Is everyone really looking forward to the upcoming season?

Are you looking forward to the upcoming season?

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Hello? ello..ello..ello

Kings lost talent so far in the off season. Kings won 33 games last year. Unless Theus is considerably better than Muss, this season will be not worthy of looking forward to for us Kings fans.

A dissapointed no from me.

Kinda wish I was a Celtics Fan.
This is the first off-season period that I can remember where I feel we basically have nothing to talk about. There has simply been no positive news in Kingsland for many months. It is pretty difficult getting motivated about the upcoming season.

Did Adelman make an NBA Hall of Fame manuever by getting fired and landing in Houston?
Geoff went out of his way to quit making stupid farm animal quips long enough to announce -- and he never announces ANYTHING -- that nobody was on the block. That Ron would be back. Mike was staying. Etc. It was gratutitous. Nothing had to be said at all. Meanwhile Reggie seems convinced that Brad is back. Of course given that this same GM went out of his way to opine that using your MLE every year would never get you anywhere, only to then turn around a week later and use his MLE again on an old scrub...maybe he's just completely full of it. Be a good thing actually. At this point we've reached the stage where the best hope for Geoff not being a burnout case is that he's a bald faced liar.
I still dont see how signing mike moore is this big mistake and asign of not rebuilding, his contract expires around the same time if not before kenny and brads so which is the year were looking to have alot of cap room. I can see if he was sgined to 5 years like salmons and reef but he wasnt. And he NEVER said mike bibby would be back, i think you might want to read that article again.
I'm looking forward to see Kings play. This season we know they don't have good enough players. And any kind of success would be a good sign.
last year was completely unbearable. I havent seen anything that tells me that next season will be any different. Im sure one thing we can count on is parking will go up another dollar or two.
The team seems to be in a fairly good position. It isn't great that we overpaid for Moore but we finally have some depth on the frontline which is more that we could have said last year. Personally i think this team would be much better if Artest was traded. I'm not sure i can watch another season with him hogging the ball and taking stupid shot after stupid shot. The chemistry was much better with Artest off the court than it ever was with him on it.
I love basketball in general, so yes I am looking forward to the NBA season. As for the Kings season, I'm looking forward to the trade deadline
All summer I'd been going on about how unexcited the kings would be this year with no changes to the roster, but the other day, I had an epiphone, and now I'm more excited about the kings season.

The twin ivory towers.

Slide brad over to the power forward, and let spencer and mikki play center. Reef becomes our PF backup and KT doesn't play. It might not be the 'fastest', or, even, 'middling' speed in those positions, but I'm ok with that, since its who we have.

I'm looking forward to a different, taller front line this year, and some more Kmart and Cisco.
This is the first off-season period that I can remember where I feel we basically have nothing to talk about. There has simply been no positive news in Kingsland for many months. It is pretty difficult getting motivated about the upcoming season.

Did Adelman make an NBA Hall of Fame manuever by getting fired and landing in Houston?
Ask that question again in March/April, and one more time at the end of the regular season.
So far 74% of the people that voted are looking forward to the season. Unfortunately, its hard for me to look forward to the season with excitement with the same starting 5 of:


I'm not sold on Reggie Theus as coach and I was disappointed he got the job. However, who knows, maybe he wiill surprise me. I didn't like who the Kings took as the #10 pick. The Kings have had no trades and picked up Mikki Moore. Reggie Theus wants an up and down team. Do you see either SAR or Miller running up and down the court. I don't. Maybe Bibby will be able to put last years numbers behind him and do well this year, however, his defense just sucks. I just don't see this team winning more than 20 games. Yes, I did say 20.

I was hoping the Kings could have traded Bibby, Miller, SAR, and Artest, but either there were no takers, or the Kings are just standing pat. I want the Kings to be in the playoffs. I don't want to have to wait 5 years for the Kings to make the playoffs. I remembered when I was a season ticket holder back in 1990 and the Kings sucked. I kept holding on to my tickets hoping things would change. And finally, it did. It took 8 years when the Kings signed Vlade Divac and the Kings started to be a very good team. I don't want to wait that long again for something good to happen.

I'm not looking forward at all with the upcoming season. Who wants to see Miller with the bitter beer face or KT whining because he's not in the starting lineup. Or Artest hogging the ball. Who wants to see Bibby not putting up his hands while defending a player. Its not easy looking forward to all this again.

Well, that's my 2 cents.
I don't get it. If I hated the Kings that much and didn't like any of the players, coach, or management I wouldn't watch. Of course I am looking forward to the season I am a Kings fan.

Just my 2 cents. :D
Some fans want more and are not excited about winning 20-30 games this season and seeing a crapy product on the floor. Does that clear it up for you?
Nope not really. If I dreaded basketball season I wouldn't watch. Doesn't make sense. No one pays me to watch.
I call it like I see it. And I'm glad to hear you would watch your team even if they win 25 games or less. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Being a fan, I want more. I pay for season tickets and I feel its my right to want more and even if I weren't a season ticket holder, I still want more. Never, did I say I "hate" my team as you put it. Its a depressing team. Period. Doesn't mean I "hate" my team. I'm just not happy with the moves they made and haven't made.
I call it like I see it. And I'm glad to hear you would watch your team even if they win 25 games or less. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Being a fan, I want more. I pay for season tickets and I feel its my right to want more and even if I weren't a season ticket holder, I still want more. Never, did I say I "hate" my team as you put it. Its a depressing team. Period. Doesn't mean I "hate" my team. I'm just not happy with the moves they made and haven't made.
Backup I never said I wouldn't watch the team. I watch win or lose. I said if I dreaded basketball season like others seem to I wouldn't watch. I am looking forward to NBA season because I enjoy watching the Kings. I am not all that happy with the moves they made but I will still be excited for the first day of the season to see how they perform and hope that there is progress over last year. The question is if you are looking forward to it??? If not I don't think I would go to this forum, talk about the Kings, or tune in and watch.
Backup I never said I wouldn't watch the team. I watch win or lose. I said if I dreaded basketball season like others seem to I wouldn't watch. I am looking forward to NBA season because I enjoy watching the Kings. I am not all that happy with the moves they made but I will still be excited for the first day of the season to see how they perform and hope that there is progress over last year. The question is if you are looking forward to it??? If not I don't think I would go to this forum, talk about the Kings, or tune in and watch.
Read my post again. I never said YOU wouldn't watch it. The only time I referred to YOU in my post was when I said "I'm glad to hear you would watch your team even if they win 25 games or less".

Just because I'm not looking forward to the season, doesn't mean I shouldn't come to the forum. I am a Kings fan, however, I just don't like some of the moves that have been made. Doesn't mean I stop being a fan. Its hard being patient knowing that it will take several years for the Kings to make the playoffs again, providing if they do make the playoffs in several years.
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Well, I dont think you'll have to worry about that...they're going to win around 35 games...which is even WORSE than winning 25 games, IMO.
Wow, that's a pretty high number....35 wins. The Kings won't win that many games. The Kings won 33 games last year and there is no roster improvement this year. I highly doubt 35 win season. And yes, I agree, IF the Kings win 35 games, it will make it worse.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I call it like I see it. And I'm glad to hear you would watch your team even if they win 25 games or less. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Being a fan, I want more. I pay for season tickets and I feel its my right to want more and even if I weren't a season ticket holder, I still want more. Never, did I say I "hate" my team as you put it. Its a depressing team. Period. Doesn't mean I "hate" my team. I'm just not happy with the moves they made and haven't made.
The fact you want more shouldn't mean everyone has to feel that way. Apparently the majority of people in the poll you started disagree with your assessment.

That doesn't make them or you right or wrong. It just means that not everyone is looking at the coming season with as much pre-conceived negativity as you are.

"It's a depressing team. Period." That's your opinion. It doesn't necessarily make it a fact. I think Miles and Miles made a fair comment.
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The fact you want more shouldn't mean everyone has to feel that way. Apparently the majority of people in the poll you started disagree with your assessment.

That doesn't make them or you right or wrong. It just means that not everyone is looking at the coming season with as much pre-conceived negativity as you are.

"It's a depressing team. Period." That's your opinion. It doesn't necessarily make it a fact. I think Miles and Miles made a fair comment.
I do not think Rock is jumping on Miles VF. Nor is she stating that everyone has to feel that way. She is clearly surprised at the outcome of the poll as am I and Miles stated that he did not get it. We are just attempting to help him understand where we are coming from.

Aside from just being able to watch the Kings play, there is not a whole lot to be excited about. It will be like that almost to last game against the Hornets where fans will almost be unhappy if Kings win cause everyone is just hoping for a better draft pick and future. Basically, it will be a whole season of lins and wosses - woohoo!
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The question is if you are looking forward to it??? If not I don't think I would go to this forum, talk about the Kings, or tune in and watch.
So if you were not excited about (looking forward to) the current team, you would no longer come to the sites or pay attention to the team. That makes some sense, but following that logic leads to the conclusion that most fans will be gone long before Kings make it back to the playoffs. Will you really be excited to watch the following season if this next is similar to the last? I really hope that there are enough of us that will stick around as fans regardless of our personal frustration with the current roster and/or management (OWNERSHIP).
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I do not think Rock is jumping on Miles VF. Nor is she stating that everyone has to feel that way. She is clearly surprised at the outcome of the poll as am I and Miles stated that he did not get it. We are just attempting to help him understand where we are coming from.
I really thought I was clear in my posts. I am glad one of us understand what I'm trying to say. Thank You.
The fact you want more shouldn't mean everyone has to feel that way. Apparently the majority of people in the poll you started disagree with your assessment.

That doesn't make them or you right or wrong. It just means that not everyone is looking at the coming season with as much pre-conceived negativity as you are.

"It's a depressing team. Period." That's your opinion. It doesn't necessarily make it a fact. I think Miles and Miles made a fair comment.
I NEVER once said everyone should feel the same way as I do. I just re-read the last several posts of mine and I talked in "I" tone. The post that I created were "MY" thoughts on how "I" feel on certain things.
And yes, I agree, IF the Kings win 35 games, it will make it worse.
Which is the exact reason they WILL win that many games this year...just because it WILL drive us fans that much more crazy being ultimately mediocre. Bibby had an off year last year, if he had a Mike Bibby-type of year, we probably would have won 5-7 more games...add that to the 25 wins you say we'll win this year, plus we got bigger(a little, anyways), the continued maturity of Cisco, Williams and Martin...and you have about 35 or so wins this year...unfortunately.
Not too bad when you consider it probably felt like running on pins and needles for Brad! :rolleyes:

Most people would probably have been on the floor crying like a little *****.
I don't know who you exactly refer to in "most people", but what I do know is that most NBA players are working out during the summer and trying to stay in shape. :rolleyes:
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