A 3 step proposal to rebuilding the Kings

Trade 1:

Kings deal:
Brad Miller
Vitaly Potapenko

Celtics deal:
Future 1st round pick(probably Minny's 2009 from the Wally/Ricky Davis deal)
Delonte West
Kendrick Perkins
Theo Ratliff

Trade 2:

Kings deal:
Ron Artest
Jason Hart

Knicks deal:
Quentin Richardson
Channing Frye
2008 (top 3 protected 1st rounder)

Trade 3

Kings deal:
Kenny Thomas

Nets deal:
Jeff McInnis
Bostjan Nachbar
2007 2nd round pick

Kings new roster:

C: Channing Frye, Kendrick Perkins, Theo Ratliff
PF: Shareef Abdur-Rahim, Corliss Williamson, Mo Taylor
SF: Quentin Richardson, Francisco Garcia, Bostjan Nachbar
SG: Kevin Martin, John Salmons, Quincy Douby
PG: Mike Bibby, Delonte West, Ronnie Price
waive McInnis

Regain a 2007 2nd round pick from NJ that we lost to Orlando
Extra 2008 pick from NY
Extra 2009 pick from Minny via Boston


Equates to 10-11 million off the books THIS offseason. If Bibby opts out and leaves we're covered with D. West(so we won't have to do anything desperate for a PG in FA), and we'd have 12-13 million more off the books.

Next offseason Ratliff/Nachbar come off for rougly 15 million more.

The team is still as competitive as we are now and we have young players and future assets to build with through trades and the draft.

GO KINGS. Beat the Knicks. I'll be at the game tonight! :-D
Aside from the fact that the Celts crave athleticism and wouldn't touch Brad Miller with a ten foot pole and the Nets would never take on Kenny Thomas' contract; the trades look good. But I'd be mad if we landed QRich - a oft-injured, overpaid, and undersized SF.

the only teams i really see going after bibby are the cavs and rockets. the cavs don't really seem to have the pieces that would fit, but a juwan howard and shane battier package could work (for us, but dont know if it would work for them).

as far as miller, the only team i could really see him fitting with is the raptors, maybe jose calderon and rasho nesterovic (for salary purposes). they would get a center that fits their offensive scheme well and they only lose a good backup pg.

i like that trade for artest, i think the knicks could possibly give up frye for him, but i highly doubt they're willing to give up anymore first rounders after seeing how it has completely blown up in their face recently. we have to get a high pick for artest if we plan to really rebuild through the next couple of drafts.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
I couldn't get past the Celtics deal... That's horrible for them, they'd never do it.
The Celts part is the killer. They desperately wanted and ultimately got rid of another tall jump shooting big (with a big contract) in Raef LaFrentz and I doubt they'd ever want to touch anything close to that for a long time.
Trade 1:

Kings deal:
Brad Miller
Vitaly Potapenko

Celtics deal:
Future 1st round pick(probably Minny's 2009 from the Wally/Ricky Davis deal)
Delonte West
Kendrick Perkins
Theo Ratliff

Tell me why is the world Boston would ever make this trade. I mean, I could see maybe just getting Perkins in this deal, but not him and West and a 1st round pick. We better ship them something to get high on before we make this offer to them. LOL