Sac/Bos trade idea

Sacramento Trade Breakdown Outgoing Mike Bibby
6-2 PG from Arizona
17.1 ppg, 3.2 rpg, 4.7 apg in 34.0 minutes Incoming Theo Ratliff
6-10 C from Wyoming
2.5 ppg, 3.5 rpg, 0.0 apg in 21.5 minutesGerald Green
6-8 SF from Gulf Shores Academy (HS)
10.4 ppg, 2.6 rpg, 1.0 apg in 22.0 minutesChange in team outlook: -4.2 ppg, +2.9 rpg, and -3.7 apg.

Boston Trade Breakdown Outgoing Theo Ratliff
6-10 C from Wyoming
2.5 ppg, 3.5 rpg, 0.0 apg in 21.5 minutesGerald Green
6-8 SF from Gulf Shores Academy (HS)
10.4 ppg, 2.6 rpg, 1.0 apg in 22.0 minutes Incoming Mike Bibby
6-2 PG from Arizona
17.1 ppg, 3.2 rpg, 4.7 apg in 34.0 minutesChange in team outlook: +4.2 ppg, -2.9 rpg, and +3.7 apg.

Successful ScenarioDue to Sacramento and Boston being over the cap, the 25% trade rule is invoked. Sacramento and Boston had to be no more than 125% plus $100,000 of the salary given out for the trade to be accepted, which did happen here. This trade satisfies the provisions of the Collective Bargaining Agreement.

Why each team does it?

Sac: Bibby looks like he's on his way out soon anyways and since we're rebuilding we can't afford keeping a PG who doesn't play defense. Getting Gerald Green will also give us a SF if we decide to trade Artest. Ratliff's contract expires next season and meanwhile also gives us a shotblocker which we badly need right now.

Bos: Boston is in a "win now" mode and after losing West in the seattle trade they might want to consider getting a legit PG. Bibby gives them another offense weapon.
Danny Ainge traded for Ray Allen to acquire a veteran and take the focus off the young guys while they mature as players, guys like Gerald Green; he's not going to make his roster even older by trading Green for Bibby.

Also, if we trade Bibby, it will probably be for a big guy or draft picks to pick a big guy, not a slasher/scorer that we already have (Martin/Garcia/Salmons.)


Hall of Famer
I would do in in an instant.

However, Gerald Green isn't moving...The guy is electrifying, and Im sure Ainge wants to hang on to some young talent.
I really don't see what the big deal is about Gerald Green. Sure, he can jump, but he has zero basketball IQ and looks lost on the court most of the time. He doesn't even rebound very well considering his size and athleticism. I know he's young, but still -- I don't get the hype.
I like the version of the deal as:

Kings deal:
Brad Miller
Kenny Thomas

Celtics deal:
Theo Ratliff
Sebastian Telfair
Gomes/Allen/Powe(whoever really).

I think Gomes would be the best fit actually.

Kings start their rebuild and in a hurry.

Celtics continue their commitment to winning around Paul Pierce and now Ray Allen.
I like the version of the deal as:

Kings deal:
Brad Miller
Kenny Thomas

Celtics deal:
Theo Ratliff
Sebastian Telfair
Gomes/Allen/Powe(whoever really).

I think Gomes would be the best fit actually.

Kings start their rebuild and in a hurry.

Celtics continue their commitment to winning around Paul Pierce and now Ray Allen.
smills you've done it again men for real...loved your trades on RGM ...this don perion

i like that trade alot smills
smills you've done it again men for real...loved your trades on RGM ...this don perion

i like that trade alot smills
I like that trade a lot as well, we get rid of 60 mllion dollars of contracts and completely free up our future in exchange for expirings.

Sounds great but no GM in this league would take on those two contracts - not even one as dumb as Danny Ainge. Again, think logically about it, why in the world would you take two of the worst contracts in the league??

Now back to the original idea, I think the C's would probably go for it. Veteran point guard whose play is still relatively consistent and whose contract isn't that long for an inconsistent young player and an expiring.
I can easily see the C's doing it.
Yeah, it's questionable that the Celts take on Miller's deal alone, there's no way they take on BOTH Miller and Thomas.

If anything gets done with Boston, it will probably be one of thse three, in order of likeliness:

Bibby for Ratliff/Rondo: Yes, Rondo may not be the savior, but they're actually quite high on him in Boston, and he's widely considered one of the youngins they want to keep (along with Jefferson, of course).

Brad for Ratliff/Gomes: Dumping Brad for Ratliff's expiring. We get a kid at least too, but not one of their premier ones (but what do you expect for Brad). Celts do this if they think Brad's outside game compliments Jefferson. Maybe you get Perkins instead of Gomes, but no way Green or Rondo.

Ron/KT for Ratliff/Green: Really, the only way we're moving KT is if we're packaging him with Ron, a combination of overpaid and underpaid. I'd prefer the Ron for Rose/Lee NY deal, but if that doesn't work this would be a nice plan B. But not sure about the fit of Ron in Boston with Pierce and Allen, unless they want to go small and play him at PF and Jefferson at C (then you have KT pouting from the bench). Maybe they do it with Green instead of Gomes. Not sure.
I like that trade a lot as well, we get rid of 60 mllion dollars of contracts and completely free up our future in exchange for expirings.

Sounds great but no GM in this league would take on those two contracts - not even one as dumb as Danny Ainge. Again, think logically about it, why in the world would you take two of the worst contracts in the league??

Now back to the original idea, I think the C's would probably go for it. Veteran point guard whose play is still relatively consistent and whose contract isn't that long for an inconsistent young player and an expiring.
I can easily see the C's doing it.
Thanks perez

to counter your argument I would say...WHAT exactly is Boston giving up in this deal? They just traded away a nice young player along with the #5 pick in one of the deepest drafts in a long time for a player that's 32 years old in Ray Allen. Allen/Pierce/Jefferson just isn't enough to get it done. They'll make the playoffs, but in the 5-8 range. Adding two solid vets to their frontcourt helps A LOT IMO. They've committed to winning now and Brad/Kenny are both capable of adding extra help on a perimeter oriented Celtics team. Pierce is the scorer, Allen the shooter, Brad the facilitator, Jefferson the post presence. It's actually a well-rounded line-up. Kenny can be a garbage man off the bench.

that is a lot of money, but the celts aren't seeing any daylight in salary cap for 3-4 years with the addition of Allen...why not go all out and try and win. I don't think they could get better frontcourt pieces at such a cheap price. They get the pieces to win now, without really moving any of their future pieces. They may have to pay the lux tax in 3 years when the kiddies are due up for extensions, but once Allen/Miller/Kenny expire they now have their young core as their main core in Green/Rondo/Jefferson/Perk etc.

It's a win now, win later situation for the Celtics at the cost of lux tax payments. For such a storied franchise that has been bad for so long, I think that is a price they may be willing to pay to bring back a winning tradition to Beantown.
I like the version of the deal as:

Kings deal:
Brad Miller
Kenny Thomas

Celtics deal:
Theo Ratliff
Sebastian Telfair
Gomes/Allen/Powe(whoever really).

I think Gomes would be the best fit actually.

Kings start their rebuild and in a hurry.

Celtics continue their commitment to winning around Paul Pierce and now Ray Allen.
I love yours posts Smills! ;)

You have to try to determine where teams are or where are they are heading. Boston is obviously trying to win now as evident by them going after Ray Allen and trading away there high lottery pick in the process. I could see them wanting a Bibby or Miller more then other teams because they are in a win now mode, where we are in a early rebuilding stage and could really use the expiring deals, draft picks, and young players from other teams.
The idea that the Celtics would take on Miller and Thomas for Ratliff is just ridiculous. They have offense covered with Allen, Pierce and Jefferson, they need defense. They're trying to win now, but they're not going to use their last remaining big chip on two guys who aren't going to get them anywhere. If Danny Ainge did this trade he would be lynched, and while I don't condone violence I really wouldn't be able to blame the offending parties.
Rondo's okay, not worth Bibby though.
he isnt? Bibby was a great player for us but he isnt 21, he doesnt play D like Rondo, he doesnt have the physical characteristics like long arms and athleticism that Rondo has. He makes like 5 times more than Rondo too probably. Rondo would be so worth it, its not even funny.