Like I said, I'll just have to disagree with you all, that's based on the way I was raised. I grew up believing that I was smarter than my parents the same way all teenagers do, but I never looked at public figures as role models. I never admired them and imitated them as people. I let my tongue hang out of my mouth on the basketball court, and I copied Tim Hardaway's crossover, but my admiration for public figures never crossed over into their personal lives.
Kids don't do what they're told all the time; in fact, during their teenage years, they rarely do what they're told. But there is a difference between breaking curfew to throw back some beers on a Friday night and looking up to knucklehead celebrities as role models. Even when kids are breaking the rules, they know the difference between right and wrong. And they can identify someone else who is doing right or wrong.
It's all about parenting. Sports stars and celebrities can't parent for you. They can't be looked at as role models. Keep Britney Spears and Paris Hilton out of your house. Teach them the difference between right and wrong, both by word and by example.
I just don't understand getting up in arms about what public figures and celebrities do, saying that they are supposed to be role models. Even people who are widely respected as honorable people aren't always all that honorable. The mayor of LA, Antonio Villaraigosa, was considered a stand-up guy, and a few months ago it came to light that he was cheating on his wife with a local news woman. You can't control or even know what these people are doing, so why do we get so shocked when we find out that they were doing something wrong, and wag our finger at them because they were supposed to be role models? You can explain to kids why so-and-so's actions are wrong, but you're wasting your time if you're going to try and call them out for their behavior. It's not going to do any good.
The saying "it takes a village to raise a child" used to be one to live by, but how often anymore can parents trust everyone around them to value the same ethics and standards that they value? How can you expect other people to believe what you believe and set an example worthy of being imitated? If you surround yourself with people who feel the same way you do, then that idea is great. But allowing your children to be influenced by public figures without tempering that influence with an even greater one of your own is sure to be detrimental. I do not subscribe to the belief that teenagers are going to do what they are going to do, and there's little that you can do about it. That's not the way I or any of my siblings were raised. We all made mistakes, but we all had to face the music because of them. Sometimes kids, and teenagers in particular, will do whatever they want to do. But a parent should be there to correct them, teach them, train them, doing so according that kid's individual needs. It might sound like I'm oversimplifying, but my point is really simple.
The only person you can count on to set a good example for your children is yourself. Beyond that, people are going to do what people are going to do. You can't control anything outside of your own household. Maybe you all don't agree with me that parents can have a say in what their kids do, where they go, who they hang out with, and that's fine. Maybe you don't respect my opinion because I don't have a teenage child yet, and that's fine. But when it comes down to it, parents are responsible for setting the barometer for their household, and being relentless in monitoring what goes on in their household. Not public figures.
I don't care what Barry Bonds does or what Lawrence Fundeburke does. I wish public figures were all good role models, and then this wouldn't be an issue. But they're not, and there's sadly nothing that I can do about that but be there to correct and redirect my daughter (and any other kids I might have) as I see them going right or going left. All I can do is preside over my household. I can't control what society does. I might not always be able to control what my kids do. But I can have a greater influence on them than Barry Bonds does, and I will.