Tammy Faye death?

Did Tammy Faye really die? I heard she was battling cancer but didn't know it was serious. She was on Larry King the other night. A very spiritual woman, and I admire all the good she did for people needing it. There will be critics and I hope people don't get too negative, but they don't undertand how many people she touched.

God Bless You Tammy!!!!! Go Kings '07 - the Theus era has begun.


Well...she and Jim did dupe a lot of people (many of them poor) to the tune of tens of millions. That's kind of hard to forget even if she wasn't a maliciously bad person. I'm more sympathetic to her than I was to Falwell and than I will be to Jim and Pat Robertson.
Well...she and Jim did dupe a lot of people (many of them poor) to the tune of tens of millions. That's kind of hard to forget even if she wasn't a maliciously bad person. I'm more sympathetic to her than I was to Falwell and than I will be to Jim and Pat Robertson.

I think that it was more her husband than her. As odd as she was, she did a lot of good. R.I.P.
To my knowledge, Tammy was never formally charged in the PTL Club scandal. But her husband Jim and a PTL executive named Richard Dortsch were both charged and did several years in prison.

The ironic thing was, that the case probably might have gone unnoticed if it weren't for Jim's tryst with Jessica Hahn and her "hush money" payment from the church's funds.
To my knowledge, Tammy was never formally charged in the PTL Club scandal.
She wasn't indicted, but then again, Oliver North was the only one indicted in Iran/Contra, and we all know HE wasn't high enough to make those decisions... Tammy Faye knew what was going down one way or another. Not saying her dying of cancer was come-uppance, but she knew.