonna win but sacramento pulled it off. I'm still a Griffith but not as much I used to be not after what happend after the game when her team played us on Wednesday.:mad:
Kecia's report is up and my photos are on the way. It was rough seeing Yo in something other than white or purple though the lens that night.

I get the feeling there's more beneath the surface that we've been allowed to know about the whole Yo to Seattle move. I saw some things from floor level that I'd rather not post here.
Thanks Kecia for that game report, your the best;)
I went to slap Yo a high five after the game, I did get one, but no eye contact.
I guess she's trying to let go as well. I'm sure there are alot of hurt feelings & dissapointment from the team & fans. Time will help everyone in the long run.
I wish Yo the best. Now I'm ready to support our Monarchs !00%

I agree it was nice to get a win & a gritty perfomance from our young players.
Thanks NBH... I'm having computer issues that appear to be getting progressively worse this weekend so I'll briefly make some comments and hopefully can get back online later tonight since going the PDA route will keep me more pithy than usual ;) I noticed the handshake line as well. I wasn't actually shocked by what happened there( or didn't) for some reason. There were folks I was specifically watching to see what they did and they didn't act in a manner different from than what I figured they might have. I will get into player assessment whenever my computer stops not shaking my hand or not making eye contact. ;)
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I was not at the game, but was able to hear some of it on the radio. Thanks, PR, for your assessment. Let's hear other opinions, as well.

BTW - good (and thorough) job, PR. Thanks, again!!! :)
Thanks for the nice words. Later on in the week I am going to do a 2008 WNBA Preview. I am going to need the input of you all. I am not an expert by no means of the league, but I enjoy blogging thoughts and stimulating conversation.
Kara Lawson - solid.

Aqua Franklin – thought she had a very good game against a big lineup. I am not looking for a pg of the future quite yet, because I still don’t see her being more than the 3rd pg on the depth chart but seeing the Monarchs have a different gear to go to with her on the floor is going to be fun. Her vision was good, lobbing to people who may actually finish will make her look even more impressive.

Rebekkah Brunson - have mercy..

Adrian Williams-Strong would love for her to not drop balls altogether, she looked better than last season. Laura Harper

I would definitely cut Harper some slack, she just got to camp and is still adjusting to an 18 hour time difference.

But consider this…granted, they didn’t play against Burse and Jackson. They did play against WNBA veterans, including an Allstar and MVP, between Williams-Strong and Harper (toss Piekarska in there too)…they were a combined


- when Powell is in the lineup, one of the two Harper/AWS might be in at the 5 or Brunson may get some minutes there.

Taking Piekarska’s numbers out, the Monarchs got 13pts/9reb/3ast/2blks out of the 5 slot. That’s not a gaping hole to me. That spot just won’t be primarily (wo)manned by Walker and her numbers, but if the Ms get some production at that level from two players on a regular basis?....

LaTangela Atkinson – she should only get better. Her numbers in Israel were VERY Brunson-esque.

Kim Smith – agree she looked more confident. Her numbers were similar tho to what she produced when she got minutes. See: first regular season appearance her rookie year.

Charel Allen – some of the shots she was pulling out of her proverbial were just stupid…make up of this roster officially got extremely difficult. Frohlich might be wishing she was able to be in camp right now.

Piekarska – I thought like at the open practice she forced some things, the 3pt make alone was impressive. The more looks offensively the Monarchs can give teams, the better. And having to defend on the perimeter a 6’5” body is a different look.

Ms still need to add Penicheiro, Newton, Robinson and Powell to this bunch?


1. I was a little surprised at the reception for Yolanda Griffith. Extremely cordial, nothing special, and when the ball was tipped up, it seemed like the divorce had gone final. I think Monarch fans are trippin far more than we would like to admit. Divorce is final? It should be, she plays somewhere else and the fans have a team here to support and get excited about. I thought she got a great reception, probably less than what it would have been had this been a regular season game.

2. We got a good look at a board favorite Kimberly Beck. Rail thin. And I am glad "Aqua Fresh" is on our side. Beck will be a back up, unless she adds some meat to her frame.

Beck, until she had a flame out in the tournament this year, always had the knock that she was too thin for the W. (Which is the same scouting concern about Charel Allen as well, which is why she was available at the final pick of the 3rd round (a pick that only exists thanks to Meg Bulger…thanks Meg!). Beck is fighting for a job as Bird’s back up or else she would have been drafted higher by teams actually needing someone to battle for something more.

3. If Seattle think they are going to ride the backs of Hall of Famers (Griffith and Swoopes) and an overrated Swin Cash to the Finals, think again. Unless Bird and Jackson play above and beyond what they have played in the playoffs these last three years, there will only be a first round exit again…

Cash looked better than she’s looked in a while. Yo played nearly 30 minutes and produced well. She won’t get that many when Burse and Jackson are back, so they won’t need to ride her. They need depth and production from their bench, I still didn’t see that other than Geralds actually got to play and take shots. Would she have if Swoopes didn’t go down early? I don’t know, but I also actually don’t care. I can’t stand the Storm. ;)

4. I like Geralds and Ely. Those two players will anchor the bench, everybody else is ordinary at best. That’s probably as many benchies as the Storm can afford. They will need someone to back up Bird and that player might still be overseas.
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If one can draw any comparisions here - I think about how the Boston Celtics "loaded up" with top veterans before the NBA season and how they've faltered lately against the Atlanta Hawks (go Mike Bibby).

Having a large payroll doesn't always buy a ring in sports.
Laura Harper

I would definitely cut Harper some slack, she just got to camp and is still adjusting to an 18 hour time difference.

But consider this…granted, they didn’t play against Burse and Jackson. They did play against WNBA veterans, including an Allstar and MVP, between Williams-Strong and Harper (toss Piekarska in there too)…they were a combined

Don't get me wrong. What little I saw from Harper, I really do like. I guess I was comparing her athleticism to other athletic big players in the game such Brunson, Fowles, Snow, Burse and others. And to my revelation Harper is not as athletic in terms of running and jumping. And I have no problem whatsoever attributing that to "dead overseas legs".
I saw Harp play a lot in college. She's about as athletic as she should be given her height, size, and build. People forget that this is a big girl. She can't do what Snow does because she weights 50 pounds more than Snow.
If Harper still looks like she looked on Friday two years from now, I'd say get worried. In the interim, if she can hold her own in the paint while she figures her place in this league and on this team out by going 6pts/5rebs in her rotational minutes, be cool with that because she unathletically grabbed nearly as many boards as Brunson did in about the same amount of time on the floor.

I'll take creative one's point a little further...Harper, outside of Piekarska, is the heaviest post on this team. She is probably the heaviest post we've had since maybe Wolters...I don't think Chantelle weighs as much as Harper does now, and probably more than Chantelle weighed when she was drafted.

Harper probably is more or about as athletic as anybody her size in the league. The other issue now that her weight is on the table in the thread is whether or not they try to trim her down in the offseason. Anderson dropped 20lbs a few years ago. If Harper did the same she'd be about the same size as the other Monarchs posts and she would definitely move differently.
Thanks everyone for posting your recaps/thoughts/etc. I wasn't able to make it to the game (or listen), but this thread gave me a pretty good idea of what went down. Admittedly my enthusiasm level for the upcoming season isn't where it was in previous seasons, but some of the encouraging things in this thread have me a little more excited.

BTW, if anyone is planning any opening night festivities please let me know.